Spike's Scientific Stock Analysis

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  • jiesen
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2003
    • 5320

    XING chart


    Thanks for the TA on XING. Much appreciated![/u]


    • tokyojoeskid
      No Posting allowed; invalid email
      • Oct 2003
      • 222

      Thanks spike

      For the TA on SNDK

      Perhaps you meant 20 seemed to be major support?? Anyway, I'd wait.

      yes i did mean support, just wrote to fast
      glad you feelin better


      • Hey spike question? I shorted 11000 shares of Dhb the past couple of days at a avg of 14.32, do I run for cover or remain patient and wait for a pullback? I have seen a ton of institutions buying, I was debating wether to buy or short. Upon researching the company on the internet I found out Brooks(their Ceo) was involved in a sec scandal in 1992, that is the sole reason why the Naz rejected him with flying colors. I bought Dhb @ 10.15 and sold it at 13.20 before so made a nice profit. But I felt it can't go much higher at these prices without more contracts espicially with a Ceo with less then better integrity and being listed on Amex where a ton of manipulation goes on. So Spike what would be your advice to me? I don't want to see it hit 20 and lose a ton of money here.


        • spikefader
          Senior Member
          • Apr 2004
          • 7175

          Originally posted by equity488
          Hey spike question? I shorted 11000 shares of Dhb the past couple of days at a avg of 14.32, do I run for cover or remain patient and wait for a pullback? I have seen a ton of institutions buying, I was debating wether to buy or short. Upon researching the company on the internet I found out Brooks(their Ceo) was involved in a sec scandal in 1992, that is the sole reason why the Naz rejected him with flying colors. I bought Dhb @ 10.15 and sold it at 13.20 before so made a nice profit. But I felt it can't go much higher at these prices without more contracts espicially with a Ceo with less then better integrity and being listed on Amex where a ton of manipulation goes on. So Spike what would be your advice to me? I don't want to see it hit 20 and lose a ton of money here.
          There is a time to be short DHB, but I'm afraid for me, now is not that time. If it were my money on the table, I'd take my medicine and run for cover. Here's the cons of holding:
          1. You have a possible runaway gap that could take several months and a journey to 20 or higher before it fills
          2. There is no clear 5 wave movement up, so that's a possibility.
          3. The big gap up from below 10 was from a wedge - a signal that volatile move up could continue.
          4. The channel from the recent 15.15 high has now turned up.
          5. The upper channel from the low at 5.05 today sits at 18.88 and rising every day, so 20 is quite possible.
          Good luck.


          • Well I covered today Spike at 15.50 and it hurt like a Mofo, what prices do you suggest buying/shorting again?


            • spikefader
              Senior Member
              • Apr 2004
              • 7175

              Originally posted by equity488
              Well I covered today Spike at 15.50 and it hurt like a Mofo, what prices do you suggest buying/shorting again?
              good job. yep - pain hurts I think you feel better to be out though. lower channel long is the play, so on the watch list. Short when I get a signal.


              • Is 15.80 a good entry point?


                • SFCC

                  Spike whats your take on SFCC

                  Thanks orion


                  • spikefader
                    Senior Member
                    • Apr 2004
                    • 7175

                    Originally posted by equity488
                    Is 15.80 a good entry point?
                    good for neither long or short imo.

                    If you want perfect entries, or at least the chance for a perfect entry, with good risk/reward, wait for a channel entry setup. I fear that your emotions may be tempting you to get revenge on DHB now that it has bitten you. My advise is to cool off a few days, and patiently wait for your revenge.

                    There is a time I will like this stock long or short. Now isn't the time. While I'm bullish on it, based on previous charts and comments, my conditions to enter are very strict. Why? To reduce risk. Those opportunities for good r/r can take as short as 1 day or as long as 90 or more.


                    • spikefader
                      Senior Member
                      • Apr 2004
                      • 7175

                      Re: SFCC

                      Originally posted by IamOrion
                      Spike whats your take on SFCC

                      Thanks orion
                      Has had a nice run. Perhaps at resistence and time to take some off the table if you're long. Buy a channel to reenter.


                      • Well I entered today at 15.70, set my stop though at 15.40. Worse case scenario I lose very little. Support seems to be basing around 15.50.


                        • kingofthehill
                          Senior Member
                          • Nov 2003
                          • 487

                          spike, would the 2 year old chart showing ELN going to $40.00 mean anything at this point or is that too long ago ??


                          • Websman
                            Senior Member
                            • Apr 2004
                            • 5545

                            Originally posted by equity488
                            Well I covered today Spike at 15.50 and it hurt like a Mofo, what prices do you suggest buying/shorting again?
                            OFG hurt me like a MoFo so I feel your pain bro.

                            The market is a strange place. I've stayed long on DHB and am smiling while you went short and are probably not smiling. I hope you get revenge on DHB though. Just let me know so I can get out and take my profit before it tanks.

                            Have you looked at IPIX as a short canidate? It seems to be slowing down.


                            • Ipix is iffy to short, while they haven't made a cent yet they have potential. I wouldn't take either position. I went long on Dhb at 9-10 and sold in 13's. Then went it went to 14's I shorted while it pulled back to 13. I was stupid and didn't cover and it soared to 15.50. But right now with funds gobbling up shares and Ibd coverage to come I strongly beleive it will be 20-25 dollars by end of July. The only thing I am very iffy and skeptical about is David Brooks who has been in trouble with the sec in 1992. That's a guy I don't want running my company.


                              • Websman
                                Senior Member
                                • Apr 2004
                                • 5545

                                Originally posted by equity488
                                But right now with funds gobbling up shares and Ibd coverage to come I strongly beleive it will be 20-25 dollars by end of July. The only thing I am very iffy and skeptical about is David Brooks who has been in trouble with the sec in 1992. That's a guy I don't want running my company.
                                True, this brooks guy sounds a little shady, but what I like about DHB is the fact that they have a great product with contracts in place. I'm sure a large number of CEO's are crooked. I think the only difference between him and others is that he got caught and they didn't. Kinda like Clinton compared to other Presidents. They probably banged their interns too...

