Wild-Assed 2

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  • Louetta
    Senior Member
    • Oct 2003
    • 2331

    Wild-Assed 2

    About January 2 I bought PGX, PFF, JDD and BDJ after each hit or came close to hitting 5 year lows due to interest rate rises resulting from Fed actions and remarks. Interest rates have now come down substantially but it seems the rate reductions in the past week had relatively little additional effect on the above named issues. Accordingly I sold half of each today figuring rates mayhap will not continue to fall sharply from here and in any case the stocks weren't really responding.
  • mrmarket
    • Sep 2003
    • 5971

    nice job Louetta. way to get back on the horse

    I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

    - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


    • Louetta
      Senior Member
      • Oct 2003
      • 2331

      Originally posted by mrmarket View Post
      nice job Louetta. way to get back on the horse
      Always like to be on top.


      • Louetta
        Senior Member
        • Oct 2003
        • 2331

        Don't quite understand why payment stocks like SQ, STNE and PAGS, to a lesser extent, get clobbered on days like this.

        At some point HSBC with plenty of earnings to cover the now 6.75% dividend becomes a good buy despite Brexit worries.


        • Louetta
          Senior Member
          • Oct 2003
          • 2331

          Bought some Jan 17, 2020 calls on TLRA. Motley Fool is pushing it as an alternative to TTD. I'm not a big Fool fan but their influence plus increasing revenues might give the stock a push.


          • BlueWolf
            Senior Member
            • Jun 2009
            • 1076

            Originally posted by Louetta View Post
            Bought some Jan 17, 2020 calls on TLRA. Motley Fool is pushing it as an alternative to TTD. I'm not a big Fool fan but their influence plus increasing revenues might give the stock a push.
            I like Motley Fool, but you have to careful about which analysts you follow. I’m not familiar with the fellow who wrote this article, Daniel Sparks. If Tom or especially David Gardner (the founders) recommend something, I take notice. David Gardner’s track record is incredible. Aaron Bush, Karl Thiel, and Tim Beyers are all also very good analysts. Abi Malin is one of their younger analysts and seems very sharp too.

            As for TLRA, their revenue stream seems to be ramping up nicely, although it does seem to be seasonal. The thing that would worry me a little about TLRA is their chart. Even though they had a nice beat just a few days ago, the stock price didn’t react well. It has been creeping up since March, though, so with next earnings not until November and barring any bad news events, it plausible that share price should continue to creep upwards. If the market regains its upwards momentum, I could easily see a 10%-20% gain in this stock over the next several months.

            Good luck with it, Louetta.


            • Louetta
              Senior Member
              • Oct 2003
              • 2331

              Originally posted by Louetta View Post
              About January 2 I bought PGX, PFF, JDD and BDJ after each hit or came close to hitting 5 year lows due to interest rate rises resulting from Fed actions and remarks. Interest rates have now come down substantially but it seems the rate reductions in the past week had relatively little additional effect on the above named issues. Accordingly I sold half of each today figuring rates mayhap will not continue to fall sharply from here and in any case the stocks weren't really responding.
              Above from 8-9-19. Sold the rest of these. They are down again today. They should go up as rates go lower but then again 3 of my 7 preferreds are down today and the other 4 haven't traded (not unusual). Mayhap people fear the banks will get in trouble as most of these are issued by banks. Anyway, I have plenty of cash if I can figure out what to buy.


              • Louetta
                Senior Member
                • Oct 2003
                • 2331

                I always enjoy reading the 13F from Light Street Capital. Yesterday's additions are CBLK CHWY CRWD PINS WORK SMAR SY SPOT REAL UBER. I saw nothing that interested me but obviously the folks at Light Street don't agree. Might be something there that will interest people.

                Separately, Cramer spent 3-4 minutes last night saying it's time to buy RVLV. It's up 7.5% this AM. Course it's been getting clobbered recently.


                • Louetta
                  Senior Member
                  • Oct 2003
                  • 2331

                  Originally posted by Louetta View Post
                  About January 2 I bought PGX, PFF, JDD and BDJ after each hit or came close to hitting 5 year lows due to interest rate rises resulting from Fed actions and remarks. Interest rates have now come down substantially but it seems the rate reductions in the past week had relatively little additional effect on the above named issues. Accordingly I sold half of each today figuring rates mayhap will not continue to fall sharply from here and in any case the stocks weren't really responding.
                  Gonna sell NAVI too, in the morning. Like the others, done well since the first of the year but it looks like it's kind of rolling over and with a near 5% dividend it should be going up as rates have recently gone down. Want to raise more cash anyway.

                  Also selling 1/2 of LGILX and TRBCX, couple of large cap funds. Just to raise some cash.
                  Last edited by Louetta; 08-20-2019, 09:10 PM. Reason: Add mutual funds


                  • Louetta
                    Senior Member
                    • Oct 2003
                    • 2331

                    Bought some early 2020 puts to protect positions in SAN and HSBC. This Brexit uncertainty is not helping.

                    Put a smidge in funds BIAWX BMGAX and FKDNX hoping to take advantage of lower prices.


                    • Louetta
                      Senior Member
                      • Oct 2003
                      • 2331

                      It occurs to me that the markets are like Manchester (MA, USA) harbor. Generally, at any moment, the water looks fairly calm. But in fact it is either steadily rising or falling depending on the tide. Periodically, and in violation of the rules and polite behavior, some clown in a boat comes roaring through creating a wake which sends everything in the water violently up and down for a brief but disturbing period. Then slowly the water returns to steadily rising or falling depending on the tide.


                      • Louetta
                        Senior Member
                        • Oct 2003
                        • 2331

                        Abacus Health Products has announced a promotion arrangement for it's CBD-Medic products, for use like any CBD product, with former American footballer Rob Gronkowski, a demi-god where I live. Anyway I looked at some Abacus documentation and they have increasing revenues so I thought I'd buy a few shares (ABAHF on the other OTC market).

                        But I couldn't. Schwab says you can't buy online but must call some number which I won't do.

                        Know little about the company other than a few bits from an earning announcement but I wonder if the Gronk effect will help them.


                        • Louetta
                          Senior Member
                          • Oct 2003
                          • 2331

                          You may recall in my old wild-assed thread I used to talk about the platinum mine PLG. Also that they suffered a setback when it was determined that in fact there was no platinum in the mine, a hurdle they found it difficult to overcome.

                          At any rate PLG began the week at $1.20 and earlier today traded as high as $1.99 and as I write is at $$1.82, an increase of over 50% for the week. It's not clear to me exactly what is happening, maybe they are going to start marketing CBD products, but it is gratifying to see.


                          • Louetta
                            Senior Member
                            • Oct 2003
                            • 2331

                            Discussion of today's PLG chart action. A very rudimentary chart analysis, I'd guess, if you are conversant with that discipline (I'm not). Of course he's selling something.

