As Web's World Turns

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  • Rob
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2003
    • 3194

    Originally posted by peanuts
    Chuck Norris's calender goes straight from May 31 to April 2... there is no fooling Chuck Norris
    Chuck Norris' calendar skips 10 months? That's whack.

    When Billy Jack was born and the doctor spanked him, Billy Jack kicked the doc upside the head so hard, the doc fell out of a third floor window.


    • peanuts
      Senior Member
      • Feb 2006
      • 3365

      Originally posted by Rob
      Chuck Norris' calendar skips 10 months? That's whack.

      When Billy Jack was born and the doctor spanked him, Billy Jack kicked the doc upside the head so hard, the doc fell out of a third floor window.
      hehehehe I screwed that one up, huh? May, March, what's the difference??

      The reason new-born babies cry when they are born is because they know they have entered a world with Chuck Norris
      Hide not your talents.
      They for use were made.
      What's a sundial in the shade?

      - Benjamin Franklin


      • Websman
        Senior Member
        • Apr 2004
        • 5545

        Tried to short JOE with my newly opened Ameritrade shares available.


        • Websman
          Senior Member
          • Apr 2004
          • 5545

          Originally posted by Websman
          Tried to short JOE with my newly opened Ameritrade shares available.
          What a shame....I would have made money.


          • Websman
            Senior Member
            • Apr 2004
            • 5545

            I picked up a few shares of NXG earlier @3.47... I'll probably sell them before the market closes.


            • Websman
              Senior Member
              • Apr 2004
              • 5545

              I went ahead and sold NXG for a small profit...This was my first trade with my Ameritrade account, so I wanted to get off to a good start with a profitable trade. Vulcans are a superstitious bunch. LOL

              I'm in the process of putting new tires on my boat trailer and was doing well until I started to notice something strange beginning to come out my forehead... Was it water? Yes it was prespiration. I was actually sweating! I coudn't have anymore of this, so I decided to come back into the a/c and watch the ticker for the last couple of hours.

              I'll have plenty of time to prespire later...


              • billyjoe
                Senior Member
                • Nov 2003
                • 9014

                Very wise. Being Vulcan you know the inverse relationship between sweating and making money. Lyehopper is the only human exception to this rule.


                • Lyehopper
                  Senior Member
                  • Jan 2004
                  • 3678

                  Lyehopper the TV star....

                  Originally posted by billyjoe
                  Very wise. Being Vulcan you know the inverse relationship between sweating and making money. Lyehopper is the only human exception to this rule.
                  Hey BillyJoe.... I sweat just for fun!.... At 5:00pm today I'm gonna be on the local news sweating.LOL!.... Seriously Channel 10 called me this morning (My neighbor is the program director btw) and asked could they interview me about the drought we're having. You see (in general conversation) I had recently complained to my neighbor about how dry it was and how I was feeding a group of my cows hay already (five months early).... Evidentially they are short good news stories or something.... So they came out here around noon today and shot all this footage of my cattle eating hay and asked me a ton of silly questions. Then this cute little redheaded news girl stood in front of about twenty of my cows that were eating off a fresh round hay bale and did all these different story intro's. Once as she was talking my bull mounted a cow eating hay....LOL!.... YEP! he just NAILED her right there on film.SsSsSsSsss.!... They did another take after the cameraman stopped laughing.jejeje.... It was pretty funny. As she interviewed me it was thundering back over the mountain but no rain yet, they say it's on the way though.

                  Yo Rockin'Rob.... If you watch the news and see me, check out that hat I was wearing. I intentionally wore it to advertise the local bank that I own a bunch of shares in. jejeje
                  BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!


                  • Rob
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2003
                    • 3194

                    Make Up!

                    You know, when somebody yells "Make up!" in show biz, some little stage hand is supposed to run up and smack you in the face with a big sack of talcum powder. ..... POOF! LOL

                    Anyway, if I'm near the TV I'll try to video tape it. Then I'll record it as an .MPG file and send it to you via IM or something ... unless you've already got that covered.


                    • Lyehopper
                      Senior Member
                      • Jan 2004
                      • 3678

                      Originally posted by Rob
                      You know, when somebody yells "Make up!" in show biz, some little stage hand is supposed to run up and smack you in the face with a big sack of talcum powder. ..... POOF! LOL

                      Anyway, if I'm near the TV I'll try to video tape it. Then I'll record it as an .MPG file and send it to you via IM or something ... unless you've already got that covered.
                      That would be cool.... THANKS!
                      BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!


                      • billyjoe
                        Senior Member
                        • Nov 2003
                        • 9014

                        I'll send you some rain. We just got about 8 inches in 24 hours. Most in 37 years. Screwed up the sale of a house I had , luckily it stopped about an inch before it came in the door. Had one car stopped by water and the daughter's boyfriend submerged his Z-28 and had to swim out the window. About 100 miles of northern Ohio got flooded. It probably won't rain the rest of this summer. If I was a crop farmer I'd shoot myself.


                        • Websman
                          Senior Member
                          • Apr 2004
                          • 5545

                          Originally posted by Rob
                          You know, when somebody yells "Make up!" in show biz, some little stage hand is supposed to run up and smack you in the face with a big sack of talcum powder. ..... POOF! LOL

                          Anyway, if I'm near the TV I'll try to video tape it. Then I'll record it as an .MPG file and send it to you via IM or something ... unless you've already got that covered.
                          I did a TV news interveiw a couple of years ago, but I never got to see it...

                          Rob, send me a copy of Lyes interview if you don't mind. It'll good to see my inner circle members doing some PR. Hey Lye, did you slip a mention of the VTP in there somewhere?


                          • IIC
                            Senior Member
                            • Nov 2003
                            • 14938

                            Originally posted by Rob
                            You know, when somebody yells "Make up!" in show biz, some little stage hand is supposed to run up and smack you in the face with a big sack of talcum powder. ..... POOF! LOL

                            Anyway, if I'm near the TV I'll try to video tape it. Then I'll record it as an .MPG file and send it to you via IM or something ... unless you've already got that covered.

                            I was on TV lots a times...Well, maybe 10x...The best one was when I was 6...I was on Bozo The Clown. My parent's tried to get me on Engineer Bill...But I guess Simon or somebody gave me the axe before I ever got the letter saying I could come try out...Actually, I'm still waiting for the letter...48 years I've been waiting for that letter...Only a sucker would wait that long ...IIC
                            "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

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                            • Websman
                              Senior Member
                              • Apr 2004
                              • 5545

                              Originally posted by IIC
                              I was on TV lots a times...Well, maybe 10x...The best one was when I was 6...I was on Bozo The Clown. My parent's tried to get me on Engineer Bill...But I guess Simon or somebody gave me the axe before I ever got the letter saying I could come try out...Actually, I'm still waiting for the letter...48 years I've been waiting for that letter...Only a sucker would wait that long ...IIC
                              I've never been in a movie, my next door neighbor and his twin brother had speaking roles in the "Truman Show"...

                              I still can't tell the differnence between the two.. jejeje


                              • Websman
                                Senior Member
                                • Apr 2004
                                • 5545

                                This week was mildly profitable, but I did discover some great day trading patterns, so my time at home was well spent. I'll experiment with what I learned when I have another day at home. I tried two daytrades (TZOO, NXG) with success on both. I tried for a couple short plays, but it turned out that no shares were available.

