Spike's Scientific Stock Analysis

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  • skiracer
    Senior Member
    • Dec 2004
    • 6314

    I have to agree with you in principle. Regardless of the instrument and there are some that are better than others but the idea is to start young and put it in some instrument that is relatively safe. The idea is to be consistent doing it year after year. There is no need to put the maximum amount allowed if it is going to strangle your budget and restrict your lifestyle. You'll end up hating it if that's the case. But to just do it for 35 or 40 years will astound you with what can accumulate over that period of time.
    I wouldn't necessarily say that Webs is wrong because if you let someone else run your money anything can and will happen. There are plenty of people out there that had the right idea but made the wrong choices of where to put it an ended up on the losing side of the game.


    • Websman
      Senior Member
      • Apr 2004
      • 5545

      Originally posted by skiracer
      I wouldn't necessarily say that Webs is wrong because if you let someone else run your money anything can and will happen. There are plenty of people out there that had the right idea but made the wrong choices of where to put it an ended up on the losing side of the game.
      That's my point. The people that I know, who are risking it all, know very little about markets or how they work. They think they can throw their money in any fund and they'll be rich.

      Not everyone can win.


      • scifos
        Senior Member
        • Jan 2004
        • 790

        Originally posted by IIC
        Let's assume that they can each put in $3,000 yr in an IRA...that's $6,000 yr at a compounded 8% annually for 40 yrs(That's the avg since 1950). That would be $1.56 million.
        If the average direction of the Market is up, why not put your money in something like the Rydex Velocity 100 Fund, which produces 2x the movement of the Naz. I'd probably switch to something less volitile as I approach retirement. But if you've got 40 years until retirement then you can wait out the downward swings.
        Buy Low
        Sell High
        STAY FROSTY!


        • IIC
          Senior Member
          • Nov 2003
          • 14938

          Originally posted by scifos
          If the average direction of the Market is up, why not put your money in something like the Rydex Velocity 100 Fund, which produces 2x the movement of the Naz. I'd probably switch to something less volitile as I approach retirement. But if you've got 40 years until retirement then you can wait out the downward swings.
          I was just using that as an example since it was easy to find the % gain over a long period.

          The point is that over the long term, dollar cost averaging in a stable index fund is probably a good place for people to put away a nest egg if they don't want to really follow the markets.

          What really galls me is these people...and I know some...that consider their guy at the bank to be an expert at where they should put their IRA money when they only represent a few funds. Also, these sales people who work for a fund and people I know consider them to be their financial advisor. I'm not saying there are not any good one's, but c'mon...how many are there? And if someone is only putting in $3,000 a year...do they really think their "financial advisor" is going to be calling them when it is appropriate to re-allocate?

          That's one reason I recommend to people I know who have no interest in actually trying to learn or follow the markets... a boring index fund. I've seen too many disappointed people over the years.

          And yes Webs...I know a lot of people like that...IIC
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          • New-born baby
            Senior Member
            • Apr 2004
            • 6095


            Originally posted by Websman
            Ha! They're not getting a dime of my money! I've got it all locked away!!!

            Let me guess: tucked somewhere behind your ears?
            pivot calculator *current oil price*My stock picking method*Charting Lesson of the Week:BEAR FLAG PATTERN


            • Websman
              Senior Member
              • Apr 2004
              • 5545

              Originally posted by New-born baby

              Let me guess: tucked somewhere behind your ears?
              Yes...until I find a stock bargain.


              • billyjoe
                Senior Member
                • Nov 2003
                • 9014


                I totally agree. The guy at the bank or your local hometown broker may not know anymore about stocks than you do. It's funny that Mr. Market is probably better than 99% of these so called experts and he doesn't advise for a living. These guys must have humongous kahonies if they think their advice is worth paying for.



                • Originally posted by spikefader
                  When you describe it as short channel bounce I gather you mean upper channel line tag. Yes, it's a minor channel, and in a bear market we are probably wise to target short like that.
                  Yes, I did mean Friday's bounce off the SHORT TERM (or as you say minor) channel. Thanks for the input.


                  • New-born baby
                    Senior Member
                    • Apr 2004
                    • 6095

                    Canadian Dollar vs. USD


                    I'd like an expert's opinion (i.e. that'd be you, Spike) on where you see the USD vs the CD exchange rate headed. The USD gained strength the past two weeks vs. the CD. Where do you see the bottom?

                    Thanks for everything. If you are too busy, I understand.
                    pivot calculator *current oil price*My stock picking method*Charting Lesson of the Week:BEAR FLAG PATTERN


                    • dmk112
                      Senior Member
                      • Nov 2004
                      • 1759


                      Do you think KCS has hit a channel long? And if it fails, is it down hill from there?



                      • New-born baby
                        Senior Member
                        • Apr 2004
                        • 6095

                        5th Wave Up if it is

                        Originally posted by dmk112

                        Do you think KCS has hit a channel long? And if it fails, is it down hill from there?


                        I looked at your chart. Hasn't KCS had 4 complete waves up? The old Wm. O'Neil line is "Do not buy after 4 waves up." I could be wrong . . . .
                        pivot calculator *current oil price*My stock picking method*Charting Lesson of the Week:BEAR FLAG PATTERN


                        • spikefader
                          Senior Member
                          • Apr 2004
                          • 7175

                          NUTR: I posted a bullish chart on this a little while ago. Today I spotted the latest triangle break after Mr.M's brought the latest news to us. Might be worth a long


                          • spikefader
                            Senior Member
                            • Apr 2004
                            • 7175

                            KCS, there was a minor weekly channel long failure recently. Steer clear of it until some nice discount.


                            • spikefader
                              Senior Member
                              • Apr 2004
                              • 7175

                              Originally posted by New-born baby

                              I'd like an expert's opinion (i.e. that'd be you, Spike) on where you see the USD vs the CD exchange rate headed. The USD gained strength the past two weeks vs. the CD. Where do you see the bottom?

                              Thanks for everything. If you are too busy, I understand.
                              You're welcome
                              Here ya go. Charts showing the potential for USD to bounce some after it's hammering. And Canadian looks like it's going to weaken. So USD:CDW has a bullish bias. USD:CDW chart is clearly bullish.


                              • spikefader
                                Senior Member
                                • Apr 2004
                                • 7175

                                re KBH http://www.mrmarketishuge.com/showpo...postcount=3146 there is an overnight double bottom in place so there is the first opportunity to nail a long. Stop under it of course.

