The $$$MR. MARKET$$$ Stock Portfolio

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  • billyjoe
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2003
    • 9014

    Mr.Market, Looks like 58/60 for 96.67%. I'm tracing the genealogy of these picks. Almost done. Will post later today.



    • mrmarket
      • Sep 2003
      • 5971

      Originally posted by billyjoe View Post
      Mr.Market, Looks like 58/60 for 96.67%. I'm tracing the genealogy of these picks. Almost done. Will post later today.

      Thanks...what I need to know is there anyone else on the internet, with a documented record, who has done better?

      I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

      - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


      • billyjoe
        Senior Member
        • Nov 2003
        • 9014

        I haven't found any. Last year there was a guy claiming a perfect record or maybe 1 miss out of over 100 picks, but he couldn't prove it. He never posted trades until he sold.



        • billyjoe
          Senior Member
          • Nov 2003
          • 9014

          I think Mr. Market's maximum number of stocks is 14 at a time. somehow I ended up with 15 lines of stock genealogy from his last 60 picks with 49 gainers of 15% or more and 11 open positions with 9 showing gains.

          Starting with the first 5 stocks bought during this run : UNH, PRGO, ROST, BIIB, and CRMT, I then picked the next available stock most recently bought after each of the initial 5 reached their goal of 15% or greater gain. For example of the first 5, ROST was the first sale at 17% gain so the 17% gain was reinvested in the 6th pick. Unfortunately, or perhaps, fortunately it didn't happen later. #6 was TNH still active with a 52.4% loss so this line stalls until TNH sells. Line #4 does much better with BIIB,the 4th stock bought, but 2nd sold at 16% gain. That money is reinvested in #10 TJX, the next available pick as other picks are being replaced in other lines such as line #5. CRMT heads line #5 but the money is tied up for a long time as it is the 5th stock bought but the 43rd sold.

          When the lines stall like this, new lines are started since Mr.Market keeps picking but we can't use the CRMT money, tied up from 3/20/12 until sold 11/24/14.

          Some lines keep going and compounding and the positions always close. best example is line #4. # indicates position of successful sale ( ) indicates gain. Here's line #4.......BIIB, the 4th stock bought, #2 sold, (16%) gain, followed by #10 TJX (15), #15 FLT (16), #17 QCOR (1, #21 NUS (16), #28 HOMB (15), #31 TARO (17), #35 STRT (15), #37 TRN (15), #38 THRM (16), #42 BFR (1, #49 UVE (15) sold 1/27/15 not yet replaced.
          Since I ended with 15 lines I put an imaginary 6666.66 into each line. The one above now holds $39,553.
          Since when a winner is sold a new stock must be purchased that day or later, the numbers in the line don't run in chronological order. That's why CRMT, line #5, 5th stock bought, but 43rd sold is followed by JLL, the 55th stock bought. It couldn't be bought until CRMT was sold on 11/24/14 nearly 2 1/2 years after purchase.

          The shortest lines will probably have the worst performance as in the case of line #3, ROST, 3rd stock sold at 17% gain, the 1.17 X 6666.66= 7800 them goes to TNH, #6 bought, still lingering with a 52.4% loss so $7800 X .476= $3712, the only line of 15 showing a loss. More later. Any questions?

          Since I ended with 15 lines I put an imaginary 6666.66 into each line. The one above now holds $39,553.
          Last edited by billyjoe; 02-08-2015, 08:12 PM. Reason: error


          • billyjoe
            Senior Member
            • Nov 2003
            • 9014

            My keyboard is malfunctioning and edit isn't working. QCOR and BFR in above post should both read (1. I can't fix it. Keeps doing it ! Won't let me type the number after 7.



            • investorone

              OK-here's the one problem if you are looking to claim the best on the internet per your query about best documented record, Ernie---your own stated time frame. Don't get me wrong, as I am a long-time fan, but a lot of those picks happened after YOUR stated 4-6 week time frame so someone can unfortunately easily poke holes in the record in terms of documented success. As I have stated long, long ago, I really suggest you drop the time frame in the future as this will enable you to boast more and more about a sterling doucmented record, MM---start out fresh, with no time frames on a new streak or else asterisk the past picks and don't put a time frame on all future picks, and I think you will gain traction regarding true documented success


              • mrmarket
                • Sep 2003
                • 5971

                STOCK DATE IN PAID NOW GAIN TARGET S&P Purch Date S&P Now S&P GAIN
                TNH 4/27/2012 256.00 124.71 -51.3% 295.32 1,403.36 2,046.74 45.8%
                ANCX 2/15/2013 15.86 17.94 13.1% 18.31 1,519.79 2,046.74 34.7%
                ACET 12/27/2013 23.66 20.04 -15.3% 27.31 1,841.40 2,046.74 11.2%
                VRTU 1/2/2014 37.52 38.05 1.4% 43.23 1,831.98 2,046.74 11.7%
                MA 1/14/2014 81.97 84.59 3.2% 94.46 1,838.88 2,046.74 11.3%
                WX 3/14/2014 37.13 40.02 7.8% 42.95 1,849.30 2,046.74 10.7%
                AFSI 11/21/2014 51.54 54.75 6.2% 59.37 2,063.50 2,046.74 -0.8%
                JLL 11/28/2014 143.31 157.47 9.9% 165.43 1,988.40 2,046.74 2.9%
                ZUMZ 12/19/2014 37.10 38.02 2.5% 42.79 2,070.65 2,046.74 -1.2%
                RHI 12/24/2014 59.01 60.20 2.0% 68.25 2,081.88 2,046.74 -1.7%
                EW 1/23/2015 129.94 128.08 -1.4% 149.62 2,051.82 2,046.74 -0.2%
                CBPO 2/9/2015 68.00 67.60 -0.6% 78.45 2,046.74 2,046.74 0.0%
                And here is a listing of ALL of my closed trades entered since July 2011:
                1 ROST 1/23/2012 4/5/2012 51.40 59.97 17% 83% 1,316.00 1,398.08 6%
                2 BIIB 2/13/2012 6/14/2012 119.72 138.40 16% 47% 1,351.77 1,329.10 -2%
                3 PRGO 7/26/2011 6/14/2012 93.70 111.66 19% 22% 1,331.94 1,329.10 0%
                4 UNH 7/14/2011 6/19/2012 52.08 60.28 16% 17% 1,308.87 1,357.98 4%
                5 AAPL 6/23/2012 8/27/2012 586.04 676.87 15% 87% 1,335.02 1,410.44 6%
                6 TCBI 8/9/2012 10/4/2012 43.88 50.90 16% 104% 1,402.80 1,461.40 4%
                7 LAD 11/23/2012 1/2/2013 33.65 38.79 15% 139% 1,409.15 1,462.42 4%
                8 AIRM 9/7/2012 2/11/2013 38.58 44.52 15% 36% 1,437.92 1,517.01 6%
                9 MAIN 10/15/2012 3/11/2013 29.24 33.89 16% 39% 1,440.13 1,556.22 8%
                10 TJX 5/25/2012 4/2/2013 40.99 47.33 15% 18% 1,317.82 1,570.25 19%
                11 DORM 1/9/2013 5/7/2013 35.51 41.10 16% 49% 1,460.41 1,625.96 11%
                12 SBH 6/18/2012 5/8/2013 26.92 31.01 15% 17% 1,372.78 1,632.69 19%
                13 PRAA 3/15/2013 5/9/2013 125.04 145.73 17% 110% 1,560.70 1,626.67 4%
                14 LION 1/25/2013 5/15/2013 10.60 12.26 16% 52% 1,460.41 1,658.78 14%
                15 FLT 4/3/2013 6/10/2013 76.05 88.01 16% 84% 1,553.69 1,642.81 6%
                16 EMN 12/21/2012 7/18/2013 65.90 76.16 16% 27% 1,428.11 1,689.37 18%
                17 QCOR 7/5/2012 7/31/2013 51.38 60.68 18% 17% 1,367.58 1,685.73 23%
                18 CSTE 7/19/2013 8/5/2013 31.22 36.15 16% 339% 1,692.09 1,697.37 0%
                19 MGA 6/26/2013 8/9/2013 69.66 80.30 15% 127% 1,603.26 1,691.42 5%
                20 WGO 7/29/2013 10/15/2013 23.85 27.67 16% 75% 1,685.33 1,698.06 1%
                21 NUS 8/9/2013 10/16/2013 87.51 101.72 16% 87% 1,691.42 1,721.54 2%
                22 MPEL 9/18/2013 10/18/2013 31.00 35.81 16% 189% 1,725.52 1,744.50 1%
                23 GOOG 5/10/2013 10/18/2013 875.00 1,012.39 16% 36% 1,633.70 1,744.50 7%
                24 IPAR 5/17/2013 10/31/2013 30.68 35.47 16% 34% 1,633.70 1,756.54 8%
                25 HCI 10/18/2013 11/18/2013 41.73 48.43 16% 189% 1,744.50 1,791.53 3%
                26 FL 7/20/2012 11/22/2013 32.88 38.51 17% 13% 1,362.66 1,804.76 32%
                27 BOFI 8/13/2013 11/27/2013 67.97 78.29 15% 52% 1,694.16 1,807.23 7%
                28 HOMB 11/1/2013 12/20/2013 33.49 38.64 15% 115% 1,758.70 1,821.12 4%
                29 ESRX 8/16/2012 12/26/2013 60.78 70.09 15% 11% 1,415.51 1,842.46 30%
                30 SAVE 11/8/2013 1/9/2014 41.55 47.97 15% 91% 1,770.61 1,838.13 4%
                31 TARO 12/20/2013 2/11/2014 96.07 112.87 17% 120% 1,818.32 1,819.75 0%
                32 MTZ 5/24/2013 2/12/2014 31.58 36.45 15% 21% 1,649.60 1,819.26 10%
                33 MGIC 2/6/2014 2/24/2014 7.77 8.96 15% 311% 1,773.43 1,847.61 4%
                34 DAL 11/29/2013 2/26/2014 29.11 33.52 15% 62% 1,805.81 1,845.16 2%
                35 STRT 2/21/2014 3/6/2014 62.96 72.59 15% 429% 1,836.25 1,877.03 2%
                36 UHAL 12/11/2013 5/8/2014 225.70 268.62 19% 47% 1,836.25 1,875.63 2%
                37 TRN 3/7/2014 5/23/2014 73.72 84.83 15% 71% 1,878.04 1,900.83 1%
                38 THRM 5/30/2014 7/22/2014 41.73 48.40 16% 110% 1,919.43 1,983.53 3%
                39 LUV 5/16/2014 7/23/2014 24.76 28.58 15% 83% 1,868.15 1,987.01 6%
                40 NP 4/3/2014 10/31/2014 52.72 60.72 15% 26% 1,888.77 2,011.79 7%
                41 ALK 4/17/2014 10/31/2014 46.37 53.70 16% 29% 1,864.85 2,011.79 8%
                42 BFR 8/1/2014 11/24/2014 12.37 14.59 18% 57% 1,930.74 2,069.00 7%
                43 CRMT 3/20/2012 11/24/2014 44.99 52.76 17% 6% 1,405.52 2,069.00 47%
                44 JBLU 8/22/2014 11/28/2014 12.55 14.71 17% 64% 1,988.40 2,073.06 4%
                45 UIHC 6/13/2014 12/5/2014 17.80 20.58 16% 33% 1,933.55 2,075.37 7%
                46 PETM 8/29/2012 12/15/2014 70.56 81.33 15% 7% 1,410.49 2,003.63 42%
                47 MANH 3/3/2014 1/8/2015 37.18 42.85 15% 18% 1,836.25 2,062.14 12%
                48 SWKS 12/12/2014 1/23/2015 69.01 80.97 17% 151% 2,002.33 2,051.82 2%
                49 UVE 12/5/2014 1/27/2015 20.44 23.60 15% 106% 2,075.37 2,033.30 -2%

                I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

                - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


                • billyjoe
                  Senior Member
                  • Nov 2003
                  • 9014

                  Fantasy Mr.Market money from Branch 13 FL sold #26 X ALK #41 goes into CBPO. $6666.66 X 1.17 X 1.16 = $9047.99

                  Money from Branch 4 = BIIB X TJX X FLT X QCOR X NUS X HOMB X TARO X STRT X TRN X THRM X BFR X UVE is still waiting for a pick $39,553 in waiting.

                  Money from Branch 6 = LION X MGA X BOFI X UHAL X LUV X JBLU X SWKS waiting for a pick at $19,159



                  • riverbabe
                    Senior Member
                    • May 2005
                    • 3373

                    Originally posted by billyjoe View Post
                    Fantasy Mr.Market money from Branch 13 FL sold #26 X ALK #41 goes into CBPO. $6666.66 X 1.17 X 1.16 = $9047.99

                    Money from Branch 4 = BIIB X TJX X FLT X QCOR X NUS X HOMB X TARO X STRT X TRN X THRM X BFR X UVE is still waiting for a pick $39,553 in waiting.

                    Money from Branch 6 = LION X MGA X BOFI X UHAL X LUV X JBLU X SWKS waiting for a pick at $19,159

                    Billy, you must be snowed in with cabin fever to attempt this! Don 't worry. The raspberries will be ripe for picking soon.


                    • joshcord
                      Senior Member
                      • Jun 2011
                      • 118

                      Billy, my head just exploded BUT since you're moving and looking at the complicated numbers.... maybe you or at least someone smarter than me could do a retro analysis on MM. Maybe there's a tool to make it easy or maybe it's just a very LONG pencil, but I'm curious: If a person bought the top 5 (on release or his purchase date doesn't matter) every time, how do the numbers or percents come out...? Might have to add in a factor that accounts for typical culling slow or dying stocks which isn't part of his methods but neither is the premise. Possibly have to add a sale date which could be when his final pick sells...
                      "It's easy to make money in the stock market" "Just buy a stock that goes up, and then sell it" "If it doesn't go up, don't buy it!" - Mark Twain


                      • billyjoe
                        Senior Member
                        • Nov 2003
                        • 9014

                        joshcord, I've often thought a person could make a nice living off the final 5. I still believe some type of stops would have to be in place.



                        • jiesen
                          Senior Member
                          • Sep 2003
                          • 5320

                          Originally posted by mrmarket View Post
                          Thanks...what I need to know is there anyone else on the internet, with a documented record, who has done better?
                          I'd have to do some math, and audit my posts, but I think I may have you beat on the winning %, over the long run.... just because I've kept all the picks from your previous two streaks as well, and sold only a couple of them at a loss (BEL and ESI may be the only ones). Of course there's the giant asterisk in that just about every winning trade I've made (except today's ANTH) has been a direct result of watching you make these excellent picks. The only improvement I've made on your strategy is to not sell them when the picks stagnate. If VDSI, MFLX, and OFG all keep going back up, then my strategy will have paid off better than yours, since I've added more to each of those (but not sure whether I documented all of those trades).

                          Also, my trades have usually netted only 14-15% per pick, where you've made 16-17% on most of yours, so even if I did outdo you on the winning%, you're likely to have made more $$ overall. Either way, you are indeed HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGEEEEE!!!!


                          • mrmarket
                            • Sep 2003
                            • 5971

                            Looks like 97% winners....

                            STOCK DATE IN PAID NOW GAIN TARGET S&P Purch Date S&P Now S&P GAIN
                            TNH 4/27/2012 256.00 126.08 -50.8% 295.32 1,403.36 2,088.48 48.8%
                            ANCX 2/15/2013 15.86 17.94 13.1% 18.31 1,519.79 2,088.48 37.4%
                            ACET 12/27/2013 23.66 19.73 -16.6% 27.31 1,841.40 2,088.48 13.4%
                            VRTU 1/2/2014 37.52 38.66 3.0% 43.23 1,831.98 2,088.48 14.0%
                            MA 1/14/2014 81.97 87.52 6.8% 94.46 1,838.88 2,088.48 13.6%
                            WX 3/14/2014 37.13 41.08 10.6% 42.95 1,849.30 2,088.48 12.9%
                            AFSI 11/21/2014 51.54 56.49 9.6% 59.37 2,063.50 2,088.48 1.2%
                            JLL 11/28/2014 143.31 160.97 12.3% 165.43 1,988.40 2,088.48 5.0%
                            ZUMZ 12/19/2014 37.10 38.70 4.3% 42.79 2,070.65 2,088.48 0.9%
                            RHI 12/24/2014 59.01 61.38 4.0% 68.25 2,081.88 2,088.48 0.3%
                            EW 1/23/2015 129.94 132.34 1.8% 149.62 2,051.82 2,088.48 1.8%
                            CBPO 2/9/2015 68.00 68.70 1.0% 78.45 2,046.74 2,088.48 2.0%
                            And here is a listing of ALL of my closed trades entered since July 2011:
                            STOCK DATE IN DATE OUT PAID SOLD GAIN ANNUALIZED GAIN S&P Purch Date S&P Sale Date S&P GAIN
                            1 ROST 1/23/2012 4/5/2012 51.40 59.97 17% 83% 1,316.00 1,398.08 6%
                            2 BIIB 2/13/2012 6/14/2012 119.72 138.40 16% 47% 1,351.77 1,329.10 -2%
                            3 PRGO 7/26/2011 6/14/2012 93.70 111.66 19% 22% 1,331.94 1,329.10 0%
                            4 UNH 7/14/2011 6/19/2012 52.08 60.28 16% 17% 1,308.87 1,357.98 4%
                            5 AAPL 6/23/2012 8/27/2012 586.04 676.87 15% 87% 1,335.02 1,410.44 6%
                            6 TCBI 8/9/2012 10/4/2012 43.88 50.90 16% 104% 1,402.80 1,461.40 4%
                            7 LAD 11/23/2012 1/2/2013 33.65 38.79 15% 139% 1,409.15 1,462.42 4%
                            8 AIRM 9/7/2012 2/11/2013 38.58 44.52 15% 36% 1,437.92 1,517.01 6%
                            9 MAIN 10/15/2012 3/11/2013 29.24 33.89 16% 39% 1,440.13 1,556.22 8%
                            10 TJX 5/25/2012 4/2/2013 40.99 47.33 15% 18% 1,317.82 1,570.25 19%
                            11 DORM 1/9/2013 5/7/2013 35.51 41.10 16% 49% 1,460.41 1,625.96 11%
                            12 SBH 6/18/2012 5/8/2013 26.92 31.01 15% 17% 1,372.78 1,632.69 19%
                            13 PRAA 3/15/2013 5/9/2013 125.04 145.73 17% 110% 1,560.70 1,626.67 4%
                            14 LION 1/25/2013 5/15/2013 10.60 12.26 16% 52% 1,460.41 1,658.78 14%
                            15 FLT 4/3/2013 6/10/2013 76.05 88.01 16% 84% 1,553.69 1,642.81 6%
                            16 EMN 12/21/2012 7/18/2013 65.90 76.16 16% 27% 1,428.11 1,689.37 18%
                            17 QCOR 7/5/2012 7/31/2013 51.38 60.68 18% 17% 1,367.58 1,685.73 23%
                            18 CSTE 7/19/2013 8/5/2013 31.22 36.15 16% 339% 1,692.09 1,697.37 0%
                            19 MGA 6/26/2013 8/9/2013 69.66 80.30 15% 127% 1,603.26 1,691.42 5%
                            20 WGO 7/29/2013 10/15/2013 23.85 27.67 16% 75% 1,685.33 1,698.06 1%
                            21 NUS 8/9/2013 10/16/2013 87.51 101.72 16% 87% 1,691.42 1,721.54 2%
                            22 MPEL 9/18/2013 10/18/2013 31.00 35.81 16% 189% 1,725.52 1,744.50 1%
                            23 GOOG 5/10/2013 10/18/2013 875.00 1,012.39 16% 36% 1,633.70 1,744.50 7%
                            24 IPAR 5/17/2013 10/31/2013 30.68 35.47 16% 34% 1,633.70 1,756.54 8%
                            25 HCI 10/18/2013 11/18/2013 41.73 48.43 16% 189% 1,744.50 1,791.53 3%
                            26 FL 7/20/2012 11/22/2013 32.88 38.51 17% 13% 1,362.66 1,804.76 32%
                            27 BOFI 8/13/2013 11/27/2013 67.97 78.29 15% 52% 1,694.16 1,807.23 7%
                            28 HOMB 11/1/2013 12/20/2013 33.49 38.64 15% 115% 1,758.70 1,821.12 4%
                            29 ESRX 8/16/2012 12/26/2013 60.78 70.09 15% 11% 1,415.51 1,842.46 30%
                            30 SAVE 11/8/2013 1/9/2014 41.55 47.97 15% 91% 1,770.61 1,838.13 4%
                            31 TARO 12/20/2013 2/11/2014 96.07 112.87 17% 120% 1,818.32 1,819.75 0%
                            32 MTZ 5/24/2013 2/12/2014 31.58 36.45 15% 21% 1,649.60 1,819.26 10%
                            33 MGIC 2/6/2014 2/24/2014 7.77 8.96 15% 311% 1,773.43 1,847.61 4%
                            34 DAL 11/29/2013 2/26/2014 29.11 33.52 15% 62% 1,805.81 1,845.16 2%
                            35 STRT 2/21/2014 3/6/2014 62.96 72.59 15% 429% 1,836.25 1,877.03 2%
                            36 UHAL 12/11/2013 5/8/2014 225.70 268.62 19% 47% 1,836.25 1,875.63 2%
                            37 TRN 3/7/2014 5/23/2014 73.72 84.83 15% 71% 1,878.04 1,900.83 1%
                            38 THRM 5/30/2014 7/22/2014 41.73 48.40 16% 110% 1,919.43 1,983.53 3%
                            39 LUV 5/16/2014 7/23/2014 24.76 28.58 15% 83% 1,868.15 1,987.01 6%
                            40 NP 4/3/2014 10/31/2014 52.72 60.72 15% 26% 1,888.77 2,011.79 7%
                            41 ALK 4/17/2014 10/31/2014 46.37 53.70 16% 29% 1,864.85 2,011.79 8%
                            42 BFR 8/1/2014 11/24/2014 12.37 14.59 18% 57% 1,930.74 2,069.00 7%
                            43 CRMT 3/20/2012 11/24/2014 44.99 52.76 17% 6% 1,405.52 2,069.00 47%
                            44 JBLU 8/22/2014 11/28/2014 12.55 14.71 17% 64% 1,988.40 2,073.06 4%
                            45 UIHC 6/13/2014 12/5/2014 17.80 20.58 16% 33% 1,933.55 2,075.37 7%
                            46 PETM 8/29/2012 12/15/2014 70.56 81.33 15% 7% 1,410.49 2,003.63 42%
                            47 MANH 3/3/2014 1/8/2015 37.18 42.85 15% 18% 1,836.25 2,062.14 12%
                            48 SWKS 12/12/2014 1/23/2015 69.01 80.97 17% 151% 2,002.33 2,051.82 2%
                            49 UVE 12/5/2014 1/27/2015 20.44 23.60 15% 106% 2,075.37 2,033.30 -2%

                            I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

                            - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


                            • billyjoe
                              Senior Member
                              • Nov 2003
                              • 9014

                              Mr.Market, Good thing you've sold ALK. Down 10% in pre-market trading

                              Just kidding, a scorpion sting on an airline shouldn't effect price more than 5%.



                              • mrmarket
                                • Sep 2003
                                • 5971

                                These are all of my open positions:
                                STOCK DATE IN PAID NOW GAIN TARGET S&P Purch Date S&P Now S&P GAIN
                                TNH 4/27/2012 256.00 149.42 -41.6% 295.32 1,403.36 2,097.45 49.5%
                                ANCX 2/15/2013 15.86 17.88 12.7% 18.31 1,519.79 2,097.45 38.0%
                                ACET 12/27/2013 23.66 20.75 -12.3% 27.31 1,841.40 2,097.45 13.9%
                                VRTU 1/2/2014 37.52 39.91 6.4% 43.23 1,831.98 2,097.45 14.5%
                                MA 1/14/2014 81.97 89.20 8.8% 94.46 1,838.88 2,097.45 14.1%
                                WX 3/14/2014 37.13 41.30 11.2% 42.95 1,849.30 2,097.45 13.4%
                                AFSI 11/21/2014 51.54 55.43 7.5% 59.37 2,063.50 2,097.45 1.6%
                                JLL 11/28/2014 143.31 161.48 12.7% 165.43 1,988.40 2,097.45 5.5%
                                ZUMZ 12/19/2014 37.10 38.68 4.3% 42.79 2,070.65 2,097.45 1.3%
                                RHI 12/24/2014 59.01 61.26 3.8% 68.25 2,081.88 2,097.45 0.7%
                                EW 1/23/2015 129.94 133.72 2.9% 149.62 2,051.82 2,097.45 2.2%
                                And here is a listing of ALL of my closed trades entered since July 2011:
                                STOCK DATE IN DATE OUT PAID SOLD GAIN ANNUALIZED GAIN S&P Purch Date S&P Sale Date S&P GAIN
                                1 ROST 1/23/2012 4/5/2012 51.40 59.97 17% 83% 1,316.00 1,398.08 6%
                                2 BIIB 2/13/2012 6/14/2012 119.72 138.40 16% 47% 1,351.77 1,329.10 -2%
                                3 PRGO 7/26/2011 6/14/2012 93.70 111.66 19% 22% 1,331.94 1,329.10 0%
                                4 UNH 7/14/2011 6/19/2012 52.08 60.28 16% 17% 1,308.87 1,357.98 4%
                                5 AAPL 6/23/2012 8/27/2012 586.04 676.87 15% 87% 1,335.02 1,410.44 6%
                                6 TCBI 8/9/2012 10/4/2012 43.88 50.90 16% 104% 1,402.80 1,461.40 4%
                                7 LAD 11/23/2012 1/2/2013 33.65 38.79 15% 139% 1,409.15 1,462.42 4%
                                8 AIRM 9/7/2012 2/11/2013 38.58 44.52 15% 36% 1,437.92 1,517.01 6%
                                9 MAIN 10/15/2012 3/11/2013 29.24 33.89 16% 39% 1,440.13 1,556.22 8%
                                10 TJX 5/25/2012 4/2/2013 40.99 47.33 15% 18% 1,317.82 1,570.25 19%
                                11 DORM 1/9/2013 5/7/2013 35.51 41.10 16% 49% 1,460.41 1,625.96 11%
                                12 SBH 6/18/2012 5/8/2013 26.92 31.01 15% 17% 1,372.78 1,632.69 19%
                                13 PRAA 3/15/2013 5/9/2013 125.04 145.73 17% 110% 1,560.70 1,626.67 4%
                                14 LION 1/25/2013 5/15/2013 10.60 12.26 16% 52% 1,460.41 1,658.78 14%
                                15 FLT 4/3/2013 6/10/2013 76.05 88.01 16% 84% 1,553.69 1,642.81 6%
                                16 EMN 12/21/2012 7/18/2013 65.90 76.16 16% 27% 1,428.11 1,689.37 18%
                                17 QCOR 7/5/2012 7/31/2013 51.38 60.68 18% 17% 1,367.58 1,685.73 23%
                                18 CSTE 7/19/2013 8/5/2013 31.22 36.15 16% 339% 1,692.09 1,697.37 0%
                                19 MGA 6/26/2013 8/9/2013 69.66 80.30 15% 127% 1,603.26 1,691.42 5%
                                20 WGO 7/29/2013 10/15/2013 23.85 27.67 16% 75% 1,685.33 1,698.06 1%
                                21 NUS 8/9/2013 10/16/2013 87.51 101.72 16% 87% 1,691.42 1,721.54 2%
                                22 MPEL 9/18/2013 10/18/2013 31.00 35.81 16% 189% 1,725.52 1,744.50 1%
                                23 GOOG 5/10/2013 10/18/2013 875.00 1,012.39 16% 36% 1,633.70 1,744.50 7%
                                24 IPAR 5/17/2013 10/31/2013 30.68 35.47 16% 34% 1,633.70 1,756.54 8%
                                25 HCI 10/18/2013 11/18/2013 41.73 48.43 16% 189% 1,744.50 1,791.53 3%
                                26 FL 7/20/2012 11/22/2013 32.88 38.51 17% 13% 1,362.66 1,804.76 32%
                                27 BOFI 8/13/2013 11/27/2013 67.97 78.29 15% 52% 1,694.16 1,807.23 7%
                                28 HOMB 11/1/2013 12/20/2013 33.49 38.64 15% 115% 1,758.70 1,821.12 4%
                                29 ESRX 8/16/2012 12/26/2013 60.78 70.09 15% 11% 1,415.51 1,842.46 30%
                                30 SAVE 11/8/2013 1/9/2014 41.55 47.97 15% 91% 1,770.61 1,838.13 4%
                                31 TARO 12/20/2013 2/11/2014 96.07 112.87 17% 120% 1,818.32 1,819.75 0%
                                32 MTZ 5/24/2013 2/12/2014 31.58 36.45 15% 21% 1,649.60 1,819.26 10%
                                33 MGIC 2/6/2014 2/24/2014 7.77 8.96 15% 311% 1,773.43 1,847.61 4%
                                34 DAL 11/29/2013 2/26/2014 29.11 33.52 15% 62% 1,805.81 1,845.16 2%
                                35 STRT 2/21/2014 3/6/2014 62.96 72.59 15% 429% 1,836.25 1,877.03 2%
                                36 UHAL 12/11/2013 5/8/2014 225.70 268.62 19% 47% 1,836.25 1,875.63 2%
                                37 TRN 3/7/2014 5/23/2014 73.72 84.83 15% 71% 1,878.04 1,900.83 1%
                                38 THRM 5/30/2014 7/22/2014 41.73 48.40 16% 110% 1,919.43 1,983.53 3%
                                39 LUV 5/16/2014 7/23/2014 24.76 28.58 15% 83% 1,868.15 1,987.01 6%
                                40 NP 4/3/2014 10/31/2014 52.72 60.72 15% 26% 1,888.77 2,011.79 7%
                                41 ALK 4/17/2014 10/31/2014 46.37 53.70 16% 29% 1,864.85 2,011.79 8%
                                42 BFR 8/1/2014 11/24/2014 12.37 14.59 18% 57% 1,930.74 2,069.00 7%
                                43 CRMT 3/20/2012 11/24/2014 44.99 52.76 17% 6% 1,405.52 2,069.00 47%
                                44 JBLU 8/22/2014 11/28/2014 12.55 14.71 17% 64% 1,988.40 2,073.06 4%
                                45 UIHC 6/13/2014 12/5/2014 17.80 20.58 16% 33% 1,933.55 2,075.37 7%
                                46 PETM 8/29/2012 12/15/2014 70.56 81.33 15% 7% 1,410.49 2,003.63 42%
                                47 MANH 3/3/2014 1/8/2015 37.18 42.85 15% 18% 1,836.25 2,062.14 12%
                                48 SWKS 12/12/2014 1/23/2015 69.01 80.97 17% 151% 2,002.33 2,051.82 2%
                                49 UVE 12/5/2014 1/27/2015 20.44 23.60 15% 106% 2,075.37 2,033.30 -2%
                                50 CBPO 2/9/2015 2/19/2015 68.00 78.45 15% 561% 2,046.74 2,097.45 2%

                                I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

                                - $$$MR. MARKET$$$

