Spike's Scientific Stock Analysis

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  • spikefader
    Senior Member
    • Apr 2004
    • 7175

    Hey stocks,

    Good discipline there pal. Hard to bite the bullet ain't it, but good for you for being disciplined. Consider that 20% as a trading education cost and move on to the next setup. Whatever happens to the price of AUO, be satisfied that your action was due to something logical and real and perhaps measurable (downside risk outweighing potential reward), as opposed to something emotional and very difficult to quantify (hope outwieghing reason).

    For the next trade, really examine the risk/reward for the trade, and aim to keep your risk under 4% (the lower the better) and find a target over 20%. With those numbers, statistically you can build into your trading system an allowance for several failed setups with a view of making more $ in the long run when you finally nail a good entry and catch a good move.

    Trading has to be one of the most frustrating businesses in the world, full of headfakes, games and emotional battles. Everyone makes errors, but not everyone has the ability to learn from the battlescars and actually change their behavior. You just took a quantum leap forward my friend

    Good tradin'.


    • spikefader
      Senior Member
      • Apr 2004
      • 7175

      Wht: Go Go Go
      Attached Files


      • Michaelk005

        Yes, I am just waiting to pull the trigger on WHT, Ive been busy with CSCO lately and my tripple screen is full. My one concern with WHT and all gold stocks for that matter is the current price of Gold. Long term I see the rise but next week with the pres elections could have an effect on the price of gold and currency.. I am going to NYC for a week and a bit, I wont be posting but I have an order to buy WHT and I also bought ELN today at $25.88


        • Greetings Spike,
          I sold out of pgh on the close friday,for two reasons.I felt comfortable with a .34 profit for 1day,and with oil prices so volatile,the sleep at night factor weighed in.Elections on tuesday and Bin laden tape surfacing ,I felt comfortable in cash for now.

          That said,What do you think of CKCM ?Looks like a buy under 5 throughout the year could have made a fortune.Being a small cap stock would you consider this a good trader?

          I'll try to get into WHT next week also,3.17 look reasonable?

          BTW October has been my best trading month ever with your RR goal sets.Much thanks,and I hope Ive brought some securities your way to trade.

          cordially grateful Tom


          • Websman
            Senior Member
            • Apr 2004
            • 5545

            I have spent a day on the Gulf of Mexico, battling dangerous Sharks...

            I have spent an evening drinking beer...

            I have expressed my pleasure as hockey players pounded away at each other in a violent, yet poetic way...

            I now, feel as though I need to buy a new stock to top of this great weekend.

            I thought a while and came up with SYK...

            SYK is highly undervalued, but, what about the chart?

            I now come to you, Spike, for you are the greatest chart reader I know...



            • spikefader
              Senior Member
              • Apr 2004
              • 7175

              Originally posted by Michaelk005
              Yes, I am just waiting to pull the trigger on WHT, Ive been busy with CSCO lately and my tripple screen is full. My one concern with WHT and all gold stocks for that matter is the current price of Gold. Long term I see the rise but next week with the pres elections could have an effect on the price of gold and currency.. I am going to NYC for a week and a bit, I wont be posting but I have an order to buy WHT and I also bought ELN today at $25.88
              Ya, elections sure to cause some volatility. Good luck with those trades and enjoy the trip.


              • spikefader
                Senior Member
                • Apr 2004
                • 7175

                Originally posted by Thomrich
                Greetings Spike,
                I sold out of pgh on the close friday,for two reasons.I felt comfortable with a .34 profit for 1day,and with oil prices so volatile,the sleep at night factor weighed in.Elections on tuesday and Bin laden tape surfacing ,I felt comfortable in cash for now.

                That said,What do you think of CKCM ?Looks like a buy under 5 throughout the year could have made a fortune.Being a small cap stock would you consider this a good trader?

                I'll try to get into WHT next week also,3.17 look reasonable?

                BTW October has been my best trading month ever with your RR goal sets.Much thanks,and I hope Ive brought some securities your way to trade.

                cordially grateful Tom
                Good trade on pgn.
                Yes, CKCM buyer under 5 would have done well. Or a seller over 6 Channels set up bearish for it though.
                WHT yes, 3.17 would be a great entry.

                Glad to hear about your best trading month! Way to go. And yes, thanks for all the great pics. Keep 'em comin.


                • spikefader
                  Senior Member
                  • Apr 2004
                  • 7175

                  Originally posted by Websman
                  I have spent a day on the Gulf of Mexico, battling dangerous Sharks...
                  I have spent an evening drinking beer...
                  I have expressed my pleasure as hockey players pounded away at each other in a violent, yet poetic way...
                  I now, feel as though I need to buy a new stock to top of this great weekend.
                  I thought a while and came up with SYK...
                  SYK is highly undervalued, but, what about the chart?
                  I now come to you, Spike, for you are the greatest chart reader I know...
                  Battling with fishing rods and not spearguns I hope!! Glad you're having a great weekend.
                  If I had spent the evening drinking beer with you, it still would be hard for me to miss the bearish nature of SYK right now
                  EDIT: That SHS targets 33.30
                  Attached Files


                  • IIC
                    Senior Member
                    • Nov 2003
                    • 14938

                    Spike...just curious...you ever use the Williams %R ???

                    I ran into two people last week who use it. One on the net and one at my IBD Meetup group...seems interesting for intermediate type trades(2-8 weeks)...THX...IIC
                    "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

                    Find Tomorrow's Winners At SharpTraders.com

                    Follow Me On Twitter


                    • stocks54
                      Senior Member
                      • Nov 2003
                      • 178


                      Hello Spike,

                      In the mean time I am going to enable options trading for my Ameritrade account.

                      Thanks for your analysis.



                      • spikefader
                        Senior Member
                        • Apr 2004
                        • 7175

                        Originally posted by IIC
                        Spike...just curious...you ever use the Williams %R ???

                        I ran into two people last week who use it. One on the net and one at my IBD Meetup group...seems interesting for intermediate type trades(2-8 weeks)...THX...IIC
                        Nope, I've never used it.


                        • spikefader
                          Senior Member
                          • Apr 2004
                          • 7175

                          Originally posted by stocks54
                          Hello Spike,
                          In the mean time I am going to enable options trading for my Ameritrade account.
                          Thanks for your analysis.
                          You're welcome. I think there is a simple test you have to take when you enable an account for options trading. It's easy enough as long as you've researched options a bit at the site link I gave earlier. Good luck.


                          • Websman
                            Senior Member
                            • Apr 2004
                            • 5545

                            Thanks Spike!

                            Even though, large amounts of beer may, sometimes, cloud my vision, I can still make sense out of what you are saying. I will wait for a better entry point, before I dive into SYK. Maybe SYK will continue it's downtrend, so I can get more shares, at a cheaper price.

                            Thanks, once again Spike...



                            • Hello all, its good to be back.

                              Hey Spike,
                              Remember me? I have not been here for a few months. I took some time off to travel and relocate. I have not been trading lately, but I cleaned up on ESMC and LCAV. Sold ESMC last month and am still holding my LCAV from late July. LCAV has been a rocky ride. I got somewhat burnt out on the market. The time off has done me well. Seems like I have a new found clarity. I am getting back into the market these days, besides I need to make some more cash, I had a little too much fun during my time off. I am now living in Madison WI. This has got to be the most liberal city in the midwest. GO BADGERS.......Talk to you guys soon.


                              • New-born baby
                                Senior Member
                                • Apr 2004
                                • 6095

                                IAMORION: Welcome Comrade

                                Comrade IAMORION,

                                Welcome to the People's Republic of Madison, comrade. Madison, WI (about 43 miles NE of Monroe) has designs to be more liberal than San Francisco, CA. Home of the '60's Anti-War riots. Longs to be known as the Gay Capitol of the USA. If you want to get an animal from the humane society, you have to endure a background check, and 1.5 hour psychological exam, provide references that you would be a good "parent," and finally, the pet gets to choose their owners; you cannot choose the pet you want. The whole process takes about two weeks. Fidel Castro has the key to the city, presented to him by the just retired mayor who reigned for over 20 years. (He also led the war protest riots). Yes, welcome comrade!
                                Last edited by New-born baby; 11-01-2004, 07:38 AM. Reason: spelling
                                pivot calculator *current oil price*My stock picking method*Charting Lesson of the Week:BEAR FLAG PATTERN

