Spike...Maybe I missed it???...But do you have any fave chart patterns?...I know none are 100%...But some that you feel are more reliable/predictable than others?...Wish me luck on the WITS announcement A/H tomorrow(On Thurs)
Spike's Scientific Stock Analysis
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Spike, and Thomrich,
Thomrich is looking to exit PWI at 22.00 after purchasing it at 21.74 yesterday. Yesterday was the last day one could buy the stock and still get the dividend of .30, payable Nov. 15. You'll need to hold PWI thru the record date of Oct 22. My question: why sell a stock yielding 16%? And why dump it before the record date and lose that dividend? That .30/share every month (I mean, every month!) is kinda nice. It sure beats trying to out smart this current market. I'm keeping my dividends.
Originally posted by kingofthehillwhat about that little Ireland based Biotech ??
Originally posted by New-born babySpike, and Thomrich,
Thomrich is looking to exit PWI at 22.00 after purchasing it at 21.74 yesterday. Yesterday was the last day one could buy the stock and still get the dividend of .30, payable Nov. 15. You'll need to hold PWI thru the record date of Oct 22. My question: why sell a stock yielding 16%? And why dump it before the record date and lose that dividend? That .30/share every month (I mean, every month!) is kinda nice. It sure beats trying to out smart this current market. I'm keeping my dividends.
Originally posted by tokyojoeskidAny thoughts or comments on LCI spike? looks like a possible break out from 52 week low. On forbes 200 list, insiders bought around 14.
beating the dist.
Originally posted by New-born babySpike, and Thomrich,
Thomrich is looking to exit PWI at 22.00 after purchasing it at 21.74 yesterday. Yesterday was the last day one could buy the stock and still get the dividend of .30, payable Nov. 15. You'll need to hold PWI thru the record date of Oct 22. My question: why sell a stock yielding 16%? And why dump it before the record date and lose that dividend? That .30/share every month (I mean, every month!) is kinda nice. It sure beats trying to out smart this current market. I'm keeping my dividends.
This all go's out the window now that these are not dropping after ex-date.
Up until 2months ago a 6mo. chart showed a great swing trading pattern like clockwork.
With hedges expiring soon,dist. should be ramping up substantially.JMO
cordially Tom
As an example,this month Ive traded EENC twice with deltas much higher than the monthly distribution,PVX for a .41 swing in 2days,and now PWI for .28 plus dist of .23 if I hold on.The beauty of it is you can move from one to another through out the month,as they all pay on varying days of the month.
If I could read charts like Spike I'd be much further ahead,but even my limited experience has made this my best trading month in a crap market.
Ill keep you up to date on my progress.
BTW watching TMWD tonight,could be big.
cordially Tom