What exactly do you mean by "season"....?
Well-Sir, in VA there are hunting regulations West of the Blue Ridge.... There are regulations East of the Blue Ridge....
And then there's Lyehopper Hollow hunting regulations. Now, as the acting game commissioner here I have the authority to modify regulations from time-to-time depending on current circumstances.... jejeje!
Seriously though, I live East of the Blue Ridge (Bedford County). "Either-sex" deer can be harvested all season long during general firearms season on private land.... BTW, Bedford County has the highest whitetail population in the state.
Originally posted by Websman
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And then there's Lyehopper Hollow hunting regulations. Now, as the acting game commissioner here I have the authority to modify regulations from time-to-time depending on current circumstances.... jejeje!
Seriously though, I live East of the Blue Ridge (Bedford County). "Either-sex" deer can be harvested all season long during general firearms season on private land.... BTW, Bedford County has the highest whitetail population in the state.