Doctor Jack's Stock Medicine

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  • skiracer
    Senior Member
    • Dec 2004
    • 6314

    Originally posted by IIC
    Well...Doc can answer for himself then...I was just giving the generic def. of a BLOCK.

    But how do you know if he's not margining himself to the hilt where possible?

    But we both know that it is not proper forum ettiquette to give $ figures on your I wouldn't even ask Doc or anyone else how much they are trading anyway.

    However, AND I'M NOT ONE OF THEM...I personally know people that throw around over a mil $ a day in dt's...and even on single trades...those people do exist....And I believe there are quite a few of them out there...Doug(IIC)
    I agree with you Doug. I'm not disputing your definition of a block trade as 10000 shares. I was just putting a numerical value on what he is doing. It's probably way over a million an I'm sure there are plenty of people out there with more than him who are doing this everyday. Dave's post puts it in a better perspective when you realize that he is trading for a hedge fund with a very large trading account. He must have much better outlets and sources than any of us as he got the shares he wanted in shorting HOM. I didn't see any available yesterday or today.


    • Rob
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2003
      • 3194

      Maybe I'm a Blockhead But ...

      I always see his posted trades as implying that a block is 10,000 shares because the numbers of call contracts he writes, in order to hedge his positions, always seem to be 100 x the number of blocks. 100 x 100 = 10,000.


      • Gnbt

        Can anyone give me their input on GNBT. It was a momentum play / swing trade for me during the Bird Flu speculation a few weeks ago. Please leave me your thoughts.


        • Jack Haddad

          Originally posted by Jack Haddad
          Today's upgrade in the wake of an SEC inquiry is just nuts! Shorted 1/2 a block at 8.37 and will dollar cost average if need to. Folks, this play is not for the weak-hand... hedge yourselves accordingly.
          Covered at 7.54


          • Jack Haddad

            Originally posted by Lyehopper
            I tried to short HOM since lunch today and could never get any shares dude.... How were you able to borrow the shares?.... Exactly how many shares is a "block" anyhow?

            A block is 10,000 shares


            • Jack Haddad

              Originally posted by IIC
              Well...Doc can answer for himself then...I was just giving the generic def. of a BLOCK.

              But how do you know if he's not margining himself to the hilt where possible?

              But we both know that it is not proper forum ettiquette to give $ figures on your I wouldn't even ask Doc or anyone else how much they are trading anyway.

              However, AND I'M NOT ONE OF THEM...I personally know people that throw around over a mil $ a day in dt's...and even on single trades...those people do exist....And I believe there are quite a few of them out there...Doug(IIC)
              Thank you, Doug... Btwen my personal and management fund acount, I cannot specify the trades for discretionary reasons. But, 1 block is 10,000 shares.


              • billyjoe
                Senior Member
                • Nov 2003
                • 9014

                Geez , I really am an old timer.



                • Gnbt

                  I had posted earlier about GNBT, and Dr Jack had given me his insight on the company's standing in the overall market right now, which was very helpful.

                  If Dr Jack or anyone else has any input or opinions on it I would appreciate it. I am writing a paper for a summer class on GNBT and need to get as many people's opinion as possible. I have already quoted Dr Jack in my paper.


                  • Jack Haddad


                    Added 1 block at 17.10 The stock is a bragain, and the more negative sentiment, the more I buy!


                    • lemonjello
                      Senior Member
                      • Mar 2005
                      • 447

                      Fraticus Boius

                      Hi Dr. Jack,

                      I am writing a college paper on making millions in the stock market on $25 per day.

                      Can you do most of my work for me? Thanks in advance.
                      Donate: Salvation Army
                      Help: Any Soldier
                      Read: Fred on Everything


                      • I appreciate your concern about my paper, but I want Dr Jack's opinion because I value it. He is very smart when it comes to the market and has experience. He sees things in the market and knows things about the market that I haven't yet experienced. I have only been trading part-time for 4 years. I've put myself through college at $32,000/year plus spending money... which is a little more than $25 a day thanks. His posts have been nothing but informative and have helped me mold my trading style similar to his which is why I take an interest. Maybe you should take an interest in his postings instead of finding someone else's postings to complain about and mock.


                        • Websman
                          Senior Member
                          • Apr 2004
                          • 5545

                          Originally posted by jcohen918
                          I appreciate your concern about my paper, but I want Dr Jack's opinion because I value it. He is very smart when it comes to the market and has experience. He sees things in the market and knows things about the market that I haven't yet experienced. I have only been trading part-time for 4 years. I've put myself through college at $32,000/year plus spending money... which is a little more than $25 a day thanks. His posts have been nothing but informative and have helped me mold my trading style similar to his which is why I take an interest. Maybe you should take an interest in his postings instead of finding someone else's postings to complain about and mock.
                          Wow...You're slight bit confrontational wouldn't you think there kid. You keep that up and I'll never let you become an inner circle member of the VTP.


                          • Webs, is an inner circle member anything like an innie bellybutton?


                            • mrmarket
                              • Sep 2003
                              • 5971

                              GNBT might have potential, but it's not for me. I don't like buying stocks until the companies are profitable.

                              I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

                              - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


                              • IIC
                                Senior Member
                                • Nov 2003
                                • 14938

                                Hey JC...welcome to the forum. Anyway, FWIW, I believe you will find not only a lot of good stock ideas here...But you are also going to run into a lot of humor. We are all different...So what might be funny to some may not be so to others.

                                And some people just want to be all biz...But I'll tell 'ya...If investing is not fun...I wouldn't bother...Obviously, it is more fun when I'm on a roll...But even when I'm losing it is still fun...When it stops being fun, then I'll go do something else...Just a suggestion...Best, Doug(IIC)
                                "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

                                Find Tomorrow's Winners At

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