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  • Lyehopper
    Senior Member
    • Jan 2004
    • 3678

    Originally posted by Runner View Post
    I did not have my tripod with me today and so I'll post one with my wife and I later. My wife took this pic today at the park.

    Hey Runner, I've got that same haircut.lol

    Is your digital camera a SLR digital?
    BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!


    • Originally posted by Lyehopper View Post
      Hey Runner, I've got that same haircut.lol

      Is your digital camera a SLR digital?
      Lye, nothing personal I think its a military thing...Yea my camera is a SLR.

      Oh my wife just informed me that chicks dig short hair..lol


      • skiracer
        Senior Member
        • Dec 2004
        • 6314

        Originally posted by Lyehopper View Post
        Hey Runner, I've got that same haircut.lol

        Is your digital camera a SLR digital?
        I'm not sure how long we have known each other through this forum and IBD before it but a simple photo makes it like you really know the person. Pretty neat. I was told the same thing about the chicks liking shorter hair on a man. It still wouldn't do me any good at this point in time. Nice background color on those trees.


        • mrmarket
          • Sep 2003
          • 5971

          The mrmarketishuge.com forum has the best looking members.

          I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

          - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


          • Lyehopper
            Senior Member
            • Jan 2004
            • 3678

            Originally posted by Websman View Post
            This was taken yesterday at home....

            Webs, you have a very attractive family. The BSML is paying off too.ssssss

            Question(s)?.... Why do you need a fireplace in Flordia? Do you run the air conditioning when you light the fire? How much are they getting for a load of firewood down there?
            BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!


            • peanuts
              Senior Member
              • Feb 2006
              • 3365

              Originally posted by Websman View Post
              This was taken yesterday at home....

              After I put the sunglasses on, I could see that your family is beautiful!
              Hide not your talents.
              They for use were made.
              What's a sundial in the shade?

              - Benjamin Franklin


              • Rob
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2003
                • 3194

                Originally posted by Websman View Post
                This was taken yesterday at home....

                You are truly blessed, Websman!

                But now I'm confused, because it doesn't look like you have pointed ears.


                • Websman
                  Senior Member
                  • Apr 2004
                  • 5545

                  Originally posted by mrmarket View Post
                  The mrmarketishuge.com forum has the best looking members.

                  It's time for a family pic from you Huge One...


                  • Websman
                    Senior Member
                    • Apr 2004
                    • 5545

                    Originally posted by Rob View Post
                    You are truly blessed, Websman!

                    But now I'm confused, because it doesn't look like you have pointed ears.

                    I used photo editing software so you couldn't see my pointy ears...same reason my teeth are glowing. But you can still see the dark rings under my eyes...jejeje


                    • peanuts
                      Senior Member
                      • Feb 2006
                      • 3365

                      Originally posted by Runner View Post
                      I did not have my tripod with me today and so I'll post one with my wife and I later. My wife took this pic today at the park.

                      Is this picture taken in Calloway Gardens? I haven't been there, but I went to a state park nearby, last year- Roosevelt's Little White House in Warm Springs, GA. I love places like that. It's little niches like that that you learn those rare bits of knowledge that only a few people know: FDR would periodically wreck his custom made car as he would have to take his hands of the wheel in order to shift gears. His car was also the first to ever have anything similar to modern day cruise control.

                      I hope the next picture, the one with the dog and you, isn't the picture of you and your wife that you promised us? I don't think she would find that very funny!
                      Hide not your talents.
                      They for use were made.
                      What's a sundial in the shade?

                      - Benjamin Franklin


                      • Originally posted by peanuts View Post
                        Is this picture taken in Calloway Gardens? I haven't been there, but I went to a state park nearby, last year- Roosevelt's Little White House in Warm Springs, GA. I love places like that. It's little niches like that that you learn those rare bits of knowledge that only a few people know: FDR would periodically wreck his custom made car as he would have to take his hands of the wheel in order to shift gears. His car was also the first to ever have anything similar to modern day cruise control.

                        I hope the next picture, the one with the dog and you, isn't the picture of you and your wife that you promised us? I don't think she would find that very funny!
                        Yes sir we went to Callaway gardens. It is one awesome park with bike trails and stuff. They also put on a real nice Christmas light show.


                        • This pic was taken with a 35mm Minolta 7000 on double exposure


                          • I like taking pictures that are unique and different. This is one I took today and I simply titled it "Water".


                            • Lyehopper
                              Senior Member
                              • Jan 2004
                              • 3678

                              Life lessons in the country....

                              Lil' Lye turned three in July.... So I figured he's old enough to go deer hunting with me.... Plus he's been bugging me to death to go.lol!

                              I shot this doe yesterday morning with him at my side. He listened to me well and he stayed very quiet and sat still like I told him to. I told him what to expect when the rifle reported and whispered for him to plug his ears before I shot. He was watching the deer @ about 100 yards and he saw her fall....

                              He helped me field dress the deer and asked me a million questions about the deer's guts. He now knows that he too has similar guts inside himself.... He knows what a stomach, intestines, liver, lungs, etc., look like.

                              More importantly.... Lil' Lye knows (first hand) the damage done when the muzzle of a firearm is aimed at a living creature. He knows guns are a very serious tool and that they are NOT toys. (I don't let him "play guns" not even with a stick, as I was not allowed to "play guns" as a child)

                              After I shot the deer and we walked over to it, I explained that this animal was forever dead and I showed him the exit wound made by the bullet. He asked me about the all the blood.... I let him pat the dead animal's side and look it over.... I let him handle the rifle.... and I worked the action and unloaded it and answered many questions about the rifle, then I gave him the spent cartridge to keep.... I see him remove it from his pocket from time-to-time and smell the burnt powder.

                              My deer rifle is leaning up in the corner of my office right now (unloaded of course) and he completely ignores it. Mission accomplished.... Btw, my father taught me gun safety in a very similar way.

                              Oh yeah.... Mrs. Lyehopper cooked up a fine meal of fried tenderloin, gravy, rice, corn and biscuits last night.... We enjoyed it very much.... Lil' Lye was proud that he helped put food on the table.

                              BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!


                              • Websman
                                Senior Member
                                • Apr 2004
                                • 5545

                                Hang on a minute...are you sure it's doe season?

