Skiracer's stock slopes

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  • Originally posted by Websman
    Why yes Dave, I do post my trades on a different thread. I'm suprised that you don't read it. Here's a link to the post on my thread about EZM...
    I do read it, Webs. But I've been traveling a lot and miss some of the posts. Thanks.


    • grebnet
      • Oct 2003
      • 389


      So is anyone else riding the HOM train with me ?????? I m a very happy man right now.... have been trading this since $2.22 8/18/2005


      • skiracer
        Senior Member
        • Dec 2004
        • 6314

        Originally posted by grebnet
        So is anyone else riding the HOM train with me ?????? I m a very happy man right now.... have been trading this since $2.22 8/18/2005
        Solid play Grebnet. I've been out of the stock for a while now but Billyjoe is still in it from around $5 range. Protect those gains. Thats a 5 bagger right now. Great play.


        • Websman
          Senior Member
          • Apr 2004
          • 5545

          So what's your take on EZM now Ski?
          Last edited by Websman; 05-15-2006, 09:43 PM.


          • skiracer
            Senior Member
            • Dec 2004
            • 6314

            Originally posted by Websman
            So what's your take on EZM now Ski?

            I'm still in but I'm doing something I hate to do...I'm setting a stop to protect my profits, and chances are that I'll stop out tomorrow and EZM will promptly shoot right back up.
            I've been watching it for the last few days for an entry and now that it's down around $2.50 range I'm reluctant to take the play at that level as it looks real weak right now. You might see $2. Protect those gains. Gold and silver took it on the chin today but will recoup after the consolidation. Alot of people getting shaken out right now. You can take the gains now and re-enter on any spike back up. You have to think that you have already given back a large percentage of what you had last week. Take a look at the 15 min. chart to see the gaps down over the last 3 days. Each successive drop lower than the previous is showing weakness.


            • Websman
              Senior Member
              • Apr 2004
              • 5545

              Originally posted by skiracer
              I've been watching it for the last few days for an entry and now that it's down around $2.50 range I'm reluctant to take the play at that level as it looks real weak right now. You might see $2. Protect those gains. Gold and silver took it on the chin today but will recoup after the consolidation. Alot of people getting shaken out right now. You can take the gains now and re-enter on any spike back up. You have to think that you have already given back a large percentage of what you had last week. Take a look at the 15 min. chart to see the gaps down over the last 3 days. Each successive drop lower than the previous is showing weakness.
              Great advice Ski. I will definitely protect my gains.


              • Originally posted by grebnet
                So is anyone else riding the HOM train with me ?????? I m a very happy man right now.... have been trading this since $2.22 8/18/2005
                Bought some this morning.


                • grebnet
                  • Oct 2003
                  • 389


                  HOM If you got in early this am , you made a good quick chunk. I was toying with the idea of adding more but decided not to get carried away in case earnings didnt beat.

                  Now just need AOB, TIII EZEN,IGII,IDWD,NMKT and RGMI too continue on.

                  YHGG,CAMH,NCNC and KSW ...need to get going, Im patient

                  have scored with CHID and GV ....waiting for the time to buy back my partial sales.

                  Sold all of my HQSM today at .34 ( avg cost .26 ) . had higher hopes but wasnt thrilled with todays report . will consider reentry if gets below .23

                  thats enough insight into my high risk portfolio


                  • Lyehopper
                    Senior Member
                    • Jan 2004
                    • 3678

                    Originally posted by grebnet
                    HOM If you got in early this am , you made a good quick chunk. I was toying with the idea of adding more but decided not to get carried away in case earnings didnt beat.

                    Now just need AOB, TIII EZEN,IGII,IDWD,NMKT and RGMI too continue on.

                    YHGG,CAMH,NCNC and KSW ...need to get going, Im patient

                    have scored with CHID and GV ....waiting for the time to buy back my partial sales.

                    Sold all of my HQSM today at .34 ( avg cost .26 ) . had higher hopes but wasnt thrilled with todays report . will consider reentry if gets below .23

                    thats enough insight into my high risk portfolio
                    Hey Greb! Dude you really need to start a thread. I'd read every post.
                    BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!


                    • spikefader
                      Senior Member
                      • Apr 2004
                      • 7175

                      I second that! Greb's thread would be a fine addition to the MM community! How bout it dude?!


                      • Originally posted by grebnet
                        HOM If you got in early this am , you made a good quick chunk. I was toying with the idea of adding more but decided not to get carried away in case earnings didnt beat.

                        Now just need AOB,
                        I also bought AOB yesterday morning. The one I didn't buy was FRD and I wish I had!


                        • skiracer
                          Senior Member
                          • Dec 2004
                          • 6314

                          I bought MED yesterday on two thoughts. The first being that I thought it had been beaten down the previous three days from it's recent highs and that most of the reasoning behind the consolidation was the markets correcting. And that once the correction had bottomed MED would be right back at $14.50 range. I also knew that they were reporting eps after hours yesterday. I was thinking that the eps report was going to be a decent one because the stock had shown alot of strength of late in it's climb from the $4.00 range. My timing was right with the bounce in the markets and the bounce in MED only I got real lucky with the eps report. I won't be giving any of this back from these levels.

                          MED: entry $12.25 present price: $!5.29 + $2.04


                          • dmk112
                            Senior Member
                            • Nov 2004
                            • 1759

                            Ski, I think both of us owned HOM around the 5 area and bailed on it...who would of thought... $12?? S.O.B.!


                            • skiracer
                              Senior Member
                              • Dec 2004
                              • 6314

                              Originally posted by dmk112
                              Ski, I think both of us owned HOM around the 5 area and bailed on it...who would of thought... $12?? S.O.B.!
                              It started off as a gain for me but if I remember correctly it ended up a losing position for me when I exited or I gave most of it back. I was in at the $5.40 range. Glad to see that someone got it. Their sales an eps are going to soar from the govt. contracts they will be getting for the New Orleans thing. I knew that an that was the reasoning behind me taking the original position in the first place. But it failed an I wasn't anywhere near patient enough but knew in the back of my head that they were going to be a big part of that cleanup and the money in it.
                              THE SKIRACER'S EDGE: MAKE THE EDGE IN YOUR FAVOR


                              • mystiky
                                Senior Member
                                • Dec 2004
                                • 333

                                OLAB - could it go back to $8?

                                Looks like OLAB had very good news into the market close today. What's interesting is that the float is around 950,000, out of which 550,000 is shorted. Thats about 55%!

                                I am pretty sure it will see $6, but what about $7 or $8?


