I moved my stop to 40.01
Spike's Scientific Stock Analysis
Any comments on todays action in TRAD?
Looks like TRAD had it's nice debut at #9 on the IBD100. But, it seems like towards the 2nd part of the day, more and more sellers started to appear.
It closed at 15.73, which is FURTHER AWAY from the DAY HIGH (16.25) than the day LOW (15.42). So, its not as bullish as the previous 3 or 4 closes, which were almost all at the high of the day at the close. Also, the stochastics look really overbought on the short-term. Hey, its gone up from 12.40 (low print) to 16.25 (top print) during these first 5 days of 2006!
I am seeing short-term support at 15.50, 15.30 and then probably 15. If one was to short it near $16 tommorow on any gapup, would it be a prudent play for a $1 or $1.50 gain?
Opinions, commnets and charts....please....
Profit-taking tag today (expanding) but I'm not sure it's a boom yet, higher prices tomorrow it definately is. I would stalk this one for a channel long or perhaps try the gap support buy. But I'm picky. But it's clearly impulsive and it may just pay to wait a few weeks and buy the correctives. I think if it can sustain up here it'll be a great swing from that kind of entry. Chasing these prices is very aggressive, and I don't see the r/r for the entry.
Originally posted by sektohey spiker, which of the creme of the crop #2 still look bullish to u and have some more room to move upwards?
For CIB the intraday pivot that got the green light 2 days ago was 30.66, so today's close of 30.79 is still close to the mark. You could put a stop at 29.99 and have around 2% risk.
For PKD, the pivot after the turn up was 11.32. It closed today at 11.34. A stop below today's low at 11.10 is 2% risk. I think that's ok. Or you could risk 3.5% and put your stop under the low 3 days ago. Still ok.
The others, while they look GREAT, I wouldn't be chasing them. For them, you should be holding a long now, with green hope
Originally posted by sektoim thinkin about grabbing some OXPS shares. Looks bullish to me, does it look that way to anyone else?
Originally posted by spikefaderHiya SiatyM.
You're welcome, thanks for the feedback.
Well the count sure sets up for a breakout. Money flow and reaction to the big gap up is a little bearish, but a glance at the weekly makes you think 'oooohh, nice 3 about to happen" lol. Bullish bias while the 'c' holds/gap holds. It's coming off a weekly cup with handle too. Yep, clearly bullish this one.
Here's the daily:
Yea dude you had the entry there. I wish I would of been here for it