Stocks for the Long Term

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  • antioch6
    Senior Member
    • Apr 2013
    • 411

    Stocks for the Long Term

    There are plenty of threads for trading ideas. This can be the thread for anyone trying to hold stocks at least one year, and hopefully longer.

    The first stock I'll put up for discussion is INTX


    "Intersections Inc. provides consumer identity risk management services in the United States. Its services help consumers understand and monitor their credit profiles and other personal information, and protect themselves against identity theft or fraud. The company operates in three segments: Consumer Products and Services, Online Brand Protection, and Bail Bonds Industry Solutions. The Consumer Products and Services segment offers identity theft protection and credit information management products and services for consumers to access to their credit reports, credit monitoring, educational credit scores, credit education, reports and monitoring of additional information, identity theft recovery, identity theft cost reimbursement insurance, and software and other technology tools and services. This segment also provides data breach response; and accidental death and disability insurance, and property and casualty insurance, as well as access to healthcare, home, auto, financial, and other services and information. The Online Brand Protection segment offers corporate brand and product monitoring services comprising online channel monitoring, auction monitoring, and other services to corporate brand owners or retailers. The Bail Bonds Industry Solutions segment provides automated service solutions for the bail bonds industry. Its services include accounting, reporting, and decision making tools that allow bail bondsmen, general agents, and sureties to run their offices, to exercise operational and financial control over their businesses, and to make underwriting decisions. The company was founded in 1996 and is headquartered in Chantilly, Virginia."

    There are a few things I like about INTX. It's reasonably priced according to any value metric. The earnings are pretty stable around $1.00 per share for the last three years, with revenues around $360 million. If they continue earning this same amount, the current P/E ratio is a lowly 9 to 10. On top of that, they have a killer dividend of $0.20 a quarter. That's $.80 a year, or roughly 8.5% at current price levels!

    After listening to their 2012 Q4/Year End conference call, I like them even more. The management sounds honest and ethical. They clearly want to give back to the shareholders, as evidenced by their spectacular dividend, including the one time special dividend of $.70 last November.

    As for their chart, it doesn't look great at first glance. Oddly enough, the stock has kept pace with the S&P 500 for the past 6 months. On a longer time frame, the stock has had buyers step in around $8, and sellers step up around $14.

    Today I bought INTX at an average price of $9.59. If you are looking for small gains, look elsewhere. This is a great company behind a great stock, which will net you at least 33% in the next one(1) to three(3) years. That's at the low end. More probably, after that sweet 8% dividend reinvested, and growth in users, I will open my account next year and be faced with a 50% to 100% gain in my INTX shares. Maybe not everyone wants that, I don't know.

  • Deaddog
    Senior Member
    • Oct 2010
    • 740

    I have no long term trades; I have trades that I hold for years but every one of them has a point where I will sell if the criteria I used to buy the stock is not met.

    Making the decision to hold a stock is the same as making the decision to buy it.
    It is hard to find the Truth when you start your search with a preconceived notion of what the Truth will be.


    • antioch6
      Senior Member
      • Apr 2013
      • 411

      INTX is moving slowly but that's fine. My next long term ideas include gold, silver, gold stocks, and silver stocks. I'm sure everyone knows the gold thesis/story by now. With sentiment starting to lean towards "blood in the streets", the time is close for buying shares in this area. I won't go into complete detail about why this is. Here are my list of candidates I want to be buying when that time comes:

      PVG (best junior gold miner)
      SLW (solid streaming company with consistent earnings and brand name)
      RGLD(gold streaming company, for a leveraged type bet on gold)
      GDX (basket of larger gold miners)
      GDXJ (basket of small, junior miners)
      CEF (physical gold and silver fund based in Canada)
      IAG (a more speculative gold miner with problems currently. lot's of pain for shareholders, will rebound in a huge way when gold goes back up)
      SSRI (smaller silver company with nice potential upside. Silver is going to outperform gold on the next rally)

      I've done some respectable research to find this list of names. I expect to buy them in October and make at least 100% on my money.


      • Louetta
        Senior Member
        • Oct 2003
        • 2331

        Just to make it a horse race I'll say that the unwinding of QE in the US, a multi-year operation, will cause US interest rates to rise. People will buy the US dollar in response to rising rates which will depress the prices of assets priced in US dollars (e.g. gold and silver), Rising rates also make it more expensive to hold hard assets. Thus it is not the time to invest in hard assets.


        • antioch6
          Senior Member
          • Apr 2013
          • 411

          Woah! Look at those moves today.

          PVG +10.00%
          SLW +8.29%
          RGLD +9.01%
          GDX +8.60%
          GDXJ +9.25%
          CEF +4.05%
          IAG +16.55%
          SSRI +14.63%

          Something might be afoot in the gold and silver markets. I know my picks are the right ones for the sector, but is now the time to buy? According to my technical analysis hocus pocus voodoo, this stuff has just rallied in a huge way directly into a major Resistance. I would be fine holding if I bought when I first posted, but now it's time to be a little more patient. In the meantime, I went short today via DSLV and DUST with a tight stop just above the 50 day simple moving average for Silver. The long term sentiment is about right, indicating we are time wise near THE bottom (give or take a few months). Now it's a matter of trying to catch a short term move higher so we can analyze without worrying about another 20-25% move lower.

          Some prices on my charts that will let me know when this sector has likely bottomed. The more confirmation I get, the more comfortable I'll be buying, even at higher prices.
          IAG above 5.50
          GG above 30.00
          SLW above 24.00
          SSRI above 8.00
          AUY above 11.00
          GDXJ above 45.00
          GLD above 130.00
          SLV above the 50 day simple moving average

          This last rally looked weird and confusing. I feel myself hoping for it to fail, so maybe this time is the real thing. I'd love to buy after another quick mini crash of 20-25%. My hunch tells me if this was the real bottom, tomorrow should be another big rally 4-5% with higher volume than today and a strong close.


          • antioch6
            Senior Member
            • Apr 2013
            • 411

            I was stopped out on my shorts while gold/silver continued rallying. I realized that instead of betting/waiting on a crash, or trying to time the breakout, I should just start averaging into my list over the next few months. Channeling my inner Mr. Market, I'll buy pieces every week until I have all my positions by the end of October or middle of November.


            • antioch6
              Senior Member
              • Apr 2013
              • 411

              Gold and Silver are rallying in an uptrend and I will average in as planned on pullbacks. My targets are still SLW RGLD IAG SSRI PVG GDX GDXJ CEF


              • Louetta
                Senior Member
                • Oct 2003
                • 2331

                Originally posted by antioch6 View Post
                Gold and Silver are rallying in an uptrend and I will average in as planned on pullbacks. My targets are still SLW RGLD IAG SSRI PVG GDX GDXJ CEF
                Interesting. I sold more SLV and 1/2 of my USLV today. Fascinating stuff.


                • billyjoe
                  Senior Member
                  • Nov 2003
                  • 9014


                  Here are a few for the long run : V, MA, PM, BRK-B



                  • antioch6
                    Senior Member
                    • Apr 2013
                    • 411

                    V and MA look like solid companies. I like to buy most long term ideas when they're out of favor though. Right now these two would fit more into my other model.

                    I'm adding another idea to my long term buys.This was recently in a Mr. Market data dump but it still has huge potential upside. The company is Rite Aid and it's stock is RAD. My brother is an expert and you could say an insider when it comes to pharmacies. He worked at CVS for 6 years, left and opened his own pharmacy for the last 6 years, and recently bought an assisted living facility. He's been afraid to invest in stocks for fear of losing his money, and instead invests and buys directly into businesses he understands. When I explained to him that buying stocks can be looked at the same way, we went over analyzing the companies where he has an expertise. He was shocked to find that stocks aren't just a "put your money and earn 7-8% a year" game.
                    When we went over RAD and he saw it went from $0.20 to $2.00 and then from $1 to $3, he realized the possibilities. He got super excited after looking at the company financials and news because he said next year there are many changes coming in the industry. The two major changes are Obamacare starting January 1st as well as the major shift from Brand name drugs to Generic drugs. He said the industry will do very well over the next 1-3 years. RAD has the most room for growth and should start seeing higher profit margins and revenue in the coming quarters. He thinks now is the time for change and the time to invest in these companies. RAD should see at least $6 and maybe $9 or even $12 in the not too distant future. This is a turn around company and the market is starting to realize it, but it still has a ways to go. With my brothers blessing, I'm getting ready to buy a good chunk of RAD stock during this next market correction.


                    • antioch6
                      Senior Member
                      • Apr 2013
                      • 411

                      Bought 0.7% position in RAD at 3.578. Going to add triple the size over the next months.


                      • antioch6
                        Senior Member
                        • Apr 2013
                        • 411

                        Bought 0.6% positions in FUD, RJA, SGG, JO.
                        FUD at 25.014
                        RJA at 8.428
                        SGG at 57.79
                        JO at 25.274
                        Will add similar to RAD.


                        • antioch6
                          Senior Member
                          • Apr 2013
                          • 411

                          Today feels like the day I'll get my pullback in gold and silver. I'm buying SLW CEF RGLD IAG GDX GDXJ SSRI PVG on weakness today. My ideal entry is 22.00 on silver.
                          SLW 5.2%
                          CEF 2.6%
                          RGLD 2.6%
                          IAG 2.6%
                          GDX 1.3%
                          GDXJ 1.3%
                          SSRI 1.3%
                          PVG 1.3%


                          • billyjoe
                            Senior Member
                            • Nov 2003
                            • 9014

                            antioch, Just reread your first post and realized that we are mostly in agreement on INTX in fact I bought quite a bit this week and hope to ad to the position. My reason for buying is mostly for the dividend any appreciation would just be frosting on the cake. If you go to the you'll see they have rated INTX as one of the top dividend paying stocks for at least 2 years running. I've got a portfolio of div. payers I keep and continue reinvesting into more stock in a retirement account. It is at the point where I can almost live off the generated $$ and it continues to grow at a remarkable rate. Some of the holdings : AI, INTX, PM, NJR, HQL ,NYCB, CODI, KKR, FTR......



                            • antioch6
                              Senior Member
                              • Apr 2013
                              • 411

                              Billy that dividend really is great on INTX. Seems nice and steady. The reasons why I was expecting some capital gains is because of the long term support on the chart, and from a possible investor appetite for security software companies when all the cyber threats/terror nonsense.

                              Silver didn't quite mini crash like I thought it would. I was feeling a bit gloomy and confused when I saw it pop after the fed minutes, but it ended down nicely for the day. I'm targeting $24-$25 for SLW and $20.00 for silver futures to help me decide when to start buying. After the recent selloff and if SLW/silver get to my targets, I feel confident in my analysis and will put between 25-30% of my portfolio in these stocks. This long term idea is starting to turn into an "Outsmart the Market" trade since I don't believe silver and gold have ultimately bottomed.

