went back to my scottrade screen and for the life of me can't find what I was seeing before. Must have been inhaling fumes or something. Yes, the pic you sent is what I'm most familiar with as for double bottoms, but I could've sworn I saw two weekly bars back to back dipping to the exact same price. Have no idea what happened there cuz it sure isn't there now. ?????
But hey, thanks for the nudge on PEIX. I caught it close to it's low yesterday and have had some fun with it between all my comings and goings these past two days. (changing jobs AND recovering from car accident) And thanks also for all your kind offers of help.
went back to my scottrade screen and for the life of me can't find what I was seeing before. Must have been inhaling fumes or something. Yes, the pic you sent is what I'm most familiar with as for double bottoms, but I could've sworn I saw two weekly bars back to back dipping to the exact same price. Have no idea what happened there cuz it sure isn't there now. ?????
But hey, thanks for the nudge on PEIX. I caught it close to it's low yesterday and have had some fun with it between all my comings and goings these past two days. (changing jobs AND recovering from car accident) And thanks also for all your kind offers of help.