Stopped out Qs positions. Will look to reenter short on a show of a good pattern. Vector weakening.
Spike's Scientific Stock Analysis
Originally posted by kingofthehillVOL. is now 6.7 million ..what do you see as a good close ?
Average volume looks to be around 5 mil??, so if L2 is right (let's assume it is) it's above average volume with a couple hours left, which is nice. Should expect a good volume day by close.
A good closing price you mean? I'd say a close over 26.00 is what I'd like to see.
Originally posted by kingofthehillThanks .. yea right after you posted the low volum .. there were 2 HUGE buy of $26.45 1.3 million & 1.26 million each .. that why the vol was different..Thanks ELn reports in the AM .. ..but im really just waiting for drug approvals in the next 2 weeks!
Earnings huh....well, the charts look really bullish to me. The weekly looks like it'll get to around 40 pretty quickly. No significant resistance to there anyway!!
Earnings are always a gamble imo. But I think I'll buy the close anyway if the channel stays up. Looks like it could fly!
Good luck!
Originally posted by ThomrichGreetings Spike,
I left PWI at 22.20,before the dump.Could you do me the favor looking at PGH,looks like its hit support and could move back towards 18.00.Thanks in advance.
cordially Tom
PGH looks good. Discount entry today for the sneaky and patient. Try for entry at S1 (17.11) today.
Originally posted by Thomrichgreetings Spike,
I waited,and got in at 17.10 on PGH.Hoping to get to 17.70,thanks for reminding about patience,was17.35 when I placed buy limit,if anything you saved me.25.
tahnks again.
cordially Tom