Let's run a friendly little contest in 2012 that can also help our slightly shrunken portfolios for the new year.
The simple rules:
Name 2 stocks that pay at least a 3.5% dividend and will appreciate at least 11% from opening price of 2012.*
As an added bonus you can enter anytime before market open Jan 9th.
If dividend is lowered during 2012 the stock is eliminated. (if lowered<3.5)
To help keep the national debt in check, 1st prize will be a gold star (paper), 2nd prize silver star, etc.
No duplicate entries first posted gets the pick.
I'm going to research now. Price for splitters will be adjusted accordingly.
* if you are entering a stock between Jan. 3rd and Jan 9th the div. must be at least 3.5% when entered (early year price increases could effect div)
As long as the div. is 3.5% or above when posted you'll be safe all year unless company officially lowers it.
The simple rules:
Name 2 stocks that pay at least a 3.5% dividend and will appreciate at least 11% from opening price of 2012.*
As an added bonus you can enter anytime before market open Jan 9th.
If dividend is lowered during 2012 the stock is eliminated. (if lowered<3.5)
To help keep the national debt in check, 1st prize will be a gold star (paper), 2nd prize silver star, etc.
No duplicate entries first posted gets the pick.
I'm going to research now. Price for splitters will be adjusted accordingly.
* if you are entering a stock between Jan. 3rd and Jan 9th the div. must be at least 3.5% when entered (early year price increases could effect div)
As long as the div. is 3.5% or above when posted you'll be safe all year unless company officially lowers it.