Doctor Jack's Stock Medicine

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  • Lyehopper
    Senior Member
    • Jan 2004
    • 3678

    This is great Ernie!.... Now we need a Psychiatrist as a member!

    Originally posted by Jack Haddad
    In order to ascertain healing, I have to ask if you had received conservative treatments or surgical interventions. Also, what is the degree of the rotator cuff tear? My first line of treatment immediately following the injury is RICE (rest, ice, compression, and elevation), regardles of the severity of the injury. Thereafter, I would compare the results between the base-line MRI of your initial visit to the post-follow up appointment. If the inflammation has not decreased, I would place you on prednisone- a powerful anti-inflammatory. I would also assess the range of motion of your joint. If youre a high power athlete who makes a living secondary to a sport, then I would operate immediately. I always recommend that patients exhaust every conservative mean before resorting to any surgical procedure. Physical therapy and weight bearing exercises have also proved very efficacious in clinical research trials.
    Both of my shoulders hurt.... But the right one is worse. I've had no surgery but I was given some exercises by a therapist to do once and I do them sometimes but I don't see how that helps. As a farmer I constantly do physical labor and there's no way around that for me.

    No single event is responsible for the damage. In the early 90's I was heavily into archery. I shot a 70# pull compound bow (sometimes over a thousand times per week) for a few years. Finally the pain caused me to back off on the weight of the pull and later I just stopped it completely. 800Mg Ibuprofen seems to dull the pain but I hate to take it regularly. I think I may be predisposed to joint problems because my sister (Age 51)and my mother both have major knee problems (Mama refuses any treatment as she hates doctors). My sister has had one knee replacement done and is scheduled for the second. My knees don't give me a lot of problems (yet) but my elbows, feet and ankles hurt some, The Ibuprofen seems to help that some too. I guess at 43 years old I'm just falling apart.LOL

    btw.... I'm 6'2" and weigh about 300#'s.... Maybe if I lost 60 pounds that might help my feet and ankles....
    BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!


    • Jack Haddad

      Originally posted by mrmarket
      About 6 weeks ago, I was doing bench press exercise and was
      completing my 5th rep at 335 lbs when it felt like something
      inside "pulled" away from my left elbow. I was able to finish the
      rep but since then have had pain doing any kind of arm extension
      exercise (with the exception of shoulder presses. It is also very
      painful when I rotate my wrist inward, while outward rotation has no

      Anyway I went and got an X-Ray and my doc said the bones were ok but
      that I probably partially tore a tendon. He said these things heal
      on their own. Now I'm getting bummed out because I can't work out
      with any heavy weights and my triceps are shrinking rapidly!

      Anyway, how long does it typically take for these injuries to heal
      are there any ways to accelerate the recovery. Can anyone direct me to a good physical therapy program?
      The mechanism of the injury you described is very strange... Usually, injuries resulting from bench press exercises commonly involve the Pectoralis major (chest muscle). The location and manner in which you described your pain, it appears that you have injured the extensor tendons of either your upper or lower arm. Where is exactly the pain centered? Is it below or above the elbow joint? The fact that youre able to perform inward rotation of your wrist without experiencing pain, I'm more inclined to suspect that it's your lower extensors.

      I have several concerns here... First, since a fracture was successfully ruled out, I would have ordered an MRI to rule out the possibility of any soft tissue injury (muscle, tendon, cartilage). An X-ray does not reveal soft tissue damage with the exception of increased density, indicative of injury. However, an MRI is the "gold-standard" for viewing muscles and tendons because these stuctures are highly vascular in nature. So, you need an MRI to assess the exact location of your injury. One may palpate for physical signs, but ultimately an MRI is needed. Bare in mind, it's difficult to obtain one, especially at money -profit organizations (kaiser and most HMOs) because docs who are employed at such institutions are given incentive bonuses for reducing operational costs. An MRI runs between 700 to 3000 dollars.

      Second, who saw you? Was it primary care specialist? An ER doc? Or an orthopedist? An orthopedist with a sports medicine fellowship is best qualified for your type of injury.

      I'm located in San Jose, CA. We have several world-renowned physical therapy center-- Palo Alto Medical Foundation is one that I highly recommend.

      Keep me posted on your progress.


      • peanuts
        Senior Member
        • Feb 2006
        • 3365

        Originally posted by Jack Haddad
        I'm located in San Jose, CA. We have several world-renowned physical therapy center-- Palo Alto Medical Foundation is one that I highly recommend.
        Do you know a Dr. Cindy A., recently had a boy, anesthesiologist, worked at Stanford?

        This could be a small world
        Hide not your talents.
        They for use were made.
        What's a sundial in the shade?

        - Benjamin Franklin


        • Jack Haddad

          Tol is particularly attrative at the levels because it will most likely be snatched by another company. And the CEO indicated so several weeks ago in a Barron's article. I like the housing sector because trading at 6.5 times 2007 estimated earnings is a steal! I'm carefully looking to spot consolidation/basing so that I could establish a longer hold core. The hourly chart has strengthened, and I'm so tempted to buy on strength at these levels. Shorterm support may hold at 27.50.


          • Jack Haddad

            Originally posted by peanuts
            Do you know a Dr. Cindy A., recently had a boy, anesthesiologist, worked at Stanford?

            This could be a small world
            No I don't. I'm mainly affiliated with hosptials of the north and east bay area.


            • Jack Haddad


              Originally posted by Jack Haddad
              Tol is particularly attrative at the levels because it will most likely be snatched by another company. And the CEO indicated so several weeks ago in a Barron's article. I like the housing sector because trading at 6.5 times 2007 estimated earnings is a steal! I'm carefully looking to spot consolidation/basing so that I could establish a longer hold core. The hourly chart has strengthened, and I'm so tempted to buy on strength at these levels. Shorterm support may hold at 27.50.
              Decided to go with HOV instead. Snatched 3 blocks at 32.90 and wrote 300 June 30 calls for 3.40 in hope that my shares will get called away. I'll take
              .50/contract for a return.


              • #67
                Originally posted by Jack Haddad
                Tol is particularly attrative at the levels because it will most likely be snatched by another company. And the CEO indicated so several weeks ago in a Barron's article. I like the housing sector because trading at 6.5 times 2007 estimated earnings is a steal! I'm carefully looking to spot consolidation/basing so that I could establish a longer hold core. The hourly chart has strengthened, and I'm so tempted to buy on strength at these levels. Shorterm support may hold at 27.50.
                Resistance at the 20-day EMA (turned TOL back in late April and early May). It needs to close above the EMA to get things rolling again.


                • spikefader
                  Senior Member
                  • Apr 2004
                  • 7175

                  Interesting reading thus far Jack, thanks for sharing. Your first AAPL that price you quoted a typo or has Karel changed the clock settings for post times? I guess I'll find out when I post this heh.

                  Jack, do you trade futures too?

                  Oh, and edit: What are you thoughts about significant bottom being in now?

                  EDIT: The post times are off; Karel's new java changes must have resent my options or something? Anyway karel, I like the new changes; much more efficient and faster is what I've notices. Thanks; you're huge.


                  • Jack Haddad

                    Originally posted by Lyehopper
                    Both of my shoulders hurt.... But the right one is worse. I've had no surgery but I was given some exercises by a therapist to do once and I do them sometimes but I don't see how that helps. As a farmer I constantly do physical labor and there's no way around that for me.

                    No single event is responsible for the damage. In the early 90's I was heavily into archery. I shot a 70# pull compound bow (sometimes over a thousand times per week) for a few years. Finally the pain caused me to back off on the weight of the pull and later I just stopped it completely. 800Mg Ibuprofen seems to dull the pain but I hate to take it regularly. I think I may be predisposed to joint problems because my sister (Age 51)and my mother both have major knee problems (Mama refuses any treatment as she hates doctors). My sister has had one knee replacement done and is scheduled for the second. My knees don't give me a lot of problems (yet) but my elbows, feet and ankles hurt some, The Ibuprofen seems to help that some too. I guess at 43 years old I'm just falling apart.LOL

                    btw.... I'm 6'2" and weigh about 300#'s.... Maybe if I lost 60 pounds that might help my feet and ankles....
                    It appears that your shoulders are the victim of an over-use syndrome; perhaps, you conduct a particular task which requires you to use the same range of motion on your shoulders repeatedly. For example, you stated bowing. Or maybe it's another routine farming activity. These days, we see a lot of kids with first metacarpal- joint (joints of the thumb) pain due to hours spent on playing video games. The game's joystick require the user to constantly move their thumbs, resulting in over-use syndrome of that joint.
                    Similarly, we see it in adults who are addicted to hand-held electronic gadgets.

                    Though youre experiencing pain, I encourage you to still exercise the joints. I prefer weight bearing exercises against resistance. Studies show that weight bearing exercises stimulate the chondrocytes (bone cells responsible for bone formation) which increase your bone and cartilage matrix. Also, resistance exercises stimulate the health of your bones and joints because of the electromagnetic charge effect. When bone is compressed or pressured, you generate negative ion charges. Have you heard of the PEMF (pulsed electromagnetic field stimulation) technology? It has been used in the orthopedic community for nearly 20 years. I'm currently conducting clinical trials on a new device invented by a russian scientist. Youre welcome to read our literature review. Here is the link:



                    • Jack Haddad

                      Originally posted by spikefader
                      Interesting reading thus far Jack, thanks for sharing. Your first AAPL that price you quoted a typo or has Karel changed the clock settings for post times? I guess I'll find out when I post this heh.

                      Jack, do you trade futures too?

                      Oh, and edit: What are you thoughts about significant bottom being in now?

                      EDIT: The post times are off; Karel's new java changes must have resent my options or something? Anyway karel, I like the new changes; much more efficient and faster is what I've notices. Thanks; you're huge.
                      I'm not aware of any error in price which I posted on both AAPL transactions, the earlier scalp and the latter 5 blocks.

                      AS to futures, I'm not involed in them. Maybe in the future to come. And are you referring to a merket bottom in general or a particular index bottom?


                      • sisterwin2

                        WOW, not only sharing his picks but free medical assessments too.
                        You should open a business of ortho with free stock picks for those who are compliant!


                        • Jack Haddad

                          Originally posted by sisterwin2
                          WOW, not only sharing his picks but free medical assessments too.
                          You should open a business of ortho with free stock picks for those who are compliant!
                          I hear ya Dena...LOL If I ever leave medicine completely to commence my own proprietary hedge fund, it will be due to two reasons: 1. Non-compliant patients, and 2. Administrative members (two -year business degree, if that) on an insurance company panel who dictate to me what procedure my patients need and dont need. I'm sick and tired of being humiliated like that; these crooks are essentially practicing medicine without a license while I spent nearly 4 years of undergrad, 4 years of medical school, 5 years of a surgical residency, and 1 year of followship. LOL...

                          Have a great weekend everyone.


                          • Lyehopper
                            Senior Member
                            • Jan 2004
                            • 3678

                            Originally posted by spikefader
                            Anyway karel, I like the new changes; much more efficient and faster is what I've notices. Thanks; you're huge.
                            I especially like the red X's!!!! They bring an element of "mystery" to the forum....

                            BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!


                            • Lyehopper
                              Senior Member
                              • Jan 2004
                              • 3678

                              Originally posted by Jack Haddad
                              I hear ya Dena...LOL If I ever leave medicine completely to commence my own proprietary hedge fund, it will be due to two reasons: 1. Non-compliant patients, and 2. Administrative members (two -year business degree, if that) on an insurance company panel who dictate to me what procedure my patients need and dont need. I'm sick and tired of being humiliated like that; these crooks are essentially practicing medicine without a license while I spent nearly 4 years of undergrad, 4 years of medical school, 5 years of a surgical residency, and 1 year of followship. LOL...

                              Have a great weekend everyone.
                              Gosh Jack!..... And to think.... You could have become a cattle farmer with a C minus high "skrool" grade average like I did..... And you wouldn't have all those headaches dude!.... Now I don't want you to think I'm stupid or anything.... I did get an "A" in metal shop once....
                              BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!


                              • peanuts
                                Senior Member
                                • Feb 2006
                                • 3365

                                Originally posted by spikefader
                                Oh, and edit: What are you thoughts about significant bottom being in now?
                                You didn't ask me, but I want to chime in here: I don't know about a bottom recently, it is possible, but what I want to bring to the table is this: Goto stockcharts and put in the 13 day moving average and look at SPX, INDU, and COMPQ... not one of them was able to surpass the 13 day moving average today... We need to blast through them on Monday or I would be worried that another "bottom" might happen...

                                I am also concerned that we are green on lower volume.

                                here a link to the chart I use:$CO...d=p65139022196

                                damn market has me spooked
                                Hide not your talents.
                                They for use were made.
                                What's a sundial in the shade?

                                - Benjamin Franklin

