Cornhusker's Howlings

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  • MEA_1956
    Senior Member
    • Oct 2003
    • 655


    DID YOU KNOW THAT 83,000,000 PEOPLE SHOP ON LINE.So then it would be safe to say alot of these people look into J C Penneys web sight for there purchases. 83 mil and growing, I"m glad I already bought my boat load of goodies, now the U P S Man can stop a my neighbors.

    Info per CBS Markrt Watch. ===>MEA
    GO BIG RED!!!!!


    • MEA_1956
      Senior Member
      • Oct 2003
      • 655

      Can you hear me now

      I just found this a little strange today, .03 cents down on three differnt stocks. AEOS BJ JCP. DLTR .06 cents down. CWEI .07 cents up.

      Sold off my TRMM today in hopes that my hunch is right. The hunch is that it is going to sell off about 60% and trade sideways for the next couple of months like my Sears has these last couple months.

      After todays close INET reported that AEOS could share Good News with thier stock holders. Walls Streets 16 Cents was way short of AOES first 1/4 Earning which turned out to be closer to 30 Cents. FLY HIGH AMERICAN EAGLE.

      It must be another one of them companies that are profiting from sales over the Internet.
      GO BIG RED!!!!!


      • IIC
        Senior Member
        • Nov 2003
        • 14938

        TRMM will rebound...IIC
        "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

        Find Tomorrow's Winners At

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        • MEA_1956
          Senior Member
          • Oct 2003
          • 655


          Originally posted by IIC
          TRMM will rebound...IIC
          I just take my 160% and say thanks again to MISTER LIZARD
          GO BIG RED!!!!!


          • MEA_1956
            Senior Member
            • Oct 2003
            • 655


            My topic this week on the HOWLING is Mesa Air Group Inc. Mesa trades on the NASDAQ under the call letters of M E S A and had a close on Friday of $8.42 up 2.05% which equals .17 cents. Week over week there has been a rise of 2.58% in my long port. for this little hidden GEM that is undervalued per our friend IIC. On Jan. 2, 2004 this stock closed at $12.45. A lose in share price of $4.00 which reflects to me as a point of entry if so desired.

            Mesa Air Group is made up of five subsidiaries which operate under the names of America West Express, United Express, Midwest Airlines And Mesa Airlines. This company has roughtly 4,600 employees, travels in 41 of the 50 United States plus offers a service to Mexico, Canada and Bahamas. This fine air group serves 161 citys daily with 1,000 departures from thier fleet of 163 aircraft.

            On Jan. 27, 2004 Mesa Air Group offered a press release announceing they were adding an additional 20 CRJ-700 / 900 aircraft to there fleet. As I scan there releases I come across another positive point. That being an increase in air traffic. Dec. up 71%, Jan. up 75.2%, Feb. up 92.7%.

            Another selection of press releases that appear to be point positive are thier announcements of approvel for subsidized air service from the Department of Transportation. These flights may only be an advancement of 4 to 8 flights weekly but I'm sure they do have an impack on Mesa bottem line and are essential for the cities that they are serving.

            Personal Note

            I may be wrong in this statement but if my memory serves me correctly this company started out in Farmington, New Mexico ( my wifes home town ) as a freight service and has deloveped quite nicely over the last twenty two years.
            I feel that this stock will have quite an increase after this 1/4ly release.
            Yahoo 1 yr. EST. is at $16.00+ there is room here to grow.
            Mesa is trading above there three month ave. at present time.
            P/B 2.13 P/S .40 PE (ttm) 8.34 ( for. ) 5.99
            I'm also invested in a company that offers service to MESA in the area of maintamence. this company call is rdvn.ob
            This is my take on this stock. In this one for life. Will continue to purchase on the dips. ===> MEA
            GO BIG RED!!!!!


            • IIC
              Senior Member
              • Nov 2003
              • 14938

              Yes, I have mentioned MESA...Their EPS is projected at +63% this year and +33% next year. The PE is about 10. I think it may gain some more but the Airlines Group as a whole is sorta down the tubes...So even though it might be a decent company, it is difficult to buck the trend of the group. I would classify MESA as a high risk investment...IIC
              "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

              Find Tomorrow's Winners At

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              • MEA_1956
                Senior Member
                • Oct 2003
                • 655

                Good by

                It is time to say goodbye to J I L L. She was one hell of a player, she gave me 16+% in the contest and now it is time to retire her nunber. I hope CHS kicks it in the ass and gives me her 16%. ===> MEA
                GO BIG RED!!!!!


                • MEA_1956
                  Senior Member
                  • Oct 2003
                  • 655

                  Mid Week Up Date

                  RRC Has traveled mostly sideways for the last few weeks, up about .50 cents. Amendment filed to there 10-K stating thier proven reserves exceed $ 1 billion. First 1/4 production will exceed previous guidance, per company president J H Pinkerton.

                  JCP Has traveled sideways also for the most part, up about .30 cents. JCP is now $4.5 billion richer with there sale of the Eckard Drug Store chain.

                  MESA Has also traded mostly sideway, up about .30cents. Two of MESA AIR GROUP subsidiaries America West and US Airways have made the top five of a Q u a l i t y Ranking in the airline industry.
                  GO BIG RED!!!!!


                  • MEA_1956
                    Senior Member
                    • Oct 2003
                    • 655

                    Up Date

                    Sorry to say I missed this issue of the HOWLING. I had to Vacuum and prepare for a house full of friends over this Hoilday Weekend. Hell my mid week update was two days late, and I never even realize that the market wasn;t open on Friday until Sat. morn. To many irons in ones fire leads to a person getting burnt. ===> MEA
                    GO BIG RED!!!!!


                    • MEA_1956
                      Senior Member
                      • Oct 2003
                      • 655

                      Originally posted by IIC
                      TRMM will rebound...IIC
                      AND BOUNCE BACK has she. What was I thinken.
                      GO BIG RED!!!!!


                      • MEA_1956
                        Senior Member
                        • Oct 2003
                        • 655


                        Yes sir tune in this Sunday night. Boy do I have something to Howl about. Coming of a 2:1 split and new highs. Got to love this Energy Market. See you there. ===> MEA
                        GO BIG RED!!!!!


                        • spikefader
                          Senior Member
                          • Apr 2004
                          • 7175

                          As requested, here's the chart to howl over :P

                          Agressive longs up at these prices should be kept with tight stops.


                          • MEA_1956
                            Senior Member
                            • Oct 2003
                            • 655

                            Originally posted by MEA_1956
                            Originally posted by IIC
                            TRMM will rebound...IIC
                            AND BOUNCE BACK has she. What was I thinken.
                            Well this is what I was thinken ::::: P L U G me into something and let me feel the PAIN. I P L U G myself into P L U G and thought there is a nice ride, can't AFFORD H D I !!!!! The answer is ELECTRIFYING ..... 14.88% today, and do I see more of this kinda pain on down the line. Yes I do, and may I please have another.
                            Read something from one of then there fancy services the other night about an A T M company that is going to make you Huge profits. Shit I said to myself I just sold one of then, and P L U G myself into P L U G ,,,

                            ps ::: fu**ing kids, you now something is up, when you get home from work and they meet you at the door and they say pick one. OK, I shall bite, RIGHT, and out comes a twenty dollar bill. I'm thinking great, $20.00 reacher, and he says, look at the seirel ### . I look , and see BL 01111112 C, and he asks do you want to play liers poker. My answer to that is NO , but what is LEFT, and out comes the big guns, a fith of C.C. and a 2 litter Coke. I got a new job today DAD, thawt we would celebrate. What you think at that point and say are totaly to differnt things. My firt thought was is there a doctor in the house. Second thought was GREAT RENT MONEY. My third thought was O FU** I got to work tommarow. So here I sit all flubded up and try and type and my new found friends are the ones are the ones are the ones who suffer. Ouch that S>O >B just shoot me with a rubber band. Good night and sleep tight, for I shall. ===> MEA

                            ps EARNIE You have got alot to lo0k forward to, how many boys do you have to suffer threw. Batter UP! !!==!!! good one son. ===> MEA

                            HE just feft.... I M On My Way To His room...Good Night...
                            GO BIG RED!!!!!


                            • MEA_1956
                              Senior Member
                              • Oct 2003
                              • 655

                              Patina Oil & Gas

                              This weeks topic on the HOWLING is Patina Oil &Gas, based out of Denver Colo. Listed under the NYSE as P O G and also a member of the S & P 600 Small Cap Index. P O G had a close on Friday of $29.55 just short of the 52 week high it posted earlier in the week.

                              If you were an investor in P O G here is a list of a few of the likes you may have.
                              #1 I the last three years POG has split three times ( Bullish)

                              #2 At close they are near there high or setting a new ( Bullish)

                              #3 They'er in the Energy Sector, which is in favor. ( Bullish)

                              #4 Scan there STATS (Bullish)

                              #5 Rev. up 83% Income up 62% ( Bullish)

                              #6 7,750 producing wells 75% of them contolling working intrest.

                              #7 Of these app. 68% are natural gas wells

                              #8 the dividen has doubled in the last year

                              #9 Small Caps performance has well exceeded Large Caps in 2003

                              #10 $100 per barrel for Oil is possable, at current rate, do the math

                              These are just a few of my favorite thing in respect to P O G

                              Take a look at there 5 year chart.

                              Scott Patterson posted an artical on Smatr Money last week called Crude Humor. the 15 I think. Writes a true story no one wants to hear.
                              GO BIG RED!!!!!


                              • MEA_1956
                                Senior Member
                                • Oct 2003
                                • 655

                                Not A Bad Day

                                P O G ^ 37 cents
                                J C P ^ 37 cents
                                D L T R ^ 36 cents
                                C W E I ^ 21 cents
                                B G Y ^ 18 cents
                                R R C ^ 16 cents

                                had a few more on the up side but to small to mention.

                                M E S A Down 17 cents
                                K M I " 36 cents
                                P L U G " 01 cents
                                GO BIG RED!!!!!

