Spike's Scientific Stock Analysis

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  • spikefader
    Senior Member
    • Apr 2004
    • 7175

    Originally posted by spikefader
    Holding QQQ short and hoping the bulls are gonna hit the ....

    ....which they seem ready to do currently, since the gap and crapping is starting
    Don't you just love it when a plan comes together.
    Holding QQQ short and looking for a 5th wave down either this afternoon, or a gap down tomorrow. This could be ugly for longs, so careful out there boys n girls!


    • spikefader
      Senior Member
      • Apr 2004
      • 7175

      For anyone who cares about cubemap, vector is strongly bearish at close. Bias is down.


      • Michaelk005

        A few thoughts too post, I sold out on my CSCO today at $19.40, a small profit but along with you, I feel the market will be down this week and I will rebuy CSCO at low $18 for another go around. Cubemap is awesome keep up the work. There have been some post regarding PVX... I'm in today at $8.97 at the close. 2% trailing stop and an order to sell at $9.28.. CDE and WHT are on my watch lists, I will take some shares later this week. MY wavecount has PVX hitting a "C" wave correction to at least 9.30,,, weel see how it goes. Good luck all.


        • spikefader
          Senior Member
          • Apr 2004
          • 7175


          re: http://www.mrmarketishuge.com/forum/...postcount=1035

          This is why one should take profits at resistance and patiently wait your next victim. One never knows just how ugly it can get - even with a bullish looking chart.

          Sorry if anyone is still long this one


          • spikefader
            Senior Member
            • Apr 2004
            • 7175

            Originally posted by Michaelk005
            A few thoughts too post, I sold out on my CSCO today at $19.40, a small profit but along with you, I feel the market will be down this week and I will rebuy CSCO at low $18 for another go around. Cubemap is awesome keep up the work. There have been some post regarding PVX... I'm in today at $8.97 at the close. 2% trailing stop and an order to sell at $9.28.. CDE and WHT are on my watch lists, I will take some shares later this week. MY wavecount has PVX hitting a "C" wave correction to at least 9.30,,, weel see how it goes. Good luck all.
            My wave counting is not purist at all, and very basic - whatever 'jumps' at me from the chart, and purist prolly laff at my counting, but here's what I'm seeing.


            • spikefader
              Senior Member
              • Apr 2004
              • 7175

              Re: http://www.mrmarketishuge.com/forum/...postcount=1052

              Those Nov 20 puts now $1.50, up 50%. See how puts can save yer bullish gluteus maximus when the chart speaks of grizzly bears!?!


              • Websman
                Senior Member
                • Apr 2004
                • 5545

                ELN in no mans land you say??? That doesn't sound so great. I'm glad I'm not in!

                I'm still waiting for earnings to get out of the way before I try to go long on anything...


                • spikefader
                  Senior Member
                  • Apr 2004
                  • 7175

                  Originally posted by Websman
                  ELN in no mans land you say??? That doesn't sound so great. I'm glad I'm not in!

                  I'm still waiting for earnings to get out of the way before I try to go long on anything...
                  That is an excellent and most wise position!! May the next long you take be a loose-soiled gem that you patiently wait to pick up. We all know diggin' for 'em ain't no fun!


                  • tokyojoeskid
                    No Posting allowed; invalid email
                    • Oct 2003
                    • 222


                    Yes unfortunately im still long but im only down like 100bucks, showed me that i should have used my charts when it fell through the channel i used. I will dump the couple shares i have tomm and look for a better candidate.
                    thanks for you help with the charting spike

                    spikefader SNDK

                    re: http://www.mrmarketishuge.com/forum...&postcount=1035

                    This is why one should take profits at resistance and patiently wait your next victim. One never knows just how ugly it can get - even with a bullish looking chart.

                    Sorry if anyone is still long this one


                    • spikefader
                      Senior Member
                      • Apr 2004
                      • 7175

                      Originally posted by tokyojoeskid
                      Yes unfortunately im still long but im only down like 100bucks, showed me that i should have used my charts when it fell through the channel i used. I will dump the couple shares i have tomm and look for a better candidate.
                      thanks for you help with the charting spike
                      Whew, well that ain't too bad. Live and learn my friend. You just paid $100 to learn the lesson that it is wise to sell at resistence targets....
                      May the next one be a rocket!


                      • Greetings Spike,
                        I also jumped on board PVX today at 8.88.My emotions kept me out after the drop to 8.49.I kept hearing the "catching the falling knife" line in my head.Looking back you could see the big volume drop,then the slow rise to 9.00.missed a .50 delta because of fear.

                        Concerning PVX,you can see on a 1year chart that spikes down like this occur fairly regularly,and almost always climb higher than the original price.If oil goes back up to 54,I feel 9.50 could touch again.Dont forget distribution ex_day is the 18th,so it should build from here.

                        When these canroys start realizing the income from higher oil futures, the distributions should go way up.Also end of year special distributions are coming up.So I think Ill be here for a while.Heck I feel like Jed Clampett.any thoughts?

                        cordially Tom,
                        btw,good read on the qqq Spike,everyone thought today would be big up.
                        Your Charts dont lie,or get moved by emotion.


                        • Greetings,
                          My mistake,its actually PWI that pays end of year special distribution.
                          cordially Tom


                          • spikefader
                            Senior Member
                            • Apr 2004
                            • 7175

                            Originally posted by Thomrich
                            Greetings Spike,
                            I also jumped on board PVX today at 8.88.My emotions kept me out after the drop to 8.49.I kept hearing the "catching the falling knife" line in my head.Looking back you could see the big volume drop,then the slow rise to 9.00.missed a .50 delta because of fear.

                            Concerning PVX,you can see on a 1year chart that spikes down like this occur fairly regularly,and almost always climb higher than the original price.If oil goes back up to 54,I feel 9.50 could touch again.Dont forget distribution ex_day is the 18th,so it should build from here.

                            When these canroys start realizing the income from higher oil futures, the distributions should go way up.Also end of year special distributions are coming up.So I think Ill be here for a while.Heck I feel like Jed Clampett.any thoughts?

                            cordially Tom,
                            btw,good read on the qqq Spike,everyone thought today would be big up.
                            Your Charts dont lie,or get moved by emotion.
                            Hey there. Thanks for that. Ya, I was reading bullishness all over the net last night .... got me double-checking everything

                            Ya, I know THAT feeling you speak of - falling knife line in head hehe. It takes some serious discipline to catch a gap down selloff ...... even with a nice 5th wave move you buy into. There is always the element of unknown. Bottom line is all one can do is have a plan of attack, with a retreat plan firmly in place - and then be clever enuf to stick to it.

                            Entry, target, stop. Three simple things really. But the emotion of fear can turn it all to mud

                            Good luck with that trade. 8.88 was a nice entry there! I note that's around the area I look to enter - anticipating the shoulder of that inverted 2-day SHS! If it were me, my stop would be tucked under LOD. We never had a lower channel long day on the daily, so if it takes out the LOD, it'll be movin fast and you don't want to hold your breath. But yes, I agree, repeatable patterns like bounces from these spikedowns over the past year raise the chances for success, and I would expect that you're probably safe, but I've seen too much to take anything for granted these days thus my tight stops and forever thread reminders of caution and stops.

                            Ya know, since this thread started we've seen selloffs the likes of BEL, NUTR, NUS, and tonight SNDK.... and I suspect ELN before too long. These should all be reminders to us that nasty downside risk is ever present and should be PLANNED for with every trade we make. But alas, I suspect that for 99% of mankind the lesson doesn't sink in until the pain is actually felt. Only then do we truly learn that stops are our friends!



                            • spikefader
                              Senior Member
                              • Apr 2004
                              • 7175

                              CSCO update FWIW:

                              Oh, and forgot to mention, QQQ had a channel short day today


                              • spikefader
                                Senior Member
                                • Apr 2004
                                • 7175

                                Cubemap No. 2

