Phoenix7's Stock Sizzlers

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    • Jul 2009
    • 45

    Phoenix....SNTA....also had insider buying 6/4 515,000 @4.99, 6/5 756,000 @ 4.71, 6/6 739,000 @ 4.31... plus some other smaller buys during the same time. We will see where it goes.


    • Phoenix7
      Senior Member
      • Nov 2011
      • 3663

      TPMIV Here is a link to a FREE site that will give you all the insider stock buys Yes there appears to be a buying binge with SNTA Look Here

      The SNTA CHART:

      SNTA Another Chart:

      CMCO Another stock getting ready to ring the cash register!

      Folks LOOK BELOW this chart of CMCO and see the Financials will be impressed Enough to BUY CMCO
      Last edited by Phoenix7; 06-26-2013, 07:41 AM.


      • TPMIV
        • Jul 2009
        • 45


        Phoenix....Just thught I would let you know that I bought another stock today using your chart may want to check it out. I don't know what was said at there meeting yesterday at 11:30 but the stock started going up just after that. I do know they have signed a new spoke person Allisa Melino....not sure how to spell her name, she has a new show on TV that started thi week.
        Last edited by TPMIV; 06-26-2013, 01:16 PM.


        • TPMIV
          • Jul 2009
          • 45

          Phoenix........Hope you got in SNTA early today......Do you know a site that will tell you about insider buying without you asking about a particular stock?


          • Phoenix7
            Senior Member
            • Nov 2011
            • 3663

            Originally posted by TPMIV View Post
            Phoenix........Hope you got in SNTA early today......Do you know a site that will tell you about insider buying without you asking about a particular stock?
            TMPIV Thank You for your input .....missed SNTA .....oh well. I am looking at another stock.
            I am afraid I do not know of another site that does give you FREE information on insider buying.


            • Phoenix7
              Senior Member
              • Nov 2011
              • 3663

              ABIO May be worth a look .......Folks check this one out and NOTE how the PPO and ADX lines below the chart begin to separate .
              All the loss in ABIO seems to have been wrung out, and the UPSIDE could be HUGE!

              As with most Biopharmas ABIO's financials do not get Mr Maket's Seal of approval I am sure , but sometimes in life one must be willing to go for the brass ring. Folks LOOK below this chart and see that FLOAT is only 3.09 MILLION shares ........this baby should BLAST UP if markets remain strong!

              Holy Cow ABIO is up 5.28% right out of the gate .........moving up like a 4th of July sky rocket!
              Last edited by Phoenix7; 06-27-2013, 09:42 AM.


              • TPMIV
                • Jul 2009
                • 45

                Phoenix.... I found one that is your pattern with inside buying.....ACG...... I am just watching it for now.


                • Phoenix7
                  Senior Member
                  • Nov 2011
                  • 3663

                  Originally posted by TPMIV View Post
                  Phoenix.... I found one that is your pattern with inside buying.....ACG...... I am just watching it for now.
                  TP Thanx .......Here is the chart ........I am just watching also

                  I did buy ABIO this AM .........Gezzzzzzz look at that CERE Go

                  DGIT A 10% owner of shares, buys 467,000 shares on 6/24/13 AFTER HOURS for $6.49 per share ........what the hell does this guy know?

                  Look at the chart and NOTE the old PPO and ADX pattern, and how the lines almost touch on or about April 8th ........and soon after............ DGIT begins to rise!

                  SGRP Interesting ........but folks we may have missed the boat on this one .Here is the story

                  SGRP Chart:
                  Last edited by Phoenix7; 06-27-2013, 02:14 PM.


                  • Phoenix7
                    Senior Member
                    • Nov 2011
                    • 3663

                    The 4th of July will be here before you know it......and at the fireworks shows there is a point where all hell breaks lose and a plethora of fireworks are shot skyward in rapid succession. Well as a pre 4th celebration ......I will put out some screamer stocks and let them rip ........well here we go bam. bam ,bam!

                    1. ABIO

                    2. ACAD

                    3. ACCO

                    4. CMCO

                    5. CYTK

                    6. KIOR

                    7. SPAR

                    8. USAT

                    9. ZIOP

                    Folks I do hope all have a safe and happy 4th .....and that the above stocks will give you some extra cash.

                    God Bless To All !


                    • TPMIV
                      • Jul 2009
                      • 45


                      Phoenix.....I just sold 1k of my SNTA for a nice 12.2% profit in 3 days.
                      I also bought........LINE...... It split on your PPO..ADR chart about 10 days ago, I have been in and out of .....LINE.... over the years. There is also inside buying. I do like your PPO..ADR charts, THANKS again.
                      Last edited by TPMIV; 06-28-2013, 02:25 PM.


                      • Phoenix7
                        Senior Member
                        • Nov 2011
                        • 3663

                        Originally posted by TPMIV View Post
                        Phoenix.....I just sold 1k of my SNTA for a nice 12.2% profit in 3 days.
                        Smart to take the money and RUN ........have a beautiful weekend!


                        • Phoenix7
                          Senior Member
                          • Nov 2011
                          • 3663

                          The Noodles Company NDLS had its IPO on June 28th 2013, and on the 1st day Doubled in price . Those in on the IPO made out like bandits. Now I would not buy it right now , but IMHO this comapny could have rapid growth like Panera Bread Company PNRA and NDLS will be one to watch.
                          Here is a link to an article on the NDLS IPO. With a growing Asian population NDLS could be HUGE!
                          Folks many of the meals on the menu are less than 500 calories , and the items are easy on the budget. From the NDLS site a reviewer says it all, "The food outclasses fast-food places and even gives some sit-down restaurants a challenge. It also provides a decent value that easy on the wallet.
                          Dayton Business Journal ".
                          Here is a link to the menu page ,
                          Folks needless to say the place looks like a real winner? Has anyone been to a Noodles Company Restaurant and cares to comment ? I would love to hear your comments! Here is a link to some of the actual food quality The only negative I can see is the HIGH Salt content in some of the foods!

                          The NDLS AMAZING 1st day IPO chart
                          Last edited by Phoenix7; 06-30-2013, 03:43 PM.


                          • Phoenix7
                            Senior Member
                            • Nov 2011
                            • 3663

                            Doing research on some new picks .......stay tuned Tomorrow in the AM for the picks! Markets have been rough , and picking any stock is not easy , but I will give it the old college try!


                            • Phoenix7
                              Senior Member
                              • Nov 2011
                              • 3663

                              Folks I know the stock market was rough last week, but THIS WEEK promises to be better. Stock futures along with Gold and Silver are all UP!
                              Some pundits are saying that the final half of the year could be SUPER for one really knows except the Great Karnak!
                              Oh well enough of the bar room B.S. , and onto the picks!

                              1. ARCP American Realty Capital Properties. Folks can you believe ARCP has a 600% revenue increase for the year , with all its properties leased to super star tenants like Walgreens , Advance Auto and CVS among others. ARCP is acquiring new properties , and rents and revenues will soon be rolling in . Get this its properties are a staggering 100% OCCUPIED! Chart 2

                              2. GGS A more speculative pick A break above $4.72 could mean we are ready to roll Chart 2

                              3. JKS Solar

                              4. PAAS A Silver miner.....Silver and Gold both have taken HUGE beat downs .....perhaps now is like the Phoenix when they spring up from the ashes.
                     Chart 2
                              Folks while we wait for PAAS to rise , we can sit back and collect a 4.3% Dividend!
                              Last edited by Phoenix7; 07-01-2013, 08:08 AM.


                              • Phoenix7
                                Senior Member
                                • Nov 2011
                                • 3663

                                Continuing the Stock Hit Parade!

                                Some of my picks go on to be HUGE winners and others just seem to fizzle out. Folks that is just the stock market doing opposite of what you think it should do!
                                Oh well looking to our next group of HITS ....Here we go!

                                1. ANF INsider BUYING After Hours may cause ANF to RISE

                                Abercrombie Fitch Co
                                Stapleton Craig R
                                Purchased at $44.01

                                2. BITA Folks LOOK at the RSI on the top of the chart ......looks as if BITA wants to rise back up to 70

                                3. LGND Folks movement of LGND has been "INSANE" Look here

                                4. LSG If Gold Goes so does LSG Folks what we have in LSG is a 34 Cent primariiy silver miner with a HUGE Potential which is contingent on the rising price of gold! Look Here at this Chart note below the graph how the PPO and ADX lines begin to separate on RISING VOLUME That usually means Money In The Old Banco Popular ""IF" Gold contiues to rise higher.

                                5. SNTA AN old favorite, yesterday had some serious INSIDER buying
                                Synta Pharmaceuticals Corp
                                Kovner Bruce
                                Director, 10% Owner
                                Purchased at $4.71

                                MOBI ( LATE ADDITION) Look how MOBI Cut through resistance at about $3.44 and is PUNCHING Higher!
                                From A Yahoo Poster some MOBI Facts: SKY-MOBI Achievements
                                • Over 2 billion cumulative APPs download
                                • Iterative users comprise 70% of daily users activity
                                • The Number one mobile gaming revenue in China
                                • The Highest peak concurrent users in online mobile games in China
                                • China's largest mobile music distribution platform
                                • Established the first mobile user interface lab in China
                                • Excellent customer servers awarded as Asia's best call center IC
                                Last edited by Phoenix7; 07-02-2013, 09:11 AM.

