Just ordered some green tea off of Amazon (Bigelow, decafe) and it's going to be here tomorrow. This convinces me Amazon is a great investment.
Wild-Assed 2
A nice rendition of the Yale song "Time After Time", not the song made famous by Cyndi Lauper.
written by Robert "Pitchpipe" Birge (Yale 6whose later research led to the development of the artificial retina
Sunday morning. Li'l Hepburn, li'l Mancini, li'l black dress...
Originally posted by Louetta View PostBought some CGC calls Jan. 2021. They are listing the 2022s now but there is no (literally no) open interest for the ones I wanted. Also have CRON calls (2022). I just see so many people using cbd stuff that I wanted to get in (as an investor) long term. Still smell marijuana down by the barns but of course it's legal for horses. CRON is making money and CGC is touted by a lot of folks and is in theory staging a big effort to sell in the US and both have been cut in half in price in the last year.
Also put some of my spare cash in preferreds, CFR/PRA PSB/PRV and three JPMs /PRA /PRF and /PRG. The JPMs were barely touched fourth quarter last year when many others went down to the 22s (25 something is more normal). Figure as long as the Fed is accommodative I can't get hurt too bad. This will change if either Senators Warren or Sanders emerge as serious possibilities.
Both PSB/PRV and JPM/PRA have been called which did nothing to improve my general humor.
The first recorded circumnavigation of the world by an animal was by Captain James Cook's goat, who made that journey twice, the first time on HMS Dolphin, under Samuel Wallis, and then aboard Endeavour. When they returned to England, Cook had the goat presented with a silver collar engraved with lines from Samuel Johnson. She was put to pasture on Cook's farm outside London and was reportedly admitted to the privileges of the Royal Naval Hospital at Greenwich. Cook's journal recorded the date of the goat's death: 28 March 1772.
Originally posted by Louetta View PostBought a minimal position in a bunch of funds, BFOCX, AKREX, TGUNX, LCLAX, BMGAX just to have a position. Still don't see that anything has changed warranting putting any more money in right now.
Sold a smidge of my weaker growth stock funds. Gettin' up there, methinks.
Here's the 5-year a/d line post I was trying to put in BlueWolf's thread. Note the funkiness during the 2015-early 2016 period and the distinct upward trend since, still apparently firmly in place.
Originally posted by Louetta View PostBought some CGC calls Jan. 2021. They are listing the 2022s now but there is no (literally no) open interest for the ones I wanted. Also have CRON calls (2022). I just see so many people using cbd stuff that I wanted to get in (as an investor) long term. Still smell marijuana down by the barns but of course it's legal for horses. CRON is making money and CGC is touted by a lot of folks and is in theory staging a big effort to sell in the US and both have been cut in half in price in the last year.
... snip ...
Harvard was leading those swine Yalies with less than two minutes to go in The Game. Yale scored two touchdowns, including recovering an onside kick to tie the score in regulation then won in two overtimes 50-36. Doesn't that beat all?
Yes, it does.