Phoenix7's Stock Sizzlers

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  • Phoenix7
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2011
    • 3663

    While waiting and watching BIZM is up HUGE today and an amazing 273% FOR THE MONTH WOW! Just LOOK at this baby RUN! Folks if you are not in BIZM you have missed the boat, BUT I would not jump in now .......because when the plug is pulled on this one will fall hard!

    DWCH another pick of mine awhile back is having a great day

    Oh yeah , and how about NOK which seems to be coming out of hibernation.

    On MAY 26, 2013 I told you about NROM look what happened today

    2 MORE Late Entries


    MATR Folks take note of this chart
    Notice the RSI on top of the chart as it heads up towards 50 and beyond, also note below the chart how the PPO and ADX lines almost touch and begin to spread apart......this means only one thing .....HIGHER prices are coming.

    Almost forgot EVC .....Folks this is the one to buy ....performance has been nothing short of phenomenal ! Feast your eyes on this EVC Chart EVC is a Spanish TV and Radio broadcaster with stations in the US and Mexico. With 30 Million illegals soon to be given their path to citizenship, I feel EVC should be an easy double from here from $5.88 to $12 !
    Folks DGLY was my pick on 6/16/13 LOOK what is happening today

    MATR Could be next with a HUGE breakout!, seriously the time to BUY may be NOW for MATR!

    NROM Supposedly a lousy Pizza, but they are making money , and besides after a few beers any pizza tastes good. READ this from Yahoo "
    " They make $1.5-2 mil/yr......profit..................Btw,....When your drinking beer any pizza taste good....Nrom has 3-4 franchisee's on the LV strip......Seen with my own eyes."

    Here is the NROM chart!
    Last edited by Phoenix7; 06-19-2013, 01:46 PM.


    • Phoenix7
      Senior Member
      • Nov 2011
      • 3663

      Stock Futures are all DOWN as I write , but as you know the markets can change on a dime. Perhaps wait until 12 - 1 PM or 3:30 - 4 PM to buy any stocks.
      The stocks listed below were all up yesterday and look verrrrrrrrry interesting.

      1. DVAX Folks look at this chart notice how the PPO and the ADX lines below the chart appear to be almost touching each other . WATCH as they begin to pull away form each other how DVAX should RISE! Also look how the same thing happened around March 11, 2013 when the stock was at about $1.90 and then slowly rose to about $2.60 before falling!

      2. LEE

      3. MATR Just look at this chart and see how the PPO and ADX lines are now beginning to spread apart , and how MATR is on the way UP! You can almost take that to the bank!

      4. TBT Actually Ultrashorts the 20+ Yr Treasury

      5. USEG


      • Phoenix7
        Senior Member
        • Nov 2011
        • 3663

        DRRX MY Father's Day Pick is BLASTING UP to day ......even in a lousy market! WHY? Well look at this chart, and look at the PPO and ADX lines below the chart as they begin to move apart on about June 5th ......When this phenomenon occurs it is almost guaranteed that the stock will rise. Remember this phenomenon only tells you that a stock will rise .....but how high is anyone's guess! Can you see another point on this chart where the phenomenon happened , and the stock eventually rose? Who can tell me?

        Maybe Hawkeyes can tell us LOL?


        • Phoenix7
          Senior Member
          • Nov 2011
          • 3663

          ATOS ZACKS , a noted research firm, sets a $15 Price Target on ATOS Here is link to PDF Report , which I obtained from the Web!,...001_p1436d.pdf
          The report gives all the details about ATOS.......I will be wacthing!
          Here is the ATOS Chart!
          Last edited by Phoenix7; 06-21-2013, 07:59 AM.


          • Phoenix7
            Senior Member
            • Nov 2011
            • 3663

            Folks EVC is one you might consider, I own it and I am UP about 9% in a few days. Their Spanish Radio and TV programs will be reaching an ever growing population, and that my friends is Mucho Dinero for the share holders! After a small hit yesterday the time to BUY EVC may be now! Here is the chart

            Wow Just Look at that EVC everyone and his brother must be buying EVC!

            Also look at



            Folks I told you about HWAY on June 6th .......Sometimes my picks do not run immediately , BUT patience pays off .....look here at what HWAY did today.
            Last edited by Phoenix7; 06-21-2013, 08:04 PM.


            • Phoenix7
              Senior Member
              • Nov 2011
              • 3663

              Some "COOL" new picks coming on Sunday for Monday.......Stay Tuned and have a beautiful weekend!


              • TPMIV
                • Jul 2009
                • 45

                Phoenix.......I've been reading about the PPO and ADX charts that you use. There are seven stocks that may interest you they are all traded on the NYSE and are all under $10 and seem like they fit your chart requirements. If you have time I would like your comments on them. SID ICA VVR JOF MIN RLH SR .... thanks for the help. TPMIV


                • Phoenix7
                  Senior Member
                  • Nov 2011
                  • 3663

                  Originally posted by TPMIV View Post
                  Phoenix.......I've been reading about the PPO and ADX charts that you use. There are seven stocks that may interest you they are all traded on the NYSE and are all under $10 and seem like they fit your chart requirements. If you have time I would like your comments on them. SID ICA VVR JOF MIN RLH SR .... thanks for the help. TPMIV
                  I have checked out the 7 stocks listed above , and they do appear to have PPO and ADX formation that mostly signals rising stocks. I ran them through Market Trend Signal a service I subscribe to, and I learned that SR achieved a 98 score while the lowest was SID with a 2. SR did have a reverse split , and experience dictates that many of those stocks fall badly in the coming months.
                  Since the markets have been so precarious , I have placed your stocks into a list which I will be watching to see what develops.
                  Thank you for the list .......there may be a winner or winners in that list!


                  • TPMIV
                    • Jul 2009
                    • 45

                    Phoenix......Thanks for the feedback....


                    • Phoenix7
                      Senior Member
                      • Nov 2011
                      • 3663

                      Stocks For The June 24th Week! Sometimes it pays to keep things simple, and with that thought in mind , here are the picks. Provided the markets don't collapse , these 4 stocks should do well for the week!

                      1 CLWR

                      2. EVC This stock actually scored a perfect 100 on my Market Signals Trend Program , and EVC has been a money maker for me!

                      3. HWAY Another great moneymaker for me

                      4. KOOL New pick haven't bought yet .......but will watch and see what happens.

                      We do have Gold Bugs here, and I know that you will find this a "Cool" way to buy gold . I had never seen this before.......IMAGINE a credit card sized rectangle of GOLD that you can break apart into 50 individual pieces , and each piece is worth the price of about 1 ounce of silver....... TRULY AMAZING........ Read about it here!
                      Last edited by Phoenix7; 06-24-2013, 08:13 AM.


                      • Phoenix7
                        Senior Member
                        • Nov 2011
                        • 3663

                        SOLD EVC, HWAY and CSII all for small profits today! Stay tuned for tomorrow .......I have some new $$$ Makers coming your way ........Good Evening and Sweet Dreams to All!


                        • Phoenix7
                          Senior Member
                          • Nov 2011
                          • 3663

                          Good Morning To All! Hope that you all have a profitable and beautiful day! I am in a rush this morning so here are the picks ......more info will be added during the day.

                          1. ATOS

                          2. ARCI

                          3. CQB

                          4. DGLY

                          5. DRRX If DRRX can go back to $1.80 you can almost DOUBLE your money!

                          6. GY

                          7. KIOR

                          8. KOOL


                          • Phoenix7
                            Senior Member
                            • Nov 2011
                            • 3663

                            DGIT Heavy INSIDER Buying on DGIT yesterday after the market close. Look what happened today to DGIT


                            • TPMIV
                              • Jul 2009
                              • 45


                              Phoenix........I found one and bought it today. It fits your chart pattern PPO and ADX and has also had lots of insider buying.....SNTA... The pattern reminds me of VOCS, which I still own up 17.8% as of today.


                              • Phoenix7
                                Senior Member
                                • Nov 2011
                                • 3663

                                Originally posted by TPMIV View Post
                                Phoenix........I found one and bought it today. It fits your chart pattern PPO and ADX and has also had lots of insider buying.....SNTA... The pattern reminds me of VOCS, which I still own up 17.8% as of today.
                                TPMIV You are one Lucky Bast*** LOL I just received word , that SNTA'S Director Bruce Kovner , a 10% owner just bought 250,000 shares at today's close price of $4.39. Something is probably going down......If the markets hold, tomorrow should be a nice UP day for SNTA! Yes the chart of SNTA does have that winning PPO ADX Formation discussed in previous posts!! Good Luck......... hopefully I can still get in at a decent price! The SNTA Chart

                                TMPV Take note of DRRX and see how with a similar ADX, PPO patern how it busted out. Over time DRRX may run to $1.65 Check out the chart!

                                Bought CMCO in the late afternoon thinks CMCO should also ring the cash register ......LOOK at the chart
                                Last edited by Phoenix7; 06-25-2013, 07:50 PM.

