Spike's Scientific Stock Analysis

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  • New-born baby
    Senior Member
    • Apr 2004
    • 6095

    Non-Expert's two cents worth

    Originally posted by mystiky
    Any further thoughts on UTSI will be appreciated!
    I couldn't invest my way out of FRO, so don't take this too close to heart.
    But I look for UTSI to make a double bottom on the weekly. That is, where the price moves up (as it is now), then down to the previous low, then up again to where it is now. Spike said it is at resistance now, short call on the weekly chart, etc. You could watch and see if she moves down to the previous low and add there, or to be safe, wait again until she come above where she is at now.

    Best of trades with it.
    pivot calculator *current oil price*My stock picking method*Charting Lesson of the Week:BEAR FLAG PATTERN


    • jiesen
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2003
      • 5320

      Originally posted by mystiky

      Any further thoughts on UTSI will be appreciated!
      wow, I actually sold this at the "technically correct" time?

      hey, Spike, how about telling us all when to REALLY short GOOG!


      • New-born baby
        Senior Member
        • Apr 2004
        • 6095

        Short GooG

        Originally posted by jiesen
        wow, I actually sold this at the "technically correct" time?
        hey, Spike, how about telling us all when to REALLY short GOOG!
        Hey, Junkyard Dog! The answer is this: if GooG never splits, anytime will do. They don't pay a dividend. You'd just be a "buy and hold" type of shorter! Moreover, GooG will undoubtedly have a time like TASR, ESMC, and all the others, and you'll be tearing 'em up then.

        Question: why not dump the Jiesen moniker for "Junkyard Dog?" I think it sounds classy. . . .
        pivot calculator *current oil price*My stock picking method*Charting Lesson of the Week:BEAR FLAG PATTERN


        • noshadyldy
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2003
          • 539


          Originally posted by spikefader
          Got potential......Channel turn up this week. Target of 13.00ish once it can get over channel short resistance of 10.71. Wait for that, and enter long on some weakness - perhaps channel long. Yell at me if it sets up.
          Thanks a million, Spike!
          "Whatever you can do or dream you can , begin it. Boldness has genius,power and magic in it." Goethe


          • spikefader
            Senior Member
            • Apr 2004
            • 7175

            Originally posted by New-born baby
            FRO has bounced off the $45 line several times. But of course, knowing my luck-- tomorrow and she charges through that line by $10 . . . .

            The fact is that the volume on the $35 AUG calls for FRO today was only 2: me and someone else. When they took my call, a bright flashing light hit my screen, and it read: "WARNING: TWO FOOLS JUST MET RIGHT HERE."
            LOL that's hilarious! hehe

            But seriously, I'm just teasin'....you could easily do well with a covered call play. I am still holding FRO and looking for something more out of it. This play was entirely different to my usual routine, which I'm sure everyone observed. I was allowing myself one more add (a channel long down near 40) but it never gave me the opportunity. I'm currently watching for 50.50 (inverted SHS target) and then I'll reconsider my target. I'd like to see a bullish channel bust......and I'll give it a chance to do that. A weekly close below 43 or a channel turn down on the weekly and I'll be exiting this one rather quickly I think. But right now, I'm seeing a bullish bias until a channel short day currently around 48.00 and rising on the daily. So for all that, I really don't think this one is a short candidate yet, which is why I was teasin' about you selling a call for it! I think you're early. But good luck and hope you have nailed it and I'm wrong. Whatever happens, may our emotions stay out of our decision making!


            • spikefader
              Senior Member
              • Apr 2004
              • 7175

              Originally posted by New-born baby
              ...I look for UTSI to make a double bottom on the weekly...
              Yep, that's a great plan.
              Originally posted by jiesen
              ..hey, Spike, how about telling us all when to REALLY short GOOG!
              LOL, ya, OK. You got that right. I wouldn't have REALLY shorted the open on Monday! But I would have shorted the SHS neckline break on Wednesday around 290ish. Why? You've got a 5th wave count on the weekly, and that profit taking channel tag on the daily. Yesterday price was bullish up to and over the first SHS, and on the daily the channel is still flat, so entering on the 2nd SHS formation is valid too. That makes for a potential double top. But in reality, I would have likely stopped out even on the Wed short setup. But the 2nd intraday SHS remains a valid short setup. Short today 291.90, with a stop just above yesterday's high. That's as valid a setup as it gets. You're shorting the neckline break of an intraday head n shoulders, after a profit-taking signal on the daily and weekly count to support. If price takes out yesterday's highs, and gives a channel turn up signal at close, that's a bullish aggressive buy signal to chase. You wouldn't want to be short then!


              • spikefader
                Senior Member
                • Apr 2004
                • 7175

                Just looked at GOOG premarket, and it's trading up, so that rules out the short setup now. Very bullish price action. Now is not the time to be short Now, where is the next time to think about it? Well, boy, the channel on the weekly is 335.00! lol The upper channel on the daily is now 306.00 and rising each day....
                All one can do is wait for the blow off top that is certain to come. It is not IF.....but when. There will be some nice drop at some point.....one just has to stay emotionally detached and time it 'perfectly'!

                I should exit from the competition GOOG short, but I'm not gonna. It never has been about winning, but rather participating in some fun. Nice to win, but I never expect to!


                • New-born baby
                  Senior Member
                  • Apr 2004
                  • 6095

                  She's gone.

                  Originally posted by spikefader
                  hehe and I can't believe you're selling calls for FRO!!!! lol
                  Whoever bought my FRO call exercised it this morning as FRO opened lower in the pre-market. He lost money, but I didn't make as much as I hoped.

                  The stats say only 10% of all calls are exercised; 30% expire worthless, the other 60% are traded back into the broker.
                  pivot calculator *current oil price*My stock picking method*Charting Lesson of the Week:BEAR FLAG PATTERN


                  • spikefader
                    Senior Member
                    • Apr 2004
                    • 7175

                    Originally posted by New-born baby
                    Whoever bought my FRO call exercised it this morning as FRO opened lower in the pre-market. He lost money, but I didn't make as much as I hoped.
                    So he exercised his right to buy? So he paid your premium of $920 for the right to buy 100 shares at 35.00? So he's paid $4420 ($3500 + 920) and price is now trading at $44.50, so that's $4450 for his shares. So he's about even after commissions. Does he get the dividend? Goin' to trade futes now, so I'll be back later. Good luck all.


                    • New-born baby
                      Senior Member
                      • Apr 2004
                      • 6095

                      DIVY: Yes

                      Originally posted by spikefader
                      So he exercised his right to buy? So he paid your premium of $920 for the right to buy 100 shares at 35.00? So he's paid $4420 ($3500 + 920) and price is now trading at $44.50, so that's $4450 for his shares. So he's about even after commissions. Does he get the dividend? Goin' to trade futes now, so I'll be back later. Good luck all.
                      YES, he gets the divy. But the price was $9.60 (I got 9.20, he paid $9.60) to buy the call. So he's down a little.
                      Last edited by New-born baby; 06-07-2005, 09:53 AM.
                      pivot calculator *current oil price*My stock picking method*Charting Lesson of the Week:BEAR FLAG PATTERN


                      • jiesen
                        Senior Member
                        • Sep 2003
                        • 5320

                        Originally posted by spikefader
                        Just looked at GOOG premarket, and it's trading up, so that rules out the short setup now. Very bullish price action. Now is not the time to be short Now, where is the next time to think about it? Well, boy, the channel on the weekly is 335.00! lol The upper channel on the daily is now 306.00 and rising each day....
                        All one can do is wait for the blow off top that is certain to come. It is not IF.....but when. There will be some nice drop at some point.....one just has to stay emotionally detached and time it 'perfectly'!

                        I should exit from the competition GOOG short, but I'm not gonna. It never has been about winning, but rather participating in some fun. Nice to win, but I never expect to!
                        Ok, thanks for the SHS's up, Spike. I'll keep my finger off the short button for now, even though GOOG is sitting at a very juicy $298.


                        • Spike,

                          You see this nice short set-up on the Spoo's?


                          • jiesen
                            Senior Member
                            • Sep 2003
                            • 5320

                            Originally posted by jiesen
                            Ok, thanks for the SHS's up, Spike. I'll keep my finger off the short button for now, even though GOOG is sitting at a very juicy $298.
                            I guess 298 turned out to be a pretty good spot for that GOOG short after all. Not that I could have, with ST down that morning, or even would have anyway, with my extreme aversion to shorting in general.


                            • Originally posted by jiesen
                              I guess 298 turned out to be a pretty good spot for that GOOG short after all. Not that I could have, with ST down that morning, or even would have anyway, with my extreme aversion to shorting in general.
                              Jiesen, based on your recent complaints, I think ol' Roger better re-tool his commercials. The one where he gets the firewood and builds the tree house; The tree house should collapse at the end of the commercial


                              • Websman
                                Senior Member
                                • Apr 2004
                                • 5545

                                It would be great to be short GOOG, but with my meager funds, I couldn't afford enough shares to make it worth my while.

