Skiracer's stock slopes

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  • skiracer
    Senior Member
    • Dec 2004
    • 6314

    Originally posted by RL
    Thanks Sky, just the market dose not have a good feel
    It's Skiracer, but in all honesty I like Sky much more than Ski. I'm going to change it to Skyracer. Thanks for the inadverdent miscue Ray. I like the way you put it much better.


    • skiracer
      Senior Member
      • Dec 2004
      • 6314

      Originally posted by skiracer
      I would definitely stay in MOT for the time being. I posted the other day on the "Market Watch", thread that I was bearish on the markets in general and was looking for them to go down much farther. I didn't mean that tomorrow the bottom was going to fall out, an I could be dead wrong with those feelings, but I felt MOT showed decent strength through all of last week and Friday wasn't that bad of a day for the stock. I'll post a couple of charts later on after dinner on why I still like the position on MOT an how I'm playing it.
      You're in from around $20.16 or so aren't you so protecting your gains to date and not giving back to much of them while giving the trade a decent chance to breathe an materialize into reaching your target is the priority right now. Remember you're in the drivers seat an ahead of the position right now so there is no need to become anxious. Developing a plan to protect what you have going with the position in this market is the priority.
      Nothing is for sure an you know that. Here's a couple of things on the daily and weekly charts which have prompted my feelings on MOT. The NASDAQ market and SMH Holders, which tracks the tech stocks, have both been weak and since MOT is in that sector it is heavily influenced by the direction that both of them trend. The two charts speak for themselves an I have annotated my feeling on both. It seems that the $20.70 range has been holding up as a low the last couple of weeks. I have placed my stop at $19.77 but am going to bring it up to around $20.50 tomorrow to keep a close rein on the position. I'm not advising you to do anything except protect your gains in a volitaile market while giving the stock room to prove itself. If you place your stop around $20.50 an were to get stopped out at least you have protected yourself from a loss an insured some of your gains. If it were to go through a stop placed at $20.50 then it could go to $20 or lower an that would wipe out any profits. This is a great stock but as always it like the rest of them is influenced by the general market trend and that has been volitaile to say the least. If the NASDAQ and SMH do recover and strengthen it will be one of the leaders in that sector. Remember you can always re-enter anytime after the fact. PROTECT YOUR GAINS AND CAPITAL ABOVE ALL ELSE. Also Spike is feeling a little better about the stock and that is reassuring. Good luck.



      • RL
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2003
        • 1215

        SKI [notice I have It right] thanks for your time you have given me In regards to MOT I truly do appreciate It.
        Ray Long


        • RL
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2003
          • 1215

          Sch Looks Like

          A clean breakout any thoughts on this one?
          Ray Long


          • RL
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2003
            • 1215

            The catalysts to move MOT to 25 and beyond by X-mas are:

            * Telsim is sold around 5 December 05 for approximately $5B and MOT receives another $500M in cash in December - in addition to the $500M received on 28 Oct 05

            * New products such as the CDMA RAZR, Moto Q and SLVR are officially launched in the US in time for the X-Mas selling season (Note - MOT has a great opportunity to take advantage of RIMM's Blackberry troubles by getting the Q out ASAP)

            * The auto unit is sold for $1B in December of this year (Note - by selling the auto unit MOT will automatically raise its margins by a couple of percentage points, which will be very pleasing to Wall Street)

            * Q4 is historically MOT's strongest quarter with the highest unit sales and strongest cash flow generation - over $1B

            * All of the factors above will lead to MOT management and Wall Street increasing its earnings guidance for Q4 which should lead to upgrades and higher stock price

            * With the sale of the auto unit, settlement and sale of Telsim, new product introductions, and strong Q4 economics, MOT will generate an additional $3B in new cash flow in Q4.

            * Year end rally.
            Ray Long


            • skiracer
              Senior Member
              • Dec 2004
              • 6314

              I raised my stop in MOT to $21.26 this morning which is breakeven for me as that was my initial entry point. Position now up .96.

              PETS had a hugh breakout move today as it rose 1.50 points on huge, 1,858,528 shares traded today, volume which is about 1.4 mil. over average. Finally saw some movement in the options as the bid is now .55 asked 1.00. The Dec. 12.50 call options are now in the money with 45 days left to expiration. Last trade today in the options was 1.00 and there were 78 contracts traded.

              Here is Morpheus's take on the recent market action an another trade setup to consider. I'm posting this setup up basically just for the opinions on it. I very seldom trade stock this high in price. Just to much money to take a full 1000 share position in something that's trading over $70 dollars a share. But I welcome the dialogue on the setup and their logic on it. As mentioned below the CCRT setup never triggered and for fairness sake the stock went almost 4 points in the wrong direction. Talk about being wrong, but the great thing about having a plan for entry, exit, stops , r/r etc. is that you don't enter or chase any setup unless it triggers at your prearranged target entry either on the long or short side thus limiting your downside trades dramatically.


              I actually like this setup an think it will break the recent downtrend line which it did today and actually did trigger before closing at $71.88 or .08 off the initial entry of $71.96. I just don't like putting up that much money when you can get so many other good setups under $30/40 range. Anyway I would be interested in hearing what you think on the setup.

              Last edited by skiracer; 11-01-2005, 08:04 PM.


              • Lyehopper
                Senior Member
                • Jan 2004
                • 3678

                Ski.... Look at my POTW pick....

                VICL.... Rockin dude. what do ya think?
                BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!


                • jiesen
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2003
                  • 5320

                  I'll say! Very nice pick, there Lye? What was it that turned you on to VICL? I have some friends who work there, maybe I should ask them what's up?


                  • Lyehopper
                    Senior Member
                    • Jan 2004
                    • 3678

                    Originally posted by jiesen
                    I'll say! Very nice pick, there Lye? What was it that turned you on to VICL? I have some friends who work there, maybe I should ask them what's up?
                    Jiesen, I read a little associated press blurb in the local newspaper (p.10) early Monday morning about a new (potential) bird flu vaccine. I looked up the company mentioned and sure enough they were publicly traded. I noticed the freakin CEO had been buying up his own shares at the current price so I piled onboard Monday morning and played the stock in the POTW. they announced earnings yesterday lost their A$$ yet the stock moved upward.... I bought more!.... by the close yesterday the volume exploded.... JACKPOT!
                    Last edited by Lyehopper; 11-02-2005, 11:17 AM.
                    BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!


                    • jiesen
                      Senior Member
                      • Sep 2003
                      • 5320

                      Well, I must say it's a great catch. I knew they did vaccines for salmon, but I guess birds are next!

                      But it just makes sense, really. Like mad cow, and low-carb, bird flu is just the next big thing for those paying attention (like you) to find an opportunity somewhere and ride it for a while. Especially when the government just stepped in with $7B to throw at it.


                      • Lyehopper
                        Senior Member
                        • Jan 2004
                        • 3678

                        Originally posted by jiesen
                        Well, I must say it's a great catch. I knew they did vaccines for salmon, but I guess birds are next!

                        But it just makes sense, really. Like mad cow, and low-carb, bird flu is just the next big thing for those paying attention (like you) to find an opportunity somewhere and ride it for a while. Especially when the government just stepped in with $7B to throw at it.
                        LOL... Yeah, all ya gotta do is read p.10 in the newspaper!

                        They have a patented process, listen to their CC from yesterday Jiesen. DNA Vaccines.... Their CEO is a very sharp dude and handled the question session like a master, he even used curse words in the An Indian fella.... Vijay is his name, I like this dude!
                        BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!


                        • skiracer
                          Senior Member
                          • Dec 2004
                          • 6314

                          Just an update on the positions and trades that I have posted on over the last 4/5 wks. some which were my own picks and a few others that were Morpheus Trading Groups selections.


                          ABAX: entry; $13.10 exit; $16.99/17.00 +3.90 or 30% gain
                          SNAK: entry average: $4.77 (two trades) exit average $4.75 or .42% loss
                          PETS: entry on stock; 9.35 stopped out at $11.00 +1.65 or 18% gain
                          entry average on Dec. 12.50 call options/20 contracts @ .69 still open an holding: close today $1.50 +.81 or 117.39% gain gain
                          Total gains/losses: average gain: 41.14 % gain

                          Morpheus Trading Group

                          MOT: entry $21.26 sold half position at $23.00 half position still open; close today at $23.00 +1.74 gain or 8% gain
                          Genz: triggered at $71.96 ( I didn't make the trade and don't own it) closed today at $74.37 +2.41 or 3.34 % gain
                          Total gain/losses: average gain 5.67%

                          I don't know if anyone has been reading or following these setups much less taking positions in any of them. It hasn't been a bad month for my own trades and Morpheus Trading Groups trades have been solid with two out of three triggering and both of those making decent gains. They are consistently in the money with their picks and cut their losers short before any real damage can take place thus insuring a winning %. I'll keep posting on Morpheus's setups and how they manage the trade while in it. You will be amazed how the winning % will consistently be much higher that the losers over the course of a few months.

                          As an example of the cost vs the return on the subscription costs here is what it is for this month: $149.00 cost of both Wagner Daily (ETF report) and Stock Stalker report combined. + $870 on 1/2 position of MOT with 1/2 position still open. $870 gain / $149 return on subscription investment not counting GENZ position which I did not trade = 584% return over cost of susbscription. If that was included the return would be: $870 + $2410 (1000 share full position @ $2.41 gain to date) / $149 = 2201% gain on the subscription price for the 1 month. These totals do not include the several other ETF/Holders and stock trades which I did not post on an are for subscribers only. Their record of both types of trades are available at their site so you can see what their total gains vs losses are on all their trades by just visiting their site. It's all real and there for anyone who is interested in checking out their overall numbers.


                          • Websman
                            Senior Member
                            • Apr 2004
                            • 5545

                            Very immpressive returns Ski!


                            • skiracer
                              Senior Member
                              • Dec 2004
                              • 6314

                              I got lucky with the call options on PETS, Lyehopper was where I got the stock initially, but it did what I thought they would do with the solid fundamental base the stock was an is exhibiting only moreso than I expected in all honesty. ABAX was a decent TA call based solely on the chart analysis and some strong fundamental things going on there. MOT and GENZ are setups that came from the Morpheus group. I do examine their picks before making the trade but they have been going like this for the past two years that I have been subscribing an anymore I usually just go along with the program and set my stops accordingly to protect the trade and limit the losses. I actually don't even subscribe myself anymore but share the subscription with 3 other friends that I turned them on to and made believers out of so we're splitting the $149 4 ways out of 1 subscription. It would be hard to believe but the numbers are actually better than what I have posted in that I have only posted the setups that they give out for free as an inducement to gain subscribers every week. The real picks are for paid subscribers only and there are several more of them every week. They don't all trigger.
                              THE SKIRACER'S EDGE: MAKE THE EDGE IN YOUR FAVOR


                              • billyjoe
                                Senior Member
                                • Nov 2003
                                • 9014

                                Really liked your charts on AOB over on Webs thread . They are very clear and easy to understand . My question is how do you know what chart to go by to determine a purchase point? Yours were daily and weekly , but some people (we won't mention names) insist on a minimum 8 week base . What if the daily looks great but the weekly stinks or visa versa. Does it depend on the time frame you plan on holding? Those are the best charts yet and keep up the good work.


