Doug it does the same same here. Try clicking on the chart after the thumbnail opens. That should clear it up.
Market Watch
Originally posted by Runner View PostDoug it does the same same here. Try clicking on the chart after the thumbnail opens. That should clear it up.
I did...but it is very choppy"Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"
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Originally posted by Runner View PostDoug, not sure what to say. For some reason it works fine on my machine."Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"
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Nice. Thanks for the chart. Is the return for all of 05 and 06 shown on the chart? How are you backtesting? Does TC have automated backtesting now? How are you determining the % long/short?
I'm a big fan of the Q's.
Originally posted by Runner View PostMechanical Q's system returns since bottom in 05. This chart is not for non techies... I have just learned this system and back testing signals have proven nicely. I'll be looking for signal short when ever this might happen is anyone's guess. Red spikes on top chart indicate oversold and or bottoming action should occur soon.
Current Market Conditions
Here are some of my thoughts on current market action.
Updated 1/25/07 same old thing. Market chop chop chop. I also notice lack of follow thru. So what does this mean? For me it is simple, I just do nothing. I see the lack of clear direction and I think many feel the same thing.
Updated 1/3/7 not seeing much change and I'm not excited about the markets here. Today we did see an expansion in volatility and still advise caution. I will more likely then not sit out this week and wait on the markets to show which direction they wish to proceed in.
Updated 12/21/06
Looking at the market Indices I’m seeing weakness. Thus far the Dow-30 and S&P 500 have been faring the best. Tech does not appeal to me much at this time. I see a lot of drifting action in the Indices and thus one needs to proceed with caution…
I’m not reading much into this action here but it is possible this is the beginning of a correction or pull back. After all this trend has shown some awesome bull power and may simply need a breather. My scans are mixed with showing a slight edge on the short side right now and as always this can change in a drop of a hat.Last edited by Guest; 01-25-2007, 09:04 PM.
Originally posted by dmk112 View Post
Market Climate
As of last week, the Market Climate in stocks was characterized by unfavorable valuations and moderately favorable market action. Short-term, the market remains overvalued, overbought and overbullish – a combination that has historically made stocks vulnerable to negative short-term returns, on average, even when market action has been favorable.
Adding to the general impression of an overextended stock market, Vickers notes that corporate insiders of stocks traded on the NYSE ramped up their selling activity last week to 7.81 shares sold for every share bought. On the Nasdaq, the insider sell/buy ratio shot to 6.36. Both ratios have more than doubled over the past few weeks. One wonders, if corporate insiders have so little optimism about their own shares, why should investors?
seems to me to be a crucial point for the market. Either the market drops a few hundred points on inflation worries and weak economic data, and stays below resistence around 12000, or a company reports impressive earnings, the probability of lowering rates soon rises based on comments by Bernanke or something, and we continue the bullish trend. In any case, the next few days will be decisive. Any thoughts on where the market will go?
BTW, if the democrats win, will that be good or bad?
I think if the dems win it will be positive...i think. Either way i think it will spark either a rally or a sell-off.
Originally posted by Gwhiz View PostBTW, if the democrats win, will that be good or bad?
"Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"
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Originally posted by billyjoe View PostHmmmm.......,
Nixon and G.W. Bush seem to stand out from the rest. Anybody notice any other similarities?
You could say it takes 4 to 8 years to clean up the mess left from the previous adminsitration...LOL
Remember Nixon's price freeze???...What a fiasco...As far as a good influence on the market...I'd say Reagan was the best...Even when he was asleep the market went up...except for 2 days...which didn't bother me 'cause I was in cash by the first of Sept 1987...Same thing in 2000...I was in cash by early March...I thank IBD for that...Doug"Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"
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