Jim's cycle trades

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  • Websman
    Senior Member
    • Apr 2004
    • 5545

    Originally posted by Jim Smith
    This is a dead thread......when a thread discussing the wearing attire of Ernie gets more play, I give up......I can't help you folks.....
    Come on dude...we just like to have a little fun while we're trading.


    • << I think small caps can slide 10% going into April >>

      The relative performance of the IWM had lagged the SP500 from August through mid-November but it turned up around November 22 and since then the IWM has been on a tear. Until it's relative performance rising trend line is broken to the downside, money flow still favors the small fry.


      • skiracer
        Senior Member
        • Dec 2004
        • 6314

        Originally posted by Jim Smith
        this is a real life trading experience: Today, I had 3000 shares of PFE at $25.18 plus 1000 shares of DD and 20 DD call options. At around 11.20 am the wife calls from the mall and says you wanna have lunch? And me, trying to be a devoted husband, say sure. Actually I felt my PFE was on auto pilot and the time away might do me good....So, while eating lunch, my PFE goes intraday parabolic and tops out at 12 noon and instead of cashing out + $1700, I close out the day down $575....Michael Douglas had it right in "wall Street" , lunch is for wimps....There will be no more lunches. IMO, if you don't find yourself experiencing similar things from time to time, you're not trading, you're investing.
        I can relate to what you experienced today with your wife. I leave the house pretty early an usually get home after 6 pm most days. Then I'm in front of the computer doing my thing with the stocks and the two businesses we're running so my wife an I see each other but don't spend that much quality time together during the week days. Sometimes she'll call me an ask to meet her for lunch an I always try to meet her even when I have to rearrange everything to do so. It's love ya know an I hate that guilt trip when I have to say no. But it seems that everytime I make the concession to meet her when I should be tending to business something goes wrong or a problem crops up especially when I'm stalking a stock for entry or exit without a buy order or stop loss in place. It never fails. What would I do without her though?
        Jim, I scan everyone of your posts plus everyone elses. I don't know what you're looking for but give it some time here. You can't expect everyone to follow and respond to everything that you post. Most of the people posting here are not traders like yourself where they are making moves everyday or as many as you apparently are. Maybe you have to give them alittle more of an explanation of your setups or the reasoning behind them.


        • RL
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2003
          • 1215

          Jim I had gone to the store one day for 6 pack and get gas.Came home sat down to the pc and was out $385. It sure sucks
          Ray Long


          • RL
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2003
            • 1215

            Just put your stock picks on one of my dart boards, don't leave me know.
            Ray Long


            • TBL....as I mentioned here days ago, these boots are made for walking.....TBL is up 7+%.....


              • RL
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2003
                • 1215

                Jim am I too late to get In or should I wait for a little pull back?
                Ray Long


                • TBL...I would wait.....

                  LAB....ding ding ding....another winner brought to you here days ago....I said it broke a 4 year downtrend.


                  • CHK....major bear flag on weekly chart ....easily visible....downside target is $19....short with impunity.


                    • RL
                      Senior Member
                      • Sep 2003
                      • 1215

                      Thanks for your quick reply plan on following your picks however I'm not on margin so must by to hold at least 3 days
                      Ray Long


                      • LAB....smacked down by 200 week moving average....to me, the 200 week is the mason dixon line seperating true bull from true bear


                        • APA...another major bear flag in the making.....under $70 gets you $52.


                          • Chemicals win when energy loses....DD mentioned here using March call options.....on it's way to $44.....insiders got major grants at $39.30 just in time for the market makers to mark it up so they can bail out.


                            • this inverted yield curve will weigh on investors minds....

                              GOOG...set your buy orders at $320 as that chart gap gets filled.....then ride it up to $400.


                              • Websman
                                Senior Member
                                • Apr 2004
                                • 5545

                                Great stuff Jim. Thanks!

