TMWD again
Spike's Scientific Stock Analysis
I feel like an idiot.Sold my TMWD shares purchased in the mid 2s at 3.This looks to be building strength today in a crap market.Once again emotions got the best of me.
Still have my PWI shares,could take off the table for a nice .51 delta plus .23 dist.,
all in a matter of 3days.Any opinions? I like taking profits,but not too soon.Any thoughts Spike on a good stop.,Im in at 21.74.
cordially Tom
further to:
SNDK short entry 20.17.
Target is 9.10 gap (yes, it's an optimistic pig target)
Stop 22.50.
Pretty good r/r thereLast edited by spikefader; 10-22-2004, 02:05 PM.
Originally posted by ThomrichGreetings,
I feel like an idiot.Sold my TMWD shares purchased in the mid 2s at 3.This looks to be building strength today in a crap market.Once again emotions got the best of me.
Still have my PWI shares,could take off the table for a nice .51 delta plus .23 dist.,
all in a matter of 3days.Any opinions? I like taking profits,but not too soon.Any thoughts Spike on a good stop.,Im in at 21.74.
cordially Tom
Nice holding with PWI. I'd hold that puppy and target 25.00 or an upper channel, whichever comes first. I'd put stop at 21.20 or breakeven now.
I was browsing today and found some gem thoughts about win rates and expectancy that I thought I'd share.
"There is a golden equation of trading. The win rate multiplied by profit percentage per win - the loss rate multiplied by loss percentage per loss = expectancy.......there is an infinite set of numbers that could yield a positive result and an infinite set of numbers that could yield a negative result.....People are far too caught up in having the correct entry and far too unconcerned in having the correct could come up with almost any half-baked scheme to buy a stock and still be profitable if you focused on making the "golden equation" positive.......Too many people focus on the win rate and stop at that point.......Trading is a brutal profession because you have to control your emotions. As humans, we generally stink at that. Therefore, most people make lousy traders."
wriiten by By Gary B. Smith ( Contributor).
Readers of this thread should recognize that I often stress the importance of focusing on emotional detachment, on 'managing' the trade, on good exits and risk reward, and not searching for great win rates. It's the one who loses the best who will win the best.Last edited by spikefader; 10-23-2004, 11:39 AM.
Originally posted by spikefaderCUBEMAP:
Friday ended the session with Vector firmly bearish. You know what that means boys and girls........
compliments of Ted Nugent.The only queston is do you slit your throat on the way down?Compliments of Chris Rock.
cordially Terrible Tom
Spike this may sound like a weird question,but it go's like this.
Im in the automotive repair field,and when monitoring fuel economy we use a term" fuel trim".Its given a positive or negative value,and the first thing you look at to determine if youve fixed a problem is short term fuel bias.It immediately tells you which direction fuel enrichment is headed,and is absolute.
Could you give an indicator which best points to something similar when judging the direction of a stock?
When Fuel trims switch from negative to positive,fuel usage must correspond,and it can be seen empirically on an automotive scanner.
Can you give an indicator that you value the most?
cordially Tom
If I were you, I would not sell PWI. Let me give you several reasons:
1. The price of oil continues to increase and most likely will not drop back to $30 anytime soon. The Cans will continue to profit and with unhedged oil will likely increase dividends soon. That means the share price is going to continue to increase. If you sell, you'll have to buy back in at a higher price.
2. That .30 dividend is going to pay for any drop is share price. Think of it: .30 per month! Talk about safety!
3. With the crummy market we currently have, savy investors are leaving the non-dividend paying stocks to safer havens so that they can garner some profit: PWI is giving a 16% dividend AND an increase in share price. Double gravy!
4. You may not be aware of it, but you own a piece of paradise. Don't sell it!
Take a look at BEL and compare how blessed you are to own PWI.
5. Remember, the stock market has averaged a 10% gain per year for fifty years, but 6% of that gain has been dividends. In bear markets, dividends are what you should be seeking.
6. I would guess that no one's portfolio on this forum ("Mr. Market is Huge") is up more than 16% this year (2004) who is not a dividend hunter. Sure, some have made some very nice trades this year; but I would think portfolio wide 16% has not been realized by even the exceptional traders on this forum. The market is that bad. You are experiencing a vicious bear market.
In conclusion, you've found the gold mine; don't sell it. Make it pay you.
"Only the best investing to you always!"