I've been watching CLE myself as a possible Canslim play...But the news is what drove it...who new?
Spike's Scientific Stock Analysis
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Originally posted by WebsmanTZOO...
I knew the big drop was coming. It was destined to make a correction. What is the true value of TZOO??? No one knows...Up $2.66 today! I knew it was coming...not..
I wish I was a cowboy and TZOO was a bull at a rodeo, because it would be one heck of a ride. I'm getting whiplash from watching this one. I'm still too scared to get in on this one.
Maybe you already know? TZOO announces pre-mkt tomorrow with a c/c at 11am EDT:
Actually, I hope they miss...not because I wish any holders ill will...but because I told my trading partner that this one stunk 10 points ago...I just want to be right...which doesn't seem to be happening too often lately...LOL
BTW...Where the heck is Spike???...I'm getting worried"Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"
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Originally posted by IICI told my trading partner that this one stunk 10 points ago...I just want to be right...which doesn't seem to be happening too often lately...LOL
Yea, I hate it when I'm wrong too. I would have never imagined the wild ride TZOO has taken. I didn't know when earnings was. Thanks for the info. I guess we'll soon see if you have to eat your words huh? or my words...
And about Spike...I'm a little worried also. I may not know him personally, but he sure seems like a heck of a great guy to me. His advice has made a lot of difference in my trading. I've learned a lifetime of lessons from him. I feel very fortunate to have been led to this board and to have met up with Spike and everyone else here. What a great community! Ok...I'm getting sentimental...gotta go.
Originally posted by WebsmanOriginally posted by WebsmanTZOO...
I knew the big drop was coming. It was destined to make a correction. What is the true value of TZOO??? No one knows...Up $2.66 today! I knew it was coming...not..
I wish I was a cowboy and TZOO was a bull at a rodeo, because it would be one heck of a ride. I'm getting whiplash from watching this one. I'm still too scared to get in on this one.
Originally posted by Massivespike,
I made a new thread in the main forum, but I want to know which of these three look strongest, technical-wise? VLO KCS EFEX
EFEX, is that the correct ticker?? can't find it.