When it used to be socially acceptable to go to the dog races the veterans used to say bet the class and, methinks, the class came in at or near the top this year.
Rules for Pick of The Year (PoTY) 2020
Originally posted by BlueWolf View PostI heard from John Henry and it’s official, Riverbabe is our 2020 PotY winner! Congratulations, Riverbabe 拾 !!
Let’s tell her what she’s won. You’ve won an all expenses paid trip to your living room where you’ll enjoy your own personal couch and a healthy dose of cable TV. Your meals will be prepared by chef (Your name here) using food from your refrigerator! Pets are optional. Total retail value of this package: $0
Also, Congratulation to BlueWolf and Mrmarket.
Happy New Year and Thank you everyone for playing Pick of the Year 2020. What a ride 2020 was.
Please give a hand of applause to BlueWolf for doing an awesome job with the weekly updates and write ups. Many thanks BlueWolf!
Originally posted by jiesen View Postand sold the rest today at 11.2, and a $2 profit on these shares of INTZ. That's better than a 15% gain on my INTZ in less than a week!
Thanks again for finding this little gem, $$MM!! YOU ARE HUUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGEEEEEE!!!!
Just look at INTZ go! less than a year after $$$MM picked it at $6, it's now trading around $24! Had the POTY gone the full year (until 2/1) perhaps $$MM would have taken all the meats and cheeses for this contest... and there's one stock I sure wish I had let run for a bit longer.
Last year, I picked NIO as my PotY choice. It pretty much plummeted for the whole year and I ended up at -49%. This year, NIO opened at $3.54 on Feb 1 and closed at $48.78 on December 31 for a whopping 1378% gain! How’s that for being in the right place at the wrong time. I had a hunch about that stock, but I never put any real money on it. What a knucklehead.