I just sent a check to this charity in support of a kid, Shykem Lawrence, from Camden's Woodrow Wilson High School who was paralyzed this season in a football game:
Good causes
I've always admired the tenacity of these men and women that stand out in the cold and snow ringing a bell to get donations. Peter Drucker says that are one of the most efficient users of donations and they help a lot of people that desperately need help.
Food For Life
I have contributed in the past to this organization called Foor for Life.
FOOD FOR LIFE is a nonprofit organization, bringing food and life to the needy of the world through the liberal distribution of karma-free vegetarian meals. The project started in 1974 when an elderly Indian swami, Srila Prabhupada, implored his yoga students not to allow anyone within a ten mile radius of his ashram to go hungry. The program grew quickly, and today Food for Life is active in over 60 countries worldwide.
Formerly known as Food for Life Global, the world's largest plant-based food relief with over 250 projects in 65 countries, serving over 1 million meals daily.
It was the only organization at the time of Tsunami in South Asia 2 years ago to distribute Hot Freshly cooked food in Sri Lanka.