Ok MEA....this thread is all yours. Can you keep it from dropping into the basement?
Cornhusker's Howlings
All Right!!!
GO BIG RED"Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"
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Thanks for the chance
Well here goes nothing, and who knows it just may turn out to be something. If nothing else, maybe my typing will get better and I won't have to look up so many words.
This idea come to me about collecting choices to submit to THE DUMP. There are so many stocks out there that Earny may need some help weeding out the bad ones and weaving in some new ones. So here goes my plan.
Everyone has there fav. stock at any given piont in time. At present time I like RRC and am a little cirous just how it will stack up against THE DUMP. So I'm not real sure how to set this up so Earny doesn't have to weed thru a bunch of posts to find our choice be entered into THE DUMP.
Thought about just using the Quote tab but not sure on how to work it.
Then the thought about Poles used in the past came to mind. I remember them but never actuly parsipated in them and not sure how the data was tabulated. At this point I Shale ask for a little help from #2 and see if he can steer us in the right direction.
KAREL what do you have for thoughts on this topice. Should I just collect the entries and post after MM closes or is there away that every one can enter there choice so I don't mess up and leave someone out. Your input on this topice would be deeply appericated and who knows maybe we could name some type of an award after you for the winner of The Dump Contest. I know I would like to win this honer just to see my name next to yours or as far as that goes in the same sentance as yours.
we will talk at all of you later and hope this thing works out. ===> MEAGO BIG RED!!!!!
Re: Thanks for the chance
Hi MEA, I have no idea! It's your thread, do as your like. Polls for the dump are impractical (there are just to many options), polls for the top 5 are OK, but as Ernie posts the top 5, that's something he could do himself. The idea then is to give a voting option, and of course people could comment in the usual way.
What you could do is to gather all "tryouts"/suggestions for the dump, throw them all in a poll when the top 5 gets published whether they made the top 5 or not, see which one of gets the top vote and see how it fares against MrMarket's pick. Are the rest of us combined H-U-G-E-r than $$$Mr.Market$$$? Frightening suggestion, perhaps(You could check the suggestions against the rule MrMarket gives: the stocks should have positive earnings for some years now.) You could also leave out the poll idea and pick the best one yourself.
Just a suggestion; you are in charge!
KarelMy Investopedia portfolio
(You need to have a (free) Investopedia or Facebook login, sorry!)
Just Checken In
Just time for a few quick words. Thanks for the input Karel, you may have spured a different Idea, but still along the same lines.
Monday Blues!!! Smart move being on the side IIC. AACE at least showed itself in the green today, more so than most. I also had four energy stocks showing green, BGY up 1.21% which was the largest. Next was JCP up 1.22% this one just keeps inching up. The top winner for the day is TRMM up 1.97% Just cleared 100% with this one and I owe it all to our friend THE LIZARD. ====> MEAGO BIG RED!!!!!
Middle Man
I have been working O.T. and no spare time to get this thread started. Maybe tom. night I will have the energy to law down the law And Get The Party Started. Till then Keep the Faith, Wear A Smile, And don't forget to cheack back in.
I had to stop and laught tonight when I read Billy Joe's post. I was not listed in the top, Not in the bottom, Hell I never got a can you do this. As a matter of fact I never even seen my name on the hole post. Thats a good thing, cause by the middle of next week, all of you, Yes, ALL OF YOU ,,, will hanging your heads with discuss, cause the Ladies are openen a can of wupass on you all and you won't know how to take it. ===> MEAGO BIG RED!!!!!
C'mon Mea!!!...There are 168 hours in a week...I work 56, I do the stocks 56 and I sleep 42...That leaves 14 hours for fun ...You can have a lot of fun in 14 hours...IIC"Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"
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Ladies and Gentelmen Let the Howling Begain!!!!!!!!
Took some time to come up with this Idea and hope it plays out well. To go on record and deliver posts just is not my cup of tea. So I have chosen another path, in hopes that it offers less resitance. more amps, less voltage and blue flame combustion.
I, The Head Cornfuscker, DO Declare, This thread to be the Official Howling Spot for the Mister Market Group. At any point or time in a persons life that they feel like howling this is the place to accomplish such a task. I myself will also partake in this activity, Starting NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
R R C is what I would like to howl about to night. It is an old topic, which I feel needs a little more air time. In the past, I was an oilfeild worker, and spent some time in the area in which this Company has purchased alot of mineral rights in and feel that they are on the right course of action. West Texas is a large region for a Company to expand into and with there acquisition complete they have set themselves up in perfect time as the price of oil and natural gas are at all time highs. To futher suport this post the Company has also acquired 400 miles of the gathering sys. to enhance there presence in the region.
To talk to you about a ballance sheet will be left to those that know what they are talking about. All I Know is they do show profitability aaaaand there returns of assets and equity are in the black. Revenue Growth is at 26.30% and Earning Growth is at 37.40% witch shows me there is a furture in there horizon. There 1 yr. EST. of $14.25 also points to growth in there per share price which is at $11.95.
To all the new commers, this post is just my own personal observation and holds no merrit. for I'm just a lowely Cornfuscker with no edu. in finnance, and owe my edu. to Mister Market and his band of merry investers.
Next Sunday Night I Shall Howwlllll Again about another stock in my personal portfolio and invite all to join in and share with us one of your own fav. stock stories for we all have a commom goal of profit taking. Whom ever shares the most stories on this thread will go do in history as a nobel person and will be loved by all. ===> MEA
ps. IIC do you have home projects to do also.
pss. At close on Friday I have Achived my first 15% with this Company.
pps. Yes Ernie, there is room for you in this thread so please post some more of your little guys for us to watch.
ppss. Thanks for proding. Now let's see if we can keep this thread out of the basement and make the cover of IBD for being the most friendly web site in the investors world.
Piss It only toke me five beers to type this out. CAN YOU DO THAT... Yes YOUYOUYOUYOU do this. Please join in. GOOD NIGHT ALLGO BIG RED!!!!!
ps. IIC do you have home projects to do also."Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"
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Mid Week Howl
This stock opened on Monday morn. @ $33.58 And reached a new year high of $34.48. Vol. is topping its 3 month ave. by 270,000 share, and faring quit well against the present sell offs going on across the board. I see three differt companies have included this stock in there reports this week, with only a .17 cent drop at days end. This stock also has a 4.42%div. yeild to offer, for those that look in that direction. More later. ===> MEAGO BIG RED!!!!!
Re: Re; Mid Week Howl
Originally posted by thebign1Which Stock???
P.S. Tue. & Wen. have been saleoff days.GO BIG RED!!!!!
Love them Ladies
My strong suit for the day was TRMM. Up 5.62% or .90Cents
Next came DLTR. Up 2.09% or .59cents.
RRC ended the day flat. I take that as a good thing.
the Sunday topic held up farely well today, in the last hours a lose of 1.01%. Not bad for being a large cap. Retail. ===> MEAGO BIG RED!!!!!
Re: Re; Mid Week Howl
Originally posted by MEA_1956Originally posted by thebign1Which Stock???
P.S. Tue. & Wen. have been saleoff days.
Your Size and color tags are in the wrong order...That's why it didn't work on your response MEA...IIC"Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"
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Sunday Night Special
J C Penney is my tpoice for the evening. She trades on the NYSE under JCP @ $34.30 Friday close. We faired qiut well this week with a 4.08% increase over last weeks close. There is no need to try and baffel you with talk about her financails so I shall leave this to the pros. Although there are a couple ofter insights that I would like to share with you tho.
J C P is one of the largest department store chains in the United States and also supports a cataloge div. and E-Commerce. This Comp. is headquarted Plaino TX. having 1,049 stores in the U.S. Mexico and Puerto Rico. The long arms of J C Penneys also reach into Brazil to fortify 58 Renner Stores which add handsomely to there earnings report.
One asset which they are tring to dispose of is there Eckerd Drug stores, which at the present time keeps bring a lose to there financcail report. The comp. C E O Allen Questrom is currently in talks with an array of possabile buyers eather as a whole or split the regions up. The possibable price this sale might fetch is in the area of 4 Billion Dollars.
In the Feb. 1, 2004 Issue of Lagistics Management Magz. the cover story, Secure From The Start, is an indepth story of how JCP is handleing there cargo in this post 9/11 world. With tightened boarders and stricter container inspection, JCP is receiving its cargo without any delays or disruptions in its supply chains. In Feb. 03, they applied with the U.S. Customs Bureau to recieve there C-TPAT validation and passed with fling colors.
Since JCP recieves the merchantdise from over 60 foreign countries and can not afford any disruptions. So they went to thier suppliers and demanded stricter rules and regulations on there part. So now thier cargo passes with little delay or disruption in the supply chain. So in short, I feel that thier management team is headed in the right direction to bring J C Penney back to the for front of the retail sector. ( If they only sold beer)
Another side of this stock that is appeling to me, is there stable growth in EPS which is stated to be around the $3.00 in the end of 2005.
Also there stable growth in stock price is appealing. As of late, during the past two sale off periods, this company has shown little effect on the price per share.
Personal Note
Another reason for liking this company is, it has helped my wife pick the decore for three rooms in our house that we have remolded in the last couple of years. I just felt that if you feed the hand that feeds youthere will be just rewards in the end. At the present time we are at a 94.33% profit on this pick so I feel the purchases made over the internet on our furnishing makes us even. So to prove to myself that I don't love this stock I shale put it to pasture when it reaches 100% along with TRMM, BGY, AND NCEN. Yes Sir, Sale half and put them to pasture.
Well this is it for tonights Howling. Please feel free to join me next week and don't be shy post your howling here.
============>>>>>>>>>&g t; MEAGO BIG RED!!!!!