Interesting idea you have there and commendable for the time an energy you're putting into it. What's not my cup of tea doesn't necessarily mean I don't think it will provide a great base for making more out of your opportunities. Anyway I always love this type of exercise an I would never pass up on any idea that held water if I saw that it would enhance the percentages for making more money. Good show and BELIEVE me when I say that I hope it proves to be successful because I would be the first to acknowledge that once proven.
Interesting idea you have there and commendable for the time an energy you're putting into it. What's not my cup of tea doesn't necessarily mean I don't think it will provide a great base for making more out of your opportunities. Anyway I always love this type of exercise an I would never pass up on any idea that held water if I saw that it would enhance the percentages for making more money. Good show and BELIEVE me when I say that I hope it proves to be successful because I would be the first to acknowledge that once proven.