Doctor Jack's Stock Medicine

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  • Jack Haddad


    Today's upgrade in the wake of an SEC inquiry is just nuts! Shorted 1/2 a block at 8.37 and will dollar cost average if need to. Folks, this play is not for the weak-hand... hedge yourselves accordingly.


    • grebnet
      • Oct 2003
      • 389

      Originally posted by Jack Haddad
      Today's upgrade in the wake of an SEC inquiry is just nuts! Shorted 1/2 a block at 8.37 and will dollar cost average if need to. Folks, this play is not for the weak-hand... hedge yourselves accordingly.
      What inquiry are you talking about ? I havent seen one.


      • Jack Haddad


        Originally posted by grebnet
        What inquiry are you talking about ? I havent seen one.
        My mistake, I meant "investor's inquiry" in regards to the 800k that the company lent to one customer.


        • Jack Haddad


          Bought 2 blocks at 17.43 on an oversold hourly ahead of the 9am research meeting occuring at Santa Clara Headquarters.


          • Lyehopper
            Senior Member
            • Jan 2004
            • 3678

            Originally posted by Jack Haddad
            Today's upgrade in the wake of an SEC inquiry is just nuts! Shorted 1/2 a block at 8.37 and will dollar cost average if need to. Folks, this play is not for the weak-hand... hedge yourselves accordingly.
            I tried to short HOM since lunch today and could never get any shares dude.... How were you able to borrow the shares?.... Exactly how many shares is a "block" anyhow?
            BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!


            • billyjoe
              Senior Member
              • Nov 2003
              • 9014

              Apparently it was difficult to purchase shares long in the 5.00 area yesterday.



              • Lyehopper
                Senior Member
                • Jan 2004
                • 3678

                Originally posted by billyjoe
                Apparently it was difficult to purchase shares long in the 5.00 area yesterday.

                LOL!.... No doubt....

                I was attempting to short "at market" and every time a notice would pop up "no shares of this equity are available to short".... I'll bet I tried twenty times over a two hour period. EDIT: Maybe has all the short shares tied up....SsSsSsSsss!

                Did anyone else short HOM (or attempt to) today?
                BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!


                • skiracer
                  Senior Member
                  • Dec 2004
                  • 6314

                  Originally posted by Lyehopper
                  LOL!.... No doubt....

                  I was attempting to short "at market" and every time a notice would pop up "no shares of this equity are available to short".... I'll bet I tried twenty times over a two hour period. EDIT: Maybe has all the short shares tied up....SsSsSsSsss!

                  Did anyone else short HOM (or attempt to) today?
                  I looked at it yesterday and today and got the basically the same response. I was wondering how he got the shares myself. Btw Lye, I hope that short position on WIRE works out for you. Giving a channel long signal on the weekly plus I think it could be a "c" wave completion working there right now with an impulse spike up waiting in the wings. This thing has given back quite a bit over the last week or so and will turn up with a vengenance when it does.


                  • IIC
                    Senior Member
                    • Nov 2003
                    • 14938

                    Originally posted by Lyehopper
                    I tried to short HOM since lunch today and could never get any shares dude.... How were you able to borrow the shares?.... Exactly how many shares is a "block" anyhow?
                    I don't know about Doc...But I think of a block as 10,000 shares or more...Doug(IIC)
                    "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

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                    • billyjoe
                      Senior Member
                      • Nov 2003
                      • 9014

                      In the olden days we called 100 shares a block.



                      • skiracer
                        Senior Member
                        • Dec 2004
                        • 6314

                        Originally posted by IIC
                        I don't know about Doc...But I think of a block as 10,000 shares or more...Doug(IIC)
                        I would think that Doc thinks of a block as his typical max trade, like I use 1000 shares as a typical trade or position size, an anything less or more would be the percentage of that sizing. A half position would be 500 shares and a double position would be 2000 shares. I don't know what his trading capital is but the way he has been trading, according to his posts, his trading account would have to be over several million, which isn't improbable, but that's alot of money for an individual to be day and swing trading with on a daily basis. Especially if your open in 4 or 5 positions an each trade is a block of 10000 shares. His post at 11.31 am today was for two blocks @ $38.40. If each block were 10000 shares that's $768,000.00 on one trade. But he offsets it by selling 200 calls @ $4.80 which gives him $480 per contract x 200contracts = $98,000.00. The trade still costs him $670,000.00 plus whatever he is paying in commissions an that is only one trade. He had a few trades today an although I'm not clocking the guy I would bet without looking closely that he traded close to a couple of million today alone. But that's assuming that a block is equivalent to 10000 shares. That's alot of money. An even moreso is that fact of getting into an out of blocks of 10000 doesn't always happen that easily. Especially if you're short a position and the stock starts spiking up and you're looking to unwind the position.


                        • IIC
                          Senior Member
                          • Nov 2003
                          • 14938

                          Originally posted by billyjoe
                          In the olden days we called 100 shares a block.

                          How old are you???

                          I would call shs in the even 100's...e.g. 100,200,500...Round Lots...anything different; e.g. 289,671,805...Odd Lots...IIC
                          "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

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                          • IIC
                            Senior Member
                            • Nov 2003
                            • 14938

                            Originally posted by skiracer
                            I would think that Doc thinks of a block as his typical max trade, like I use 1000 shares as a typical trade or position size, an anything less or more would be the percentage of that sizing. A half position would be 500 shares and a double position would be 2000 shares. I don't know what his trading capital is but the way he has been trading, according to his posts, his trading account would have to be over several million, which isn't improbable, but that's alot of money for an individual to be day and swing trading with on a daily basis. Especially if your open in 4 or 5 positions an each trade is a block of 10000 shares. His post at 11.31 am today was for two blocks @ $38.40. If each block were 10000 shares that's $768,000.00 on one trade. But he offsets it by selling 200 calls @ $4.80 which gives him $480 per contract x 200contracts = $98,000.00. The trade still costs him $670,000.00 plus whatever he is paying in commissions an that is only one trade. He had a few trades today an although I'm not clocking the guy I would bet without looking closely that he traded close to a couple of million today alone. But that's assuming that a block is equivalent to 10000 shares. That's alot of money. An even moreso is that fact of getting into an out of blocks of 10000 doesn't always happen that easily. Especially if you're short a position and the stock starts spiking up and you're looking to unwind the position.
                            Well...Doc can answer for himself then...I was just giving the generic def. of a BLOCK.

                            But how do you know if he's not margining himself to the hilt where possible?

                            But we both know that it is not proper forum ettiquette to give $ figures on your I wouldn't even ask Doc or anyone else how much they are trading anyway.

                            However, AND I'M NOT ONE OF THEM...I personally know people that throw around over a mil $ a day in dt's...and even on single trades...those people do exist....And I believe there are quite a few of them out there...Doug(IIC)
                            "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

                            Find Tomorrow's Winners At

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                            • Guys, you're forgetting he's trading for a hedge fund.


                              • IIC
                                Senior Member
                                • Nov 2003
                                • 14938

                                Today's Stocklemon HOM report:
                                "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

                                Find Tomorrow's Winners At

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