To Your Health!

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  • Phoenix7
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2011
    • 3663


    A study published in the New England Journal Of Medicine combined data from 2 studies during a follow up study over a 20-24 year period . 27,429 DIED during that follow up period, but what they discovered was that those who ate nuts at least daily were 20% less likely to die of all causes than those eating no nuts! The reduced risk was most apparent for deaths from hearts disease 29% followed by deaths from cancer and lung disease.
    Participants ate all kinds of nuts!


    • jiesen
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2003
      • 5320

      that's just nuts.

      (what was the p value?)


      • billyjoe
        Senior Member
        • Nov 2003
        • 9014

        I haven't died in the last 20 years so there might be some truth in that study. Peanuts, cashews, filberts, pecans , walnuts, almonds, pistachios all my favorites. Are peanuts really nuts?



        • Karel
          • Sep 2003
          • 2199

          Originally posted by jiesen View Post
          that's just nuts.

          (what was the p value?)
          It is worse. If you have a dataset with enough variables, you are bound to find correlations like these. Less than worthless. But then, there are worse things than nibbling on nuts.

          Regards, Karel
          My Investopedia portfolio
          (You need to have a (free) Investopedia or Facebook login, sorry!)


          • Phoenix7
            Senior Member
            • Nov 2011
            • 3663

            Originally posted by Karel View Post
            It is worse. If you have a dataset with enough variables, you are bound to find correlations like these. Less than worthless. But then, there are worse things than nibbling on nuts.

            Regards, Karel
            True other factors like smoking were not considered., and nuts do contain many calories the old adage holds true ALL in moderation ; however, I do feel that nuts are better than potato chips or sugared candies.


            • Phoenix7
              Senior Member
              • Nov 2011
              • 3663

              A Cardiologist comments on water consumption. Received this email from a health conscious friend , take it for what it is worth!

              Heart Attack and Water
              How many folks do you know who say they don't want to drink anything before going to bed
              because they'll have to get up during the night?
              Heart Attack and Water - I never knew all of this! Interesting...
              I asked my doctor, why do people need to urinate so much at night time?
              Answer from my Cardiac Doctor - Gravity holds water in the lower part of your body
              when you are upright (legs swell).
              When you lie down and the lower body (legs and etc.) seeks level with the kidneys,
              it is then that the kidneys remove the water because it is easier.
              This then ties in with the last statement!
              Correct time to drink water. Very Important. From A Cardiac Specialist!
              Drinking water at a certain time maximizes its effectiveness on the body:
              2 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs,
              1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion,
              1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure,
              1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart attack.
              I can also add to this...
              My Physician told me that water at bed time will also help prevent night time leg cramps.
              Your leg muscles are seeking hydration when they cramp and wake you up with a Charlie Horse.


              • Karel
                • Sep 2003
                • 2199

                It’s that time of the year again: time.
                The definitive Internet reference source for researching urban legends, folklore, myths, rumors, and misinformation.

                The article starts with another claim, but read on, the "timing" stuff
                is a bit further down.

                To your health! and by all means (and at any time) drink a glass of water
                (tea, coffee, fruit juice, milk) to avoid dehydration.



                Originally posted by Phoenix7 View Post
                A Cardiologist comments on water consumption. Received this email from a health conscious friend , take it for what it is worth!

                Heart Attack and Water
                How many folks do you know who say they don't want to drink anything before going to bed
                because they'll have to get up during the night?
                Heart Attack and Water - I never knew all of this! Interesting...
                I asked my doctor, why do people need to urinate so much at night time?
                Answer from my Cardiac Doctor - Gravity holds water in the lower part of your body
                when you are upright (legs swell).
                When you lie down and the lower body (legs and etc.) seeks level with the kidneys,
                it is then that the kidneys remove the water because it is easier.
                This then ties in with the last statement!
                Correct time to drink water. Very Important. From A Cardiac Specialist!
                Drinking water at a certain time maximizes its effectiveness on the body:
                2 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs,
                1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion,
                1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure,
                1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart attack.
                I can also add to this...
                My Physician told me that water at bed time will also help prevent night time leg cramps.
                Your leg muscles are seeking hydration when they cramp and wake you up with a Charlie Horse.
                My Investopedia portfolio
                (You need to have a (free) Investopedia or Facebook login, sorry!)


                • Phoenix7
                  Senior Member
                  • Nov 2011
                  • 3663

                  Originally posted by Karel View Post
                  It’s that time of the year again: time.
                  The definitive Internet reference source for researching urban legends, folklore, myths, rumors, and misinformation.

                  The article starts with another claim, but read on, the "timing" stuff
                  is a bit further down.

                  To your health! and by all means (and at any time) drink a glass of water
                  (tea, coffee, fruit juice, milk) to avoid dehydration.


                  Karel thanx for the clarification. I am not overly concerned about water , because my primary reason for drinking water is to remain hydrated. I do walk pretty much on a daily basis, and I carry a 16 OZ bottle which I sip from as I walk, mostly in hot weather. Anyone who has High Blood Pressure should consult a qualified specialist to see that it is kept under control.


                  • billyjoe
                    Senior Member
                    • Nov 2003
                    • 9014

                    Phoenix, Last year I ate a ton of raspberries from my patch that produced 90 quarts and mature at 3 different times. When I had my cholesterol checked in September it was the lowest it had been in years. My doctor says it was probably due to all the fiber in the berrries so I'm continuing the experiment this year. I've eaten at least a half cup of raspberries or strawberries each day since June 9th. By my next bloodwork I'll have about 100 straight days of eating the berries. I'll report the results here in September. Tried eating very strong Vietnamese cinnamon for months in cereal and yogurt and dropped just 1 point.



                    • Phoenix7
                      Senior Member
                      • Nov 2011
                      • 3663

                      Originally posted by billyjoe View Post
                      Phoenix, Last year I ate a ton of raspberries from my patch that produced 90 quarts and mature at 3 different times. When I had my cholesterol checked in September it was the lowest it had been in years. My doctor says it was probably due to all the fiber in the berrries so I'm continuing the experiment this year. I've eaten at least a half cup of raspberries or strawberries each day since June 9th. By my next bloodwork I'll have about 100 straight days of eating the berries. I'll report the results here in September. Tried eating very strong Vietnamese cinnamon for months in cereal and yogurt and dropped just 1 point.

                      Billie look forward to your reporting back to us. Jersey Blueberries have been great this year , and I remember going Blueberry picking with my children in Southern NJ . Needless to say great experience , had fun.


                      • Phoenix7
                        Senior Member
                        • Nov 2011
                        • 3663

                        EAT FISH FOR YOUR HEALTH!

                        Folks there is a big push to throw buckets of ice water on each other to help with ALS research. That may be all well and good, but to protect yourself from this disease , EAT FISH!
                        It comes from a new study, recently published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. And while it may not offer a cure for this devastating neurodegenerative disease (technically known as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), it does offer critical advice for anyone trying to avoid it.

                        Harvard researchers recently analyzed data from over one million subjects from five different cohorts. And they found subjects with the highest intake of omega-3s were less likely to wind up with ALS than subjects with the lowest omega-3 intake. By nearly a third.

                        Folks I do eat fish , but I take a Teaspoon of Carlson Norwegian Cod Liver Oil each day! No lemon Flavored kid stuff for me. I take the unflavored version. It is perhaps the smoothest , amber colored fish oil I have ever taken. Much different than the foul tasting cod liver oil, in a brown bottle, my mom would give me each day in my orange juice . That stuff would repeat on me several times until lunch.
                        Folks here is the stuff I actually take .......I am not promoting or asking you to buy it , but because of the ALS connection , you may wish to consider it : This IMHO is the "Dom Perignon" of Cod Liver Oils.


                        • Phoenix7
                          Senior Member
                          • Nov 2011
                          • 3663

                          According to an email I received from "Blue Heron Health News", the lowly ground black pepper spice you use does have many health benefits!
                          The health benefits are as follows:
                          Drives away depression – Pepper is a natural anti-depressant. The compound piperine in pepper increases cognitive brain function, beats depression, and helps the brain function properly.
                          Ensures better nutrition – Pepper helps the body absorb nutrients quickly. It also enables drugs to function more effectively.
                          Improves anorexia – Pepper can naturally stimulate appetite and improve digestion. So, a dash of pepper in the soup can make an anorexic go through an entire meal all the way to the dessert!
                          Effective cough relief – The anti-bacterial properties of pepper makes it a great natural remedy for sore throat, cough and even congestion relief.
                          Great for skin and hair – Pepper consumed regularly can make the skin clear and also treat dandruff effectively when applied on the scalp.
                          Helps lose weight – Add some pepper to your diet if you’re planning to lose weight. Pepper causes breakdown of fat cells and gets rid of excess water and toxins in the body.
                          Prevents cancer – This amazing spice is full of antioxidants and is known to prevent certain types of cancer.
                          I will now consider using more pepper with my meals!


                          • Phoenix7
                            Senior Member
                            • Nov 2011
                            • 3663

                            An interesting Video that discusses the role of Vitamin C in treating Ebola and other viral diseases. Well worth it to watch this 8 Min Video!


                            • Phoenix7
                              Senior Member
                              • Nov 2011
                              • 3663

                              15 FOODS FOR YOUR HEART! Interesting Slide Show . Please disregard the side ads ! Focus attention on the foods!


                              • billyjoe
                                Senior Member
                                • Nov 2003
                                • 9014

                                Originally posted by Phoenix7 View Post
                                Billie look forward to your reporting back to us. Jersey Blueberries have been great this year , and I remember going Blueberry picking with my children in Southern NJ . Needless to say great experience , had fun.
                                Last checkup again a success. Lowest total cholesterol ever. Good cholesterol up, bad cholesterol down. Even if I had to buy raspberries year round it would be cheaper than buying cholesterol drugs. Previously took Lipitor and Zocor with bad reactions. Currently on low dose Zetia 10mg. May stop altogether soon.


