Hey Ski good luck with Main. I’ll let it prove to me that it wants to clear 3.00. It has been in a nice little uptrend from the 2.17 bottom.
Skiracer's stock slopes
I hope MAIN's dip is just a blip on the chart generally heading up.
You offered to help on the Portfolio of the Week thread. Could you possibly take over for the next 3 weeks starting next Monday ? You can do anything you want with it. If you can't that's ok too. It kind of runs itself. People have been submitting picks without my asking. Let me know what you think. Thanks.
No problem. I can take it over for 3 weeks or so and I'll do the best that I can as far as daily reporting as well as you have. Just explain the particulars as far as how much money we start with etc.
It's pretty basic now with just one pick each week. We can change it to whatever we want to each week just to add a little spice to the mix. I'm open for suggestions but I guess it's dealers choice as far as the restrictions on the number of picks and how we play it during the week. I know everyone is honest so maybe we can add a couple of new twists to it as far as maybe getting a chance to exit or add positions once maybe midweek. Suggestions please for this coming week. I'm up pretty late each night doing paperwork and stock stuff anyway so it won't be any problem keeping track with alittle help from our friends.THE SKIRACER'S EDGE: MAKE THE EDGE IN YOUR FAVOR
Best wishes to you, BillyJoe
Originally posted by billyjoeSkiracer,
I hope MAIN's dip is just a blip on the chart generally heading up.
You offered to help on the Portfolio of the Week thread. Could you possibly take over for the next 3 weeks starting next Monday ? You can do anything you want with it. If you can't that's ok too. It kind of runs itself. People have been submitting picks without my asking. Let me know what you think. Thanks.
Have a great & profitable season and hurry back! And God bless you and yours!
Thanks Skiracer and New-Born,
We just start with $10,000 each divided equally among each stock in a person's portfolio. Price is the opening each Monday until closing Friday. No after hours trading on Friday. It seems that all activity ends about 4:03 by my quotes. You'll do a great job ski , probably put me out of a job. Have fun.
Yeah...I was thinking about that too...but I just figured Billy lives in Nome AK or something"Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"
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