Stenzrob's specials

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  • HBIO a hiiden gem?

    HBIO featured on Motley Fool column:
    At Yahoo Finance, you get free stock quotes, up-to-date news, portfolio management resources, international market data, social interaction and mortgage rates that help you manage your financial life.

    Some good historical background for anyone interested.


    • carribean_mike

      Stenz, I didn't think that my buying would create such a buying panic


      • Hey Stenz, what does your current portfolio look like?


        • Originally posted by ChrisZXWJ
          Hey Stenz, what does your current portfolio look like?
          Trading portfolio, in order of position size:

          IRA portfolio (usually a slower turnover), in order of size:
          TRCI, HBIO, NTST

          I am thinking seriously about switching some stuff around to eliminate the overlap between the two accounts.

          Sure wish I still had the FARO that I bought at $6 and sold at $10.


          • Originally posted by stenzrob
            Trading portfolio, in order of position size:

            IRA portfolio (usually a slower turnover), in order of size:
            TRCI, HBIO, NTST

            I am thinking seriously about switching some stuff around to eliminate the overlap between the two accounts.
            Just sold HBIO out of trading account for $7.57. That is a 25% profit since buying for $6.02 on 9/15, plus the 10% return on the extra intraday-dip buy at $7 that was sold the next day at $7.70. My trading account was 120% invested, anyway, so something had to go.

            Still holding HBIO in my IRA, also bought at $6.


            • MEA_1956
              Senior Member
              • Oct 2003
              • 655

              I HEAR YOU NOW

              Originally posted by stenzrob
              Somebody must be listening to me!

              I said I liked LENS, and all of a sudden it breaks out to a new high on heavy volume. Who did that? Was it you, caribbean_mike? Or maybe it was minni... I picked some up for $12.88, more than the $12 that I had sold it for two weeks ago.

              TRCI, which I am still holding, and several here sold for 15% profits already, also broke out to a new high on heavy volume today. My TRCI position is now up over 80% in two months.
              T R C I I HEAR YOU NOW BABY, THIS LITTLE PUMPKIN IS READY TO POP. Theirs room in life for a whole month of this type of a brake out. Just Say the WORD and we are ready to pull the plug. @ the present time we are at 62% . Thank you, And feed me more>>>>> MEA
              GO BIG RED!!!!!


              • minni17
                • Sep 2003
                • 65

                Stenzrob has earned meat and cheeses

                OK Stenz,

                TRCI has skyrocketed. You are HUGE.

                Ran your screen, did some dd and came up with LCOR.
                However stock has had a pretty good three day run and looks pricey.
                They will report earnings on wed. Could be a popper ala TRCI and QVDX.
                Have you considered this one? You seem to be chart reader...would you wait for apullback given recent up action?
                What do ya think?



                • Minni,
                  Please, don't call me HUGE. There is only one HUGE one here.

                  I haven't had the chance to look closely at LCOR, but I saw that it was on the screen. Medical IT, like NTST that I've been following for over a year, QVDX, and some other nice ones. A lot of these are running due to increased revenues. I guess the hospitals have money to spend.

                  As I've suggested before, if you really like it, you might buy some now and some more if it pulls back.

                  I just added a small chunk of API to my IRA, without waiting for a pullback.


                  • jay_why_dee

                    Re: API

                    ((I just added a small chunk of API to my IRA, without waiting for a pullback.))

                    Hi Mr. Stenzrob, I don't understand why do you like this stock? I've never owned it but it appears to burn cash faster than it earns it. Maybe you have a gut feeling?

                    How do you feel about SIRI? They can burn some big bucks. Could be a 4 bagger by the end of next year......arf,arf


                    • Re: API

                      Originally posted by jay_why_dee
                      I don't understand why do you like this stock? I've never owned it but it appears to burn cash faster than it earns it. Maybe you have a gut feeling?
                      Why do I like API?
                      Revenue up 71% qtr/qtr, and they were profitable last qtr despite making acquisitions and closing/integrating manufacturing facilities. No debt.

                      From their latest report, "Although we retained the costs of operating the Garland facility for a portion of the quarter, we were successful in generating operating profit due to increased revenues and operating efficiencies related to the consolidation. Looking ahead, this consolidation will further lower our operating and SG&A costs as a percent of sales, to ultimately improve profitability and enhance shareholder value." This suggests earnings will grow rapidly in quarters ahead if revenues continue to grow.

                      He continued, "Our backlog is continuing to grow, due in part to increased demand in our military and medical segments, and we remain confident that we will achieve our objective of 40% growth in sales for the year." Well, there's the continued revenue growth, then.

                      On the technical side, recently broke out to new 3 year high, escaping a long-running trading range on the highest daily volume since somewhere around the the middle of 2000.

                      This could drop right back off again and be difficult to exit if interest wanes, but could double, triple or more in a hurry if interest continues. Institutional ownership is less than 10%, so there's still a lot of accumulation possible.


                      • Just got rid of the rest of my CRIO and all of MTEX last now I only have GIGM NENG QVDX and TRCI. API scares me a bit, but I might blindly jump in with a chunk of the profits some of your picks have already made me. Have any other bits of genius to share? At this pace, I won't have to take out any more loans for the rest of grad school


                        • Originally posted by ChrisZXWJ
                          Just got rid of the rest of my CRIO and all of MTEX last now I only have GIGM NENG QVDX and TRCI. API scares me a bit, but I might blindly jump in with a chunk of the profits some of your picks have already made me. Have any other bits of genius to share? At this pace, I won't have to take out any more loans for the rest of grad school
                          Looks like you're doing just fine Chris. Of the four that you're still holding, I would be most nervous about NENG. I'm liking LENS for a nice run after their earnings report whenever they get around to it. I just started looking at NICE, which just turned up on the screen.

                          As a warning example, MSI is still on the screen and somebody even asked about it here a few weeks ago(I never really liked it) but their report was not good (growth slowed considerably) and it dropped pretty hard today. This can happen to any stock, of course, and it happened to me with GORX a while ago. I got out of CRIO based on technicals just before their recent report and it happened to them. Hope you got out of it without much damage.


                          • Gatorper
                            No Posting allowed; invalid email
                            • Sep 2003
                            • 22

                            Re: API

                            Stenzrob: Why do I like API?
                            API bid/ask too close... tighter than the space btwn my teeth


                            • Actually, I sold half of CRIO the day of earnings when it ran up big, and I sold the other half a day after earnings came out after it rebounded a little bit. So, the only damange was the profit I lost. Not too bad.

                              NICE is a bit too expensive for me price wise. I know, I know, it doesn't make a difference whether a stock rises from 3 to 6 or 20 to 40, but there's a psychological thing in it for me.

                              This may be a dumb question, but isn't a tight bid-ask usually a good thing?


                              • Re: API

                                Originally posted by Gatorper
                                API bid/ask too close... tighter than the space btwn my teeth
                                I'm with Chris - what's your problem with that? I dislike stocks where the bid/ask is larger than the space between my teeth.

