Doctor Jack's Stock Medicine

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  • Lyehopper
    Senior Member
    • Jan 2004
    • 3678

    Welcome "Doc"!!!!

    Welcome to the forum Jack. Do you have experience with bovine veterinary practices?

    Have you ever used "The VTP" to assist you in sorting and timing your trades?

    And thirdly.... I'd like to invite you to play the POTW with "us" (about 30 of your fellow $$MM$$ members) weekly.... You can find the contest on BillyJoe's "Portfolio of the week" thread. Rockin'Rob is the current scorekeeper and a set of rules can be found at the bottom of any of his posts.... mmmm Hmmmm.....
    BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!


    • Jack Haddad

      Originally posted by Jack Haddad
      Fundamentally speaking, AApl sold 8.5 million ipods in its fiscal second quarter-- a 60 percent leap from the same period a year ago. Also, Apple's computers are less than 5% of the total US market; that said, can you begin to phantom the remaining growth potential?! Accoring research firm NPD, AAPl gained more market share by climbing frmo 71% in december of 2005 to nearly 84% in march of 2006. No wonder why they have already spent 120 million on a new data center to support the second campus that they bought for nearly 500 million. This campus will house as many as 3, 500 employees, said their CFO. Their plan to build a 50-acre second campus signals that their frowing dominance, particularly in the digital era, shall continue.
      Moreover,traditionally, Apple has always found a strong customer base among school districts and universities. However, with Apple's new MacBook laptop containing Intel's chip, they are beginning to gain in the US education market. This move will dramatically boost sales of Apple's sales-- which make up less than 5% of the US market.

      The technicals may seem ill momentarily, but this is one stock that I would be afraid to short.


      • peanuts
        Senior Member
        • Feb 2006
        • 3365

        mmm... apples

        Originally posted by Jack Haddad
        Moreover,traditionally, Apple has always found a strong customer base among school districts and universities. However, with Apple's new MacBook laptop containing Intel's chip, they are beginning to gain in the US education market. This move will dramatically boost sales of Apple's sales-- which make up less than 5% of the US market.

        The technicals may seem ill momentarily, but this is one stock that I would be afraid to short.
        I like apples. What's a good price to get in? In a few years, it won't matter what price I buy at today... but in the few weeks after I buy, I don't want to second guess my decision. Know what I mean?
        Hide not your talents.
        They for use were made.
        What's a sundial in the shade?

        - Benjamin Franklin


        • Jack Haddad

          Originally posted by Lyehopper
          Welcome to the forum Jack. Do you have experience with bovine veterinary practices?

          Have you ever used "The VTP" to assist you in sorting and timing your trades?

          And thirdly.... I'd like to invite you to play the POTW with "us" (about 30 of your fellow $$MM$$ members) weekly.... You can find the contest on BillyJoe's "Portfolio of the week" thread. Rockin'Rob is the current scorekeeper and a set of rules can be found at the bottom of any of his posts.... mmmm Hmmmm.....
          As an orthopedic surgeon, I have very little association with Bovine veterinary practices. Nevertheless, familialarity with the farms and patterns of disease in their area and the potential to provide a cost-effective method of disease surveillance is of prime importance...

          I don't use VTP in any of my trade decisions. And I will consider your invitation in regards to the POTW. I just have 1 zillion things that I'm doing.


          • Jack Haddad


            Purchased AAPL at 63.33 for a scalp; oversold on the hourly.


            • Jack Haddad

              Originally posted by peanuts
              I like apples. What's a good price to get in? In a few years, it won't matter what price I buy at today... but in the few weeks after I buy, I don't want to second guess my decision. Know what I mean?
              LOl... I'm in for a 30 to 40 cent scalp. We'll see. If my trade does not pan out, then I will hold the position and hedge it. Once again, I never set stop losses-- a gesture which goes against the priniciple of many seasoned professionals.


              • Jack Haddad


                Originally posted by Jack Haddad
                Purchased AAPL at 63.33 for a scalp; oversold on the hourly.
                Exited AAPL at 63.54


                • peanuts
                  Senior Member
                  • Feb 2006
                  • 3365

                  Originally posted by Jack Haddad
                  Exited AAPL at 63.54
                  Do you have multiple accounts? How do you get around the round trips? I thought you could only have 5 in and outs per 5 days
                  Hide not your talents.
                  They for use were made.
                  What's a sundial in the shade?

                  - Benjamin Franklin


                  • Lyehopper
                    Senior Member
                    • Jan 2004
                    • 3678

                    Originally posted by Jack Haddad
                    Nevertheless, familialarity with the farms and patterns of disease in their area and the potential to provide a cost-effective method of disease surveillance is of prime importance....
                    I wholeheartedly agree.... Surveillance, Inoculation and Quarantine is essential.... A healthy herd is a happy herd.... A happy herd is a productive herd.

                    Originally posted by Jack Haddad
                    I don't use VTP in any of my trade decisions.
                    The VTP takes some time to understand Doc, so I see why you aren't currently using it.....

                    Originally posted by Jack Haddad
                    And I will consider your invitation in regards to the POTW.
                    GREAT!.... Look forward to your picks in the POTW.... Now Doc?.... About that bum shoulder of mine.... Can rotator cuff damage ever heal? or am I doomed to live with this pain forever.... OH! and speaking of pain relief.... Have you ever had a taste of "The GoJi"?
                    BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!


                    • Jack Haddad

                      Originally posted by peanuts
                      Do you have multiple accounts? How do you get around the round trips? I thought you could only have 5 in and outs per 5 days

                      I do. In addition to the hedge fund and my personal account, I manage small proprietary accounts/endowments. As to to the 4 intra-day trades per week, I believe youre referring to PDT (pattern day trader), no? So long as you have 25k or more in an account, you can trade without limitations or reservations.


                      • peanuts
                        Senior Member
                        • Feb 2006
                        • 3365

                        Originally posted by Jack Haddad
                        I do. In addition to the hedge fund and my personal account, I manage small proprietary accounts/endowments. As to to the 4 intra-day trades per week, I believe youre referring to PDT (pattern day trader), no? So long as you have 25k or more in an account, you can trade without limitations or reservations.
                        oh, OK, how many accounts do you manage? Are you sitting in front of 5 monitors or something?

                        Yes, PDT, that's what I was referring to. I try to avoid that.
                        Hide not your talents.
                        They for use were made.
                        What's a sundial in the shade?

                        - Benjamin Franklin


                        • Jack Haddad

                          Originally posted by peanuts
                          oh, OK, how many accounts do you manage? Are you sitting in front of 5 monitors or something?

                          Yes, PDT, that's what I was referring to. I try to avoid that.
                          At Merrill, I use three. At home, I use 7.


                          • Jack Haddad

                            Originally posted by Lyehopper
                            I wholeheartedly agree.... Surveillance, Inoculation and Quarantine is essential.... A healthy herd is a happy herd.... A happy herd is a productive herd.

                            The VTP takes some time to understand Doc, so I see why you aren't currently using it.....

                            GREAT!.... Look forward to your picks in the POTW.... Now Doc?.... About that bum shoulder of mine.... Can rotator cuff damage ever heal? or am I doomed to live with this pain forever.... OH! and speaking of pain relief.... Have you ever had a taste of "The GoJi"?
                            In order to ascertain healing, I have to ask if you had received conservative treatments or surgical interventions. Also, what is the degree of the rotator cuff tear? My first line of treatment immediately following the injury is RICE (rest, ice, compression, and elevation), regardles of the severity of the injury. Thereafter, I would compare the results between the base-line MRI of your initial visit to the post-follow up appointment. If the inflammation has not decreased, I would place you on prednisone- a powerful anti-inflammatory. I would also assess the range of motion of your joint. If youre a high power athlete who makes a living secondary to a sport, then I would operate immediately. I always recommend that patients exhaust every conservative mean before resorting to any surgical procedure. Physical therapy and weight bearing exercises have also proved very efficacious in clinical research trials.


                            • mrmarket
                              • Sep 2003
                              • 5971

                              while you are giving out free medical advice:

                              About 6 weeks ago, I was doing bench press exercise and was
                              completing my 5th rep at 335 lbs when it felt like something
                              inside "pulled" away from my left elbow. I was able to finish the
                              rep but since then have had pain doing any kind of arm extension
                              exercise (with the exception of shoulder presses. It is also very
                              painful when I rotate my wrist inward, while outward rotation has no

                              Anyway I went and got an X-Ray and my doc said the bones were ok but
                              that I probably partially tore a tendon. He said these things heal
                              on their own. Now I'm getting bummed out because I can't work out
                              with any heavy weights and my triceps are shrinking rapidly!

                              Anyway, how long does it typically take for these injuries to heal
                              are there any ways to accelerate the recovery. Can anyone direct me to a good physical therapy program?

                              I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

                              - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


                              • Jack Haddad


                                Purchased 5 blocks at 63.33 and sold 500 June 62.50 calls for 2.60/contract. The stock has not participated in the recernt 3-day rally and is due for a pop-- all the reason to guarantee my deep in the money hedge and pocket a nice premium return upon June option expiration in three weeks.

