Originally posted by Lyehopper
Lyehopper's Roundup....
ACTU earnings action....
ACTU's first pop is up..... hmmmmmmmm... maybe it will rally too.LOL!!!! Well!!!! since I own it what do ya want me to say?
This earnings action is fun!.... We need that earnings thread!BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!
Originally posted by LyehopperSIRF could rally here Spike.... seems like a lot of green picking it up @-5%
Daily Chart from the other day
Originally posted by spikefaderI think it's toast down to $26.00 in 3 days. Considering whether short at 38.00 from here would be worth it....
Daily Chart from the other day
SEE ain't this fun! CRASH you Puppy.... CRASH!!!!..... oh sorry NBBBEEF!... it's whats for dinner!
Originally posted by LyehopperNot to worry.... Read the report.... This little company is HOT!.... The CC starts in ten minutes @ 5:00 EST.... Oughta listen to it dude.
Originally posted by billyjoeLye,
Just found the discussion about groups on Ski's thread , I was not able to get to the computer in early April. Can you tell us some of your thinking and strategy in using group strength to select potential stocks? IBD seems to suggest picking from the top 20% of groups , but it seems that a group making an accelerating advance in standing would show more strength. Thanks
I'll revisit this topic later on and post some examples.... If I forget just remind me BillyJoe. Seems that I forget alot of things lately.BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!
Originally posted by spikefaderjeje yup. 34.00 failed, so this is a shot duck I think. Now the 4 up to the 35.00 resistance perhaps.......and if I'm really lucky it'll do the 5th and then gap down lol
I know this is a lot of trouble, but could you draw a chart with target on SIRF for me, pretty please? I need to figure out where to have my beagle look for this shot duckPnF says $28 . . .
I'm kickin' my butt!!!!
I ticked at myself for not holding this SIRF short play. Technically it was a nobrainer imo.... AND I spotted it about three weeks ago too!
But hey!.... I learned something....
Bright side.... Ain't too late to profit from this stocks slide. I'll wait for a proper entry.
Spike! Keep posting activily here on SIRF.... I want your opinion of a great entry now..... btw HUUUUGE call on that Diamond bearish top with broadining bearish pattern dude. HUUUUGE!!!!BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!
Originally posted by New-born babySpike,
I know this is a lot of trouble, but could you draw a chart with target on SIRF for me, pretty please? I need to figure out where to have my beagle look for this shot duckPnF says $28 . . .
Originally posted by spikefaderHiya NB. I'll do a fresh one for you, but in the meantime here is the targeting chart I did recently.
You are absolutely wonderful! I have gained so much good from you--I thank you.