Originally posted by skiracer
Sold Main today at 3.30. +.46 on the trade.
Disappointed with PTMK and the earnings report. Thought it would come in better or at least at even rather than the -.02.
Bought another 1000 shares of VTIV at 19.55. Now own 2000 shares of the stock averaged at 1000 @ 20.20 and another 1000 at 19.55. Averages down to 19.88 on the 2000 shares. Love this stock and have been in an out of it several times over the last 6 months with great success. Those last two candles today look promising. Still I'm down .22 on the 2000 shares.
Market looks good and if it stays strong over the short term this stock will be a major player in the Healthcare sector.
How about that CMTL. Great call on the overreaction and a terrible call on exiting the position instead of setting a close stop and seeing what happened. Wouldn't have cost anything and wouldn't have lost any money while still maintaining the position and chance of more gains which it did without me. Still don't know why I do the things I do after all these years. But still made great gains with the last two trades in this stock. Still a battle to control my moves an emotions.
HTRN is still range bound but there are several things going on with the play. Institutional ownership increased again this week. They know what's going on and where to put their money. Patience. My original mindset was to hold for a longer period than my normal time period. So that's what I'm doing. +.02.
