Cornhusker's Howlings

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  • MEA_1956
    Senior Member
    • Oct 2003
    • 655

    The Best For Last

    SYNM === As I sit here and look at stock an think would this be a worthy post to post on the HUGEST Web Sit in the WORLD, I say to myself, HEEEEEELLLLL YYYYAAAA!!!!!!! To the moon and lets take Alice with us, SHE likes a good time too.....

    MACD just crossed over, an there is a point of no return in sight for this one.

    Myself I've been in since 2/18/05 @$10.56 an If EARNY could talk on this subject I think he would also give a thumbs up on this play. Just do some digging and the story will unfold in front of your own eyes. ===> M.E.A.
    GO BIG RED!!!!!


    • MEA_1956
      Senior Member
      • Oct 2003
      • 655


      HD === HD may have a half a leg to stand on next week if support holds. MEA
      GO BIG RED!!!!!


      • MEA_1956
        Senior Member
        • Oct 2003
        • 655

        Out of Retirement or NOT

        I had to chuckel to myself as I read this artical in the paper this weekend about the oilfield opening back up in Nebraska. We have TWO RIGS drilling at the present time an one of those had been stacked for the last ten years. Oil Co. are looking for more help and more rigs to produce the Cornhusker Crude. Even tho It Cost $6.00 a barrel more for Transporting( becuse there are no pipelines here) They are saying that at these prices they can make money on these stripper wells that only produce 10 barrels of oil per day.

        Do I Dare, make a few phone calls, Line up my old crew, Have Doug call his Twin BRO MEL, and setout to make a movie about a bunch of old ruffnecks cashing in on the oil bubble. It could happen you know, they made a movie here a couple years back about some sod busters.

        Quick facts.

        Cornhusker crude Accounts for only one out of every thousand barrels produced in the United States.

        Fifty-two exploratory wells were drilled in NE last year.

        NE has 1,182 active wells, up 58 from two years ago.

        2003 2.7 mill. barrels were produced.

        2004 2.5 mill. barrels were produced.

        Cornhusker crude ave. $46.00 a barrel last month, and $40.00 a barrel last week

        University of NE @ Lincoln offers consulting on the pay zones in the western half of the state.

        My bone are to werry to even think another thought about ruff necking but the stories still are fresh on my mind. MEA
        GO BIG RED!!!!!


        • MEA_1956
          Senior Member
          • Oct 2003
          • 655


          I'm Still Alive but wore to a frazzzzel. We had one HAIL of a storm the other week and still not back to norm. around here. Our broken windows are still about three weeeks from getting replaced. Wiped our camp trailer almost into the ground. $4,500 damage on a $6,000 trailer, what a waste. $4,600 on the house. Mostly shingles,sideing and windows, plus all the autos. I have removed more than 7- 55 gal barrels of tree twiggs off my lot. all the trees are bare.

          If you would like to see what a HAIL cloud looks check out this web site.

          don't know if it will come up, just typing off a picture that was cirleted at work the other day.

          Well type more next year, have too many houses to shingle. We are trying to do one a week and also work our normal jobs. Up at six am and then get off at Sara Lee Bakery @ 10pm. No time to play and no camper to play in. Maybe next year.

          Yo EARNY, Sucked water out of our basement for seven hours the night of the storm, went to bed and sucked for three more the next day before we won. There was not a pump in town that wasn't rented.

          Good Night All an To ALL A GOOD NIGHT. MEA

          Thats what I figured no pictures, Will try another way later.
          GO BIG RED!!!!!


          • Websman
            Senior Member
            • Apr 2004
            • 5545

            Man...and I thought hurricane Ivan was bad. Hang in there MEA.


            • MEA_1956
              Senior Member
              • Oct 2003
              • 655

              Ceiler Time !!!!!!!!!

              Just stopped in to say hello to all and would like to howl a little on three topics.

              #1 AACE . I see a brite future in the making. This is going to be my preholiday pick. ( what a cash cow) I feel at years end they will be at there one year est. and then some.

              #2 MESA . With what little spare time I have had this last summer I seam to always find a few seconds to read up on this HOOAAAARRRR story. At the present time things are looking good in this direction and all them $100.oo deposits seem to have payed off.

              #3 MTRX . I do think that they are in the money now, with all the work to be done in their feild of specialty.

              I read a post a while back about Wealth Daily, and what people had to say about Mike Schaefer. My only comment is that I looked @ TREN.ob and liked what I saw as far as a gas play. It appeared to me that every thing was in place so I jumped in @ $1.27 and am up over 74% at the present time. Hind sight tells me I should of placed more down at that time and made bigger deposits along the way. A GREAT PICK MIKE. Along with a few other that I have liked.

              Well Good night to ALLL & ALLL a good night. Six bells is still early and only have one roof left to shingle. The I can start on my own projects.

              GO BIG RED!!!!!


              • RL
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2003
                • 1215

                Good to hear from you mea glad all Is well
                Ray Long


                • rrezac
                  Junior Member
                  • Aug 2005
                  • 23

                  4-0 Huskers!!!!!!!!

                  How about them 4-0 Huskers???? Texas Tech better watch out now that we know there are 2 end zones on the for the offense and one for the defense.....hehehehehe


                  • jiesen
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2003
                    • 5320

                    Howlin right back at ya, MEA. Glad to see you're still stopping by the $$MM board every now and then.


                    • OmahaInvestor

                      Originally posted by rrezac
                      How about them 4-0 Huskers???? Texas Tech better watch out now that we know there are 2 end zones on the for the offense and one for the defense.....hehehehehe
                      I went to the game on Saturday against Iowa State. Their offense looked much improved. I think if they come to play they might have a chance to beat Tech. THey are at home and all. I pretty much go to every game because I get free tickets for being a student-athelete. I think next weeks gonna be the game of the season for the Huskers. If they win its big things to come if they lose its gonna be a wild ride.


                      • scifos
                        Senior Member
                        • Jan 2004
                        • 790

                        I picked up some MESA on friday, so far so good!
                        Buy Low
                        Sell High
                        STAY FROSTY!


                        • MEA_1956
                          Senior Member
                          • Oct 2003
                          • 655

                          Gota LUV it !!!!!

                          Huskers 4 - 0

                          MESA & AACE both on the move....

                          HAO.V for a penny play

                          Life could be sweeter but not better....

                          ===> M E A
                          GO BIG RED!!!!!


                          • MEA_1956
                            Senior Member
                            • Oct 2003
                            • 655


                            Read an artical this morn. that stated MESA was headed for the $10.00 range.

                            Bar Charts has them listed at #24 on there top 100.

                            ME, I'm real close to pulling the plug.

                            ===> M.E.A.
                            GO BIG RED!!!!!


                            • scifos
                              Senior Member
                              • Jan 2004
                              • 790

                              I'm up 20% on MESA, I've pretty much gone from looking at daily data to weekly data, and I've been playing around with CCI and STO, I think weekly its still a hold for me.
                              Buy Low
                              Sell High
                              STAY FROSTY!


                              • MEA_1956
                                Senior Member
                                • Oct 2003
                                • 655

                                Monthly Up Date

                                At the first of this month I made a bold post on three stocks that I felt had a fare chance of becoming winners. This post will be a short up date on the way they have preformed so far this month and what to look forward by months end.

                                AACE ===== I believe I stated this co. to be a cash cow on that first post. Of corse there was a pun intended here, but I dought that I received any laughs, maybe just a chuckel.

                                Oct.27 is going to be there day in the sun shine when they post their EARNINGS. As the 1/4 started out the EPS was at 0.37 and has settled down to 0.20 at the present time. Are we in for another suprise like last 1/4s (11.6%) or are we looking for something higher.

                                Well Mister E do you have any predictions on how this 1/4 will fare or is your crystal a little bit blurry.

                                MESA ====== It sure would be nice to see a airline co. take the lead and show every one just how to do it. I've held this one for a long time, picking up a few more shares here and there and its time to reap my just rewards here.

                                There last 1/4 ly report, reported a suprise of 34.7% on their EPS which is no suprise to me since evey month they report an increase in air traffic.

                                I do hope the vol. stays away and it just keeps inching up to the $11.00 mark and then I shall cash it all in.

                                MTRX ===== When a co. has a GROWTH EST. of 180.6% for this year and 80% GROWTH for next, something must be going right. The sad part of this story is that if you were to look at there Stats you would find a pretty dry outlook but then you flip to a technical veiw an your eyes start to perk up a little bit.

                                Again, same old story, been in for a while picking up more along the way in hopes of a picture perfect ending.

                                Well, Better call it quits before my spelling inproves an youal start to think that Im the other guy. Have alot of work ahead of me these next 14 days to pick my next 3 teamer for the month of NOV. Type more at you later,BY BY. ===> M.E.A.
                                GO BIG RED!!!!!

