aytraders dream come true
Hey, thanks. And you're welcome. One thing is certain.....I'm not always correct, but hopefully on the right side of a few big moves to make up for the little stop outs. The king is right...this stock ELN not for the faint of heart. Same applies to any stock is not for faint of heart!
Anyway, sorry for anyone on ELN right now. I know the frustration of seeing good news sold. It makes no sense. The world is mad. Don't they realize!! All those emotions I've battled with in the past...until I decided to take emotion out of the equation and smile agreeably with the market that is ALWAYS right

Originally posted by New-born baby

Anyway, sorry for anyone on ELN right now. I know the frustration of seeing good news sold. It makes no sense. The world is mad. Don't they realize!! All those emotions I've battled with in the past...until I decided to take emotion out of the equation and smile agreeably with the market that is ALWAYS right
