Stenzrob's specials

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  • #91
    Between GIGM and QVDX, I like QVDX more, but the answer in your situation depends on how much you already have in each. I also don't know how many total positions you have - I like to diversify into 4 to 6 positions. Sometimes the one I like the most isn't the one that takes off. Even in narrowing down from my screen to my actual positions, I see stocks from my screen that I didn't buy doing very well.

    Ernie, I don't know if any of these are optionable. Typically, the small (micro) caps I mess with are not.

    Currently long QVDX (overweight), NTST, GIGM, HBIO, TRCI.


    • tokyojoeskid
      No Posting allowed; invalid email
      • Oct 2003
      • 222


      currentyl sndk(overweight since 15), long o6 utsi calls, nutr, hbio, gigm and qvdx. added to my qvdx postion so now gigm and qvdx are equal. got a little cas h on the side, may put the rest in gigm or run my screener and find a new one. was in cyd thought it had a climax top so i got out of it.


      • #93
        Re: holdings

        Originally posted by tokyojoeskid
        currentyl sndk(overweight since 15), long o6 utsi calls, nutr, hbio, gigm and qvdx. added to my qvdx postion so now gigm and qvdx are equal. got a little cas h on the side, may put the rest in gigm or run my screener and find a new one. was in cyd thought it had a climax top so i got out of it.
        Those are some excellent positions there, tjk.
        Care to share your screener criteria?
        How did you identify sndk when it was $15?


        • tokyojoeskid
          No Posting allowed; invalid email
          • Oct 2003
          • 222


          ive been in and out of sndk since 1999. thought was a great stock then but i didnt want to fall in love with it. they were so huge into flash memory and just looking around when i was in highschool with kids wanting to buy digital cameras and the possiblities of use of flash in cell phones then it happening. When i saw sndk trading near its book value along with the huge growth potential and its already huge growth, i had to take a big postion especially with the TA in it starting to turn around. my dad and i both bought in and he went extra with some calls. i also sold some puts with 20 strike jan 04's that are now worthless (.05) were 10 bucks at the time. its been good to me and Eli is the man. about my screener ill get back to you i gots to get to class Texas A and M maybe ill learn something.


          • #95
            Another quarterly report coming up -
            First NTST on 10/20 (they since shot themselves in the foot with a warrant repricing) which ran from $12 to $13.50 in the five minutes following the surprise report
            Then there was TRCI on 10/22, jumped from $8.50 to over $10 after theirs.
            QVDX also on 10/22, gapped up and ran like crazy.

            I'm still holding HBIO, too. They just announced they'll be reporting on 10/28. Will this be another 20% pop, or will my luck run out? Stay tuned for the next exciting episode of "As The Portfolio Turns"

            Many more big gains, and I'll have to start shopping for a tin ceiling for my kitchen.


            • tokyojoeskid
              No Posting allowed; invalid email
              • Oct 2003
              • 222


              wasnt with the stock before last earnings announcement, does it usually behave like this before earnings or is something leaking out, volume isnt off the charts or anything so im still holding on.


              • #97
                Re: hbio

                Originally posted by tokyojoeskid
                wasnt with the stock before last earnings announcement, does it usually behave like this before earnings or is something leaking out, volume isnt off the charts or anything so im still holding on.
                I wasn't with HBIO before the previous earnings reports, so I don't know if this is normal or not. Trying to decide if this is a buying opportunity on a test of the 50 day and filling of the gap from a month ago and therefore healthy for the chart going forward, or a wake-up call. I was in it at $6, so I can still afford to hold. As you say, volume isn't unusually high.


                • #98
                  I decided to take a chance on this being an opportunity to buy HBIO, and bought some more for $7. Fingers and toes crossed.


                  • #99
                    Congratulations and good luck

                    Have stayed out of it stenzrob as I realized I was hogging things up with the bec1wnbc66 posts (actually finally established a new moniker), but just wanted to say how impressed I have been with your success and hope you continue to do well with HBIO etc.


                    • Originally posted by stenzrob
                      I decided to take a chance on this being an opportunity to buy HBIO, and bought some more for $7. Fingers and toes crossed.
                      Sold the new (bought yesterday for $7.00) HBIO position for $7.70; 10% in one day annualized is about 2.3 gazillion %. Still holding the original HBIO positions in both my trading account and IRA, just couldn't resist the quick profit.

                      CRIO (I'm currently out of it) is showing some interesting activity today.


                      • CRIO just came out with their report. Revenue growth has slowed, this will drop it off my screen when the numbers finally get through to msn. If you're in it on my recommendation, I recommend getting back out.

                        Still waiting for HBIO's report.

                        GIGM popped nicely today, in keeping with the chart pattern, but is down after hours. The NTES report is dragging the sector down.


                        • tokyojoeskid
                          No Posting allowed; invalid email
                          • Oct 2003
                          • 222

                          hbio results

                          well the results are in and from a first glance im definately impressed. Took some guts on your buy at 7 bucks but i definately wanted to do the same thing just had one problem, my pockets arent deep enough YET aarg. mrmarkets last two picks are looking pretty sweet, give the hairy man props for them. rev on hbio was over the 20 mil you hoped for, coming in at 21.1 million 65% rev growth, eps was .03 compared to .00.

                          on an off topic note Utsi, it is so unbelievable how they come in with great results but the market shuns them over and over. telling them they need to diversify more, but if they were purely a chinese company like a nte, sohu sina ect. their stock price would be through the roof. what gives my patience, i think not, im long with the jan 06 calls woot.

                          finally gigm blasts off but ntes has to shadow their explosion, three bucks plus would be a great new base.

                          last and final, never even knew about oneil's books reading both of them now, i really enjoy these things, my friends think im weird but i can live with that. whos going to prosper? those who have the smarts and the disipline.


                          • carribean_mike

                            favorite amongst latest MSN screen

                            Stenz, if you were buying a new stock tommorrow from the latest MSN screen what would you pick? I kinda like SWIR.


                            • tokyojoe,
                              Thanks very much for your observations. I've been pretty lucky lately, guessing that QVDX and HBIO would report very good results and guidance and that CRIO would not. I enjoyed O'Neill's books and gained some additional perspective, but like anything, I don't follow it to the letter, just add it to the stew.

                              I haven't yet gone back to look at the complete list again, so this answer is not as well-informed as it should be. I am pleased with recent results and guidance by QVDX and HBIO, so I like those. I continue to hold GIGM, the best results there can be had by using TA. I also like LENS, despite having sold it a little while ago - considering getting back in. I was in SWIR from $8 to $12 from the end of August to early September, and I actually do not like the way the chart looks right now.

                              regards ... joisey_stenz


                              • Somebody must be listening to me!

                                I said I liked LENS, and all of a sudden it breaks out to a new high on heavy volume. Who did that? Was it you, caribbean_mike? Or maybe it was minni... I picked some up for $12.88, more than the $12 that I had sold it for two weeks ago.

                                TRCI, which I am still holding, and several here sold for 15% profits already, also broke out to a new high on heavy volume today. My TRCI position is now up over 80% in two months.

