Twenty Thirteen Two Baggers

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  • noshadyldy
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2003
    • 539

    Originally posted by mimo_100 View Post
    I tried to find a price on these warrants. At this price, the warrants act like a option, having a certain intrinsic value. I am not sure how to analyse this. If the warrants were exercised, the company would use existing treasury stock to meet the exercise, and would also receive, as noted, $24 million.

    I am not sure what effect this would have on the price of the stock, do you?
    I might be describing it wrong. What this is is an agreement with investors to buy millions of shares at 80cents. The dilution will cause it to crash like it did before. Last summer (?) Seeking alpha pumped it like mad right before the first set of those warrants were exercised. Take a look at the chart. It went from over $10 to under $2.00. The second wave of warrants are very soon to be available for use. I am out of this until the dust settles.
    "Whatever you can do or dream you can , begin it. Boldness has genius,power and magic in it." Goethe


    • riverbabe
      Senior Member
      • May 2005
      • 3373

      More on SA

      Originally posted by riverbabe View Post
      FWIW: There are both bashers and boosters on Seeking Alpha. It doesn't take long to distinguish between them and the true blue intelligencia who tell it like it is and are proven to be trustworthy. 'Ya just gotta read between the lines (and the bios) for the possible ulterior motives. I have a healthy skepticism of it all, but find it helpful anyway. Especially read the Comments on the articles and all becomes quite clear quite quickly.
      The latest SA post on VRNG by "Modernist" who is a VRNG basher, has the most honest "Additional Disclosure" I have ever beheld! (Buyer beware) "Additional disclosure: The disclosures made are minimal and readers should assume writers have conflicts of some sort." WOW


      • billyjoe
        Senior Member
        • Nov 2003
        • 9014

        River, Do you know how they screen the bloggers? Some of these people are dangerous.



        • riverbabe
          Senior Member
          • May 2005
          • 3373

          Originally posted by billyjoe View Post
          River, Do you know how they screen the bloggers? Some of these people are dangerous.

          There are some guidelines. I posted a comment there once and it had to be screened by the editors prior to appearing. A few pages of "rules": Sounds pretty loose to me.


          • mimo_100
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2003
            • 1784

            shadylady still in the lead, her GRPN advancing fast

            largest moves down from 1/27 - CORT, DDD, MTLK**
            largest moves up from 1/27 - ZIOP (stocks54), GRPN (noshadyldy)

            I will adjust the price for DDD 3 for 2 split next week.

             player       	stock	  long/	begin		gain/
             name	       symbol	  short	price	current	loss
            noshadyldy	ONVO		3.25	4.06	0.81	24.92%
            Lucavia123	NCT		9.76	10.86	1.10	11.27%
            stocks54	P		11.02	12.11	1.09	9.89%
                  mimo	VG		2.42	2.62	0.20	8.26%
            noshadyldy	GRPN		5.35	5.72	0.37	6.92%
            Lucavia123	STSA		20.74	22.09	1.35	6.51%
            stocks54	ZIOP		4.49	4.5	0.01	0.22%
               Louetta	ATEC*		1.72	1.72	0.00	0.00%
                  mimo	SIRI		3.16	3.05	-0.11	-3.48%
                 River	AMRN		8.62	8.24	-0.38	-4.41%
              Phoenix7	DDD		40.23	37.97	-2.26	-5.62%
              Phoenix7	AEZS		2.74	2.58	-0.16	-5.84%
                 River	VRNG		3.44	3.2	-0.24	-6.98%
              mrmarket	MTLK**		0.99	0.92	-0.07	-7.07%
               Louetta	CORT		1.97	1.81	-0.16	-8.12%
              mrmarket	HOV		6.40	5.45	-0.95	-14.84%
                 billy	SHLD	SHORT	40.95	47.19	-6.24	-15.24%
               Louetta	ATRS		4.25	3.46	-0.79	-18.59%
                 billy	ELLI		25.72	19.53	-6.19	-24.07%

            *Conditional pick - I kept it around just for fun
            **Rule Violation - I kept it around just for fun
            Last edited by mimo_100; 02-26-2013, 09:58 AM.
            Tim - Retired Problem Solver


            • mimo_100
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2003
              • 1784

              I updated the prices on DDD for the 3 for 2 split.
              Tim - Retired Problem Solver


              • mimo_100
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2003
                • 1784

                stocks54 takes over the lead and the basement- louetta's ATEC "conditional" is a winner. DDD 3D printing definitely out of favor now.

                 player       	stock	  long/	begin		gain/
                 name	       symbol	  short	price	current	loss
                  stocks54	P		11.02	14.16	3.14	28.49%
                   Louetta	ATEC*		1.72	2.11	0.39	22.67%
                      mimo	VG		2.42	2.89	0.47	19.42%
                Lucavia123	NCT		9.76	11.17	1.41	14.45%
                noshadyldy	GRPN		5.35	6.12	0.77	14.39%
                noshadyldy	ONVO		3.25	3.68	0.43	13.23%
                Lucavia123	STSA		20.74	21.69	0.95	4.58%
                   Louetta	CORT		1.97	2	0.03	1.52%
                      mimo	SIRI		3.16	3.08	-0.08	-2.53%
                     billy	ELLI		25.72	24.05	-1.67	-6.49%
                     River	VRNG		3.44	3.17	-0.27	-7.85%
                  mrmarket	HOV		6.40	5.77	-0.63	-9.84%
                     River	AMRN		8.62	7.41	-1.21	-14.04%
                   Louetta	ATRS		4.25	3.58	-0.67	-15.76%
                  mrmarket	MTLK**		0.99	0.82	-0.17	-17.17%
                     billy	SHLD	SHORT	40.95	49.97	-9.02	-22.03%
                  Phoenix7	AEZS		2.74	1.88	-0.86	-31.39%
                  Phoenix7	DDD		60.35	32.24	-28.11	-46.58%
                  stocks54	ZIOP		4.49	1.83	-2.66	-59.24%

                *Conditional pick - I kept it around just for fun
                **Rule Violation - I kept it around just for fun
                Tim - Retired Problem Solver


                • mimo_100
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2003
                  • 1784

                  As of the market close 5/1/2013.

                  noshadyldy takes over the lead. Two in the top 5 - WOW!

                   player       	stock	  long/	begin		gain/
                   name	       symbol	  short	price	current	loss
                  noshadyldy	ONVO		3.25	4.35	1.1	33.85%
                  stocks54	P		11.02	14.25	3.23	29.31%
                        mimo	VG		2.5	2.92	0.42	16.80%
                  Lucavia123	NCT		9.76	11.25	1.49	15.27%
                  noshadyldy	GRPN		5.19	5.98	0.79	15.22%
                        mimo	SIRI		3.16	3.355	0.195	6.17%
                     Louetta	ATEC*		1.72	1.79	0.07	4.07%
                  Lucavia123	STSA		20.98	20.89	-0.09	-0.43%
                       billy	ELLI		25.26	23.8	-1.46	-5.78%
                    Phoenix7	DDD		40.23	37.67	-2.56	-6.36%
                     Louetta	CORT		1.9	1.7	-0.2	-10.53%
                       River	VRNG		3.34	2.93	-0.41	-12.28%
                       River	AMRN		8.37	7.2	-1.17	-13.98%
                     Louetta	ATRS		4.29	3.65	-0.64	-14.92%
                    mrmarket	HOV		6.49	5.35	-1.14	-17.57%
                    mrmarket	MTLK**		0.99	0.8101	-0.1799	-18.17%
                       billy	SHLD	SHORT	41.301	50.04	-8.739	-21.16%
                    Phoenix7	AEZS		2.57	1.79	-0.78	-30.35%
                  stocks54	ZIOP		4.49	1.6	-2.89	-64.37%

                  *Conditional pick - I kept it around just for fun
                  **Rule Violation - I kept it around just for fun
                  Tim - Retired Problem Solver


                  • Louetta
                    Senior Member
                    • Oct 2003
                    • 2331

                    Originally posted by mimo_100 View Post
                    As of the market close 5/1/2013.

                    noshadyldy takes over the lead. Two in the top 5 - WOW!

                     player           stock      long/    begin        gain/
                     name           symbol      short    price    current    loss
                    noshadyldy    ONVO        3.25    4.35    1.1    33.85%
                    stocks54    P        11.02    14.25    3.23    29.31%
                          mimo    VG        2.5    2.92    0.42    16.80%
                    Lucavia123    NCT        9.76    11.25    1.49    15.27%
                    noshadyldy    GRPN        5.19    5.98    0.79    15.22%
                          mimo    SIRI        3.16    3.355    0.195    6.17%
                       Louetta    ATEC*        1.72    1.79    0.07    4.07%
                    Lucavia123    STSA        20.98    20.89    -0.09    -0.43%
                         billy    ELLI        25.26    23.8    -1.46    -5.78%
                      Phoenix7    DDD        40.23    37.67    -2.56    -6.36%
                       Louetta    CORT        1.9    1.7    -0.2    -10.53%
                         River    VRNG        3.34    2.93    -0.41    -12.28%
                         River    AMRN        8.37    7.2    -1.17    -13.98%
                       Louetta    ATRS        4.29    3.65    -0.64    -14.92%
                      mrmarket    HOV        6.49    5.35    -1.14    -17.57%
                      mrmarket    MTLK**        0.99    0.8101    -0.1799    -18.17%
                         billy    SHLD    SHORT    41.301    50.04    -8.739    -21.16%
                      Phoenix7    AEZS        2.57    1.79    -0.78    -30.35%
                    stocks54    ZIOP        4.49    1.6    -2.89    -64.37%

                    *Conditional pick - I kept it around just for fun
                    **Rule Violation - I kept it around just for fun
                    Thank you, Mimo, for making the effort to run the contest. I have four biotech type stocks I was interested in when we began the contest. So far CADX, the one I left out altogether, is doing the best. ATEC, my conditional pick, is next best. The two I picked for the contest are both solidly underwater. All of which confirms what I have seen before, that when it comes to comparing stocks side by side I am missing something.


                    • mimo_100
                      Senior Member
                      • Sep 2003
                      • 1784

                      Originally posted by Louetta View Post
                      Thank you, Mimo, for making the effort to run the contest. I have four biotech type stocks I was interested in when we began the contest. So far CADX, the one I left out altogether, is doing the best. ATEC, my conditional pick, is next best. The two I picked for the contest are both solidly underwater. All of which confirms what I have seen before, that when it comes to comparing stocks side by side I am missing something.
                      I believe the prices of stocks rise when there is more buying than selling. And prices go down when there is more selling. VOLUME is one big big key. So we are constantly monitoring deltas in price and volume in the past.

                      As Riverbabe has in her signature,

                      "When money flows in, the market goes up. When money flows out, the market goes down." Jesse Livermore

                      What's so interesting
                      About Jesse Livermore?
                      Time Magazine described Jesse Livermore as the most fabulous living U.S. stock trader.

                      His progress from office boy to Wall Street legend - his trading lessons - his triumphs and disasters - is probably the most fascinating of any of Wall Street's stories.

                      Some more of his guidance:

                      Don't become an involuntary investor by holding onto stocks whose price has fallen.
                      A stock is never too high to buy and never too low to short.
                      Markets are never wrong - opinions often are.
                      The highest profits are made in trades that show a profit right from the start.
                      No trading rules will deliver a profit 100 percent of the time.
                      Tim - Retired Problem Solver


                      • mimo_100
                        Senior Member
                        • Sep 2003
                        • 1784

                        As of the market close 5/31/2013.

                        stocks54 takes the lead - noshadyldy two in the top 5 - WOW!

                         player       	stock	  long/	begin		gain/
                         name	       symbol	  short	price	current	loss
                        stocks54	P		11.02	17.02	6	54.45%
                        noshadyldy	GRPN		5.19	7.69	2.5	48.17%
                        noshadyldy	ONVO		3.25	4.29	1.04	32.00%
                          Phoenix7	DDD		40.23	48.52	8.29	20.61%
                           Louetta	ATEC*		1.72	1.95	0.23	13.37%
                              mimo	SIRI		3.16	3.49	0.33	10.44%
                              mimo	VG		2.5	2.74	0.24	9.60%
                        Lucavia123	STSA		20.98	22.62	1.64	7.82%
                           Louetta	CORT		1.9	1.82	-0.08	-4.21%
                           Louetta	ATRS		4.29	4.06	-0.23	-5.36%
                          mrmarket	HOV		6.49	6.14	-0.35	-5.39%
                             River	VRNG		3.34	3.13	-0.21	-6.29%
                             billy	ELLI		25.26	22.39	-2.87	-11.36%
                          mrmarket	MTLK**		0.99	0.85	-0.14	-14.14%
                             River	AMRN		8.37	6.99	-1.38	-16.49%
                             billy	SHLD	SHORT	41.301	48.83	-7.529	-18.23%
                          Phoenix7	AEZS		2.57	2.07	-0.5	-19.46%
                        Lucavia123	NCT		9.76	5.06	-4.7	-48.16%
                        stocks54	ZIOP		4.49	2.18	-2.31	-51.45%

                        *Conditional pick - I kept it around just for fun
                        **Rule Violation - I kept it around just for fun
                        Tim - Retired Problem Solver


                        • mimo_100
                          Senior Member
                          • Sep 2003
                          • 1784

                          shadylady, Lucavia123 andstocks54 occupy 6 of top 7 spots.

                          [TABLE="width: 448"]
                          [TD="class: xl31, width: 64"][/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl31, width: 64"][/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl31, width: 64"][/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl32, width: 64"]begin price[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl33, width: 64"]current[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl34, width: 64"]gain/loss[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl34, width: 64"]% gain/loss[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl31"]noshadyldy[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl31"]ONVO[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl31"][/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl32"]3.25[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl34, align: right"]4.06[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl35, align: right"]0.81[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl36, align: right"]24.92%[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl31"]Lucavia123[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl31"]NCT[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl31"][/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl32"]9.76[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl34, align: right"]10.86[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl35, align: right"]1.10[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl36, align: right"]11.27%[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl31"]stocks54[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl31"]P[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl31"][/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl33"]11.02[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl34, align: right"]12.11[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl35, align: right"]1.09[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl36, align: right"]9.89%[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl31"]      mimo[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl31"]VG[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl31"][/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl32"]2.42[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl34, align: right"]2.62[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl35, align: right"]0.20[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl36, align: right"]8.26%[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl31"]noshadyldy[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl31"]GRPN[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl31"][/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl32"]5.35[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl34, align: right"]5.72[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl35, align: right"]0.37[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl36, align: right"]6.92%[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl31"]Lucavia123[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl31"]STSA[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl31"][/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl32"]20.74[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl34, align: right"]22.09[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl35, align: right"]1.35[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl36, align: right"]6.51%[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl31"]stocks54[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl31"]ZIOP[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl31"][/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl33"]4.49[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl34, align: right"]4.5[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl35, align: right"]0.01[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl36, align: right"]0.22%[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl31"]   Louetta[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl31"]ATEC*[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl31"][/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl32"]1.72[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl34, align: right"]1.72[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl35, align: right"]0.00[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl36, align: right"]0.00%[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl31"]      mimo[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl31"]SIRI[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl31"][/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl32"]3.16[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl34, align: right"]3.05[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl35, align: right"]-0.11[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl36, align: right"]-3.48%[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl31"]     River[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl31"]AMRN[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl31"][/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl32"]8.62[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl34, align: right"]8.24[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl35, align: right"]-0.38[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl36, align: right"]-4.41%[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl31"]  Phoenix7[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl31"]DDD[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl31"][/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl32"]60.35[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl34, align: right"]56.95[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl35, align: right"]-3.40[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl36, align: right"]-5.63%[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl31"]  Phoenix7[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl31"]AEZS[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl31"][/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl32"]2.74[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl34, align: right"]2.58[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl35, align: right"]-0.16[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl36, align: right"]-5.84%[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl31"]     River[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl31"]VRNG[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl31"][/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl32"]3.44[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl34, align: right"]3.2[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl35, align: right"]-0.24[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl36, align: right"]-6.98%[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl31"]  mrmarket[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl31"]MTLK**[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl31"][/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl37"]0.99[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl34, align: right"]0.92[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl35, align: right"]-0.07[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl36, align: right"]-7.07%[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl31"]   Louetta[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl31"]CORT[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl31"][/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl32"]1.97[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl34, align: right"]1.81[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl35, align: right"]-0.16[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl36, align: right"]-8.12%[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl31"]  mrmarket[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl31"]HOV[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl31"][/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl32"]6.40[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl34, align: right"]5.45[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl35, align: right"]-0.95[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl36, align: right"]-14.84%[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl31"]     billy[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl31"]SHLD[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl31"]SHORT[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl32"]40.95[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl34, align: right"]47.19[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl35, align: right"]-6.24[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl36, align: right"]-15.24%[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl31"]   Louetta[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl31"]ATRS[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl31"][/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl32"]4.25[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl34, align: right"]3.46[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl35, align: right"]-0.79[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl36, align: right"]-18.59%[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl31"]     billy[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl31"]ELLI[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl31"][/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl32"]25.72[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl34, align: right"]19.53[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl35, align: right"]-6.19[/TD]
                          [TD="class: xl36, align: right"]-24.07%[/TD]

                          *Conditional pick - I kept it around just for fun
                          **Rule Violation - I kept it around just for fun
                          Tim - Retired Problem Solver


                          • mimo_100
                            Senior Member
                            • Sep 2003
                            • 1784

                            Sorry I am late on this - too busy making money! Go stocks54 and noshady

                            [TABLE="width: 469"]
                            [TD="align: right"]18.35[/TD]
                            [TD="align: right"]11.02[/TD]
                            [TD="align: right"]66.52%[/TD]
                            [TD="align: right"]8.85[/TD]
                            [TD="align: right"]5.35[/TD]
                            [TD="align: right"]65.42%[/TD]
                            [TD="align: right"]5.081[/TD]
                            [TD="align: right"]3.25[/TD]
                            [TD="align: right"]56.34%[/TD]
                            [TD]      mimo[/TD]
                            [TD="align: right"]3.2297[/TD]
                            [TD="align: right"]2.42[/TD]
                            [TD="align: right"]33.46%[/TD]
                            [TD]   Louetta[/TD]
                            [TD="align: right"]2.29[/TD]
                            [TD="align: right"]1.72[/TD]
                            [TD="align: right"]33.14%[/TD]
                            [TD="align: right"]26.52[/TD]
                            [TD="align: right"]20.74[/TD]
                            [TD="align: right"]27.87%[/TD]
                            [TD]      mimo[/TD]
                            [TD="align: right"]3.74[/TD]
                            [TD="align: right"]3.16[/TD]
                            [TD="align: right"]18.35%[/TD]
                            [TD]  mrmarket[/TD]
                            [TD="align: right"]0.9[/TD]
                            [TD="align: right"]0.99[/TD]
                            [TD="align: right"]9.09%[/TD]
                            [TD]   Louetta[/TD]
                            [TD="align: right"]2.12[/TD]
                            [TD="align: right"]1.97[/TD]
                            [TD="align: right"]7.61%[/TD]
                            [TD]   Louetta[/TD]
                            [TD="align: right"]4.41[/TD]
                            [TD="align: right"]4.25[/TD]
                            [TD="align: right"]3.76%[/TD]
                            [TD]     billy[/TD]
                            [TD="align: right"]23.56[/TD]
                            [TD="align: right"]25.72[/TD]
                            [TD="align: right"]-8.40%[/TD]
                            [TD]     River[/TD]
                            [TD="align: right"]3.15[/TD]
                            [TD="align: right"]3.44[/TD]
                            [TD="align: right"]-8.43%[/TD]
                            [TD]     billy[/TD]
                            [TD="align: right"]45.8[/TD]
                            [TD="align: right"]40.95[/TD]
                            [TD="align: right"]-11.84%[/TD]
                            [TD]  mrmarket[/TD]
                            [TD="align: right"]5.33[/TD]
                            [TD="align: right"]6.4[/TD]
                            [TD="align: right"]-16.72%[/TD]
                            [TD]  Phoenix7[/TD]
                            [TD="align: right"]47.23[/TD]
                            [TD="align: right"]60.35[/TD]
                            [TD="align: right"]-21.74%[/TD]
                            [TD="align: right"]2.98[/TD]
                            [TD="align: right"]4.49[/TD]
                            [TD="align: right"]-33.63%[/TD]
                            [TD]     River[/TD]
                            [TD="align: right"]5.45[/TD]
                            [TD="align: right"]8.62[/TD]
                            [TD="align: right"]-36.77%[/TD]
                            [TD="align: right"]5.79[/TD]
                            [TD="align: right"]9.76[/TD]
                            [TD="align: right"]-40.68%[/TD]
                            *Conditional pick - I kept it around just for fun
                            **Rule Violation - I kept it around just for fun
                            Tim - Retired Problem Solver


                            • mimo_100
                              Senior Member
                              • Sep 2003
                              • 1784

                              noshadyldy is almost there - do you have any more picks to share?

                              [TABLE="width: 480"]
                              [TD]  PAID[/TD]
                              [TD]    NOW[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]5.19[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]10.16[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]4.97[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]95.76%[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]3.25[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]5.71[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]2.46[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]75.69%[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]11.02[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]18.42[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]-7.40[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]67.15%[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]40.23[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]51.4[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]11.17[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]27.77%[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]2.5[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]3.12[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]0.62[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]24.80%[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]20.98[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]24.2[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]3.22[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]15.35%[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]1.72[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]1.98[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]0.26[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]15.12%[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]25.26[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]29.04[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]3.78[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]14.96%[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]3.16[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]3.58[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]0.42[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]13.29%[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]4.29[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]4.4[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]0.11[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]2.56%[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]0.99[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]0.94[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]-0.05[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]-5.05%[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]3.34[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]3.13[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]-0.21[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]-6.29%[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]41.301[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]44.24[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]-2.94[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]-7.12%[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]1.9[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]1.66[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]-0.24[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]-12.63%[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]6.49[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]5.15[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]-1.34[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]-20.65%[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]8.37[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]6.3[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]-2.07[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]-24.73%[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]4.49[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]2.99[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]-1.50[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]-33.41%[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]2.57[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]1.47[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]-1.10[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]-42.80%[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]9.76[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]5.27[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]-4.49[/TD]
                              [TD="align: right"]-46.00%[/TD]

                              *Conditional pick - I kept it around just for fun
                              **Rule Violation - I kept it around just for fun
                              Tim - Retired Problem Solver


                              • mrmarket
                                • Sep 2003
                                • 5971

                                I wish I knew how to upload an excel spreadsheet onto this forum. You guys are so talented!

                                I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

                                - $$$MR. MARKET$$$

