Billyjoes Top 10 Cheap Stocks

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  • spikefader
    Senior Member
    • Apr 2004
    • 7175

    Originally posted by grebnet
    Not that anyone cares but I bought MIG at $6.15 this am as an opening position,...
    I care dude Nice buy. Yesterday got a buy signal on the 20-day system. Good luck with it.


    • grebnet
      • Oct 2003
      • 389



      I own significant multiples of what your son owns( and therefore signicant loss at this point. ). I hope your son is right but I think ther is a lot of risk here. Microsoft has changed liscensing agreements with 3rd party vendors. As I understand it, the vendors ( ie MCZ) must now pay a fee to microsoft for codes needed to make controllers for the new X-Box . This will cut into profit margins...hence the drop in stock price.
      I am holding because I think all of the damage has been done and I might as well wait until the new Xbox is out . If I ever get my $ back Ill be thrilled.


      • billyjoe
        Senior Member
        • Nov 2003
        • 9014

        Not a good day all 7 remaining stocks down , but none stopped out today. Two strongest today MIG and ENG down less than 1%.

        Open Monday Close Tuesday

        LPSN 5.23 5.19

        COGO 6.50 6.18

        GROW 7.40 7.47

        ERS 8.67 8.50

        ENG 6.07 6.21

        CBIZ 6.20 5.88

        MIG 6.08 6.04

        Will have some stats and $$$ amounts after close tomorrow. Forgot to say each position had an opening value of $100,000 and we're not paying brokerage fees.



        • sisterwin2

          I have a question...... I looked up HOM a few days ago using Second opinion and trying my hand on candle stick charting...
          after the earnings came out I put a bid in for 5.84. It was filled today but when I look at the highs/lows of today it never went that low.

          I dont understand how it was filled?...

          Did put a sell stop on this one.



          • grebnet
            • Oct 2003
            • 389


            My screen shows a day low of 5.62 for HOM, that would have been a good grab


            • sisterwin2

              I was using aol's quick glance......uhm.... I guess I should of been more frugal in my bid.



              • billyjoe
                Senior Member
                • Nov 2003
                • 9014

                Mine also shows a 5.62 low for HOM glad it went back up.

                Two more stopped out COGO at 6.05 open and CBIZ a while later at 5.77.
                That leaves us 5 of the originals LPSN GROW ERS ENG and MIG. After close I'll discuss 2 different ways to play this. One involves taking our 93,000 remaining from each of the first 4 stopped positions and adding it to the 4 best remaining positions GROW ERS ENG and MIG . Stops will also be tightened tonight.



                • grebnet
                  • Oct 2003
                  • 389


                  I believe spike would say HOM is trying to fill the gap at 5.70....Im hoping it does.


                  • mooddude
                    No Posting allowed; invalid email
                    • Dec 2004
                    • 187

                    I'm amazed how ERS graph follows CMT with a slight delay. CMT kind of predicts what ERS is going to do next. What do you think?


                    • billyjoe
                      Senior Member
                      • Nov 2003
                      • 9014

                      Yes, they are similar. Did you notice how the 50dma's and 200dma's ,however, are reversed? I like ERS better at this point. Any similarities are a coincidence IMO. ERS is holding steady after a 7 1/2% correction.



                      • billyjoe
                        Senior Member
                        • Nov 2003
                        • 9014

                        End of day 3 of this week's 5 day experiment

                        Method #1 Keep all closed out positions in cash. Add in the total from other positions still active :

                        AOB closed $93,000 value .93

                        LPSN active 96,941 value .969

                        COGO closed 93,000 value .93

                        HOM closed 93,000 value .93

                        IFO closed 93,000 value .93

                        GROW active 102,162 value 1.022

                        ERS active 100,346 value 1.003

                        ENG active 103,789 value 1.038

                        CBIZ closed 93,000 value .93

                        MIG active 99,507 value .995

                        Total funds available $967,745 loss to date 3.23% started with $1,000,000

                        Back later with method #2



                        • billyjoe
                          Senior Member
                          • Nov 2003
                          • 9014

                          Method #2 Cheap Stock Portfolio

                          We take the 93,000 each from the first 4 stopped out positions and add them to the 4 best performing remaining positions at Wednesday's open . COGO triggered stop at open and we keep the 93,000 in cash. LPSN isn't stopped , but we don't want to put any more $$ in it. Here's how our positions stand at days end.

                          LPSN active $96,941

                          COGO closed 93,000

                          GROW active 1st position 102,162
                          2nd position 93,000

                          ERS active 1st position 100,346
                          2nd position 93,000

                          ENG active 1st position 103,789
                          2nd position 94,959

                          MIG active 1st position 99,507
                          2nd position 93,000

                          Total remaining funds $969,704 we gained $1959 by putting money in ENG today. You may wonder why #2 positions in GROW, ERS, and MIG remained at 93,000.It's because of the odd situation that they all opened and closed at the same price today. Loss to date 3.03%

                          Method #2 is for the person that has to get to work and just has time to put in a buy order or a stop loss order and get out the door until 5p.m.



                          • billyjoe
                            Senior Member
                            • Nov 2003
                            • 9014

                            This morning we tighten stops to 3% of opening price. We are also splitting the stopped out COGO position giving $46,500 of it to both GROW and ENG.



                            • billyjoe
                              Senior Member
                              • Nov 2003
                              • 9014

                              Things are going well this morning. Stops were raised to 3% of opening price and LPSN stopped out at 4.89. It was our worst performer and we didn't mind getting rid of it. Our 1/2 positions from the closed out COGO are now in GROW and ENG which are our best positions today, just as we planned. We have 4 remaining stocks.

                              Stock Open Monday Open Thursday

                              GROW 7.40 7.73

                              ERS 8.67 8.75

                              ENG 6.07 6.39

                              MIG 6.08 6.05

                              A good market today and we'll make some money.



                              • grebnet
                                • Oct 2003
                                • 389


                                I added some MIG at $6.00 today.

                                Hey Spike ?? technically, did HOM fill the gap yesterday?

