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  • IIC
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2003
    • 14938

    Originally posted by louetta12001 View Post
    Nope. I published enough information about myself so that someone could actually find me if they wanted to so I at least figured I should try to disguise myself a smidge.
    Well...You can run but you can't hide...My crystal ball tells me you like photography...But I'll leave it up to you to reveal who you really are.
    "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

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    • IIC
      Senior Member
      • Nov 2003
      • 14938

      Originally posted by IIC View Post
      Well...You can run but you can't hide...My crystal ball tells me you like photography...But I'll leave it up to you to reveal who you really are.

      Hey Lou...Is my crystal ball right or do I need to take it in for a tuneup? (re: Interest in photography).

      BTW...I don't really know who you are...But then again...I never tried to find out...Although, I'd imagine there are not too many people named Louetta at Harvard...Sounds like a Southern name to me???
      "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

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      • Louetta
        Senior Member
        • Oct 2003
        • 2331

        Originally posted by IIC View Post
        Hey Lou...Is my crystal ball right or do I need to take it in for a tuneup? (re: Interest in photography).

        BTW...I don't really know who you are...But then again...I never tried to find out...Although, I'd imagine there are not too many people named Louetta at Harvard...Sounds like a Southern name to me???
        Yes I am interested in photography. Trying to get into the digital world. Bought a Fuji Finepix 9100 with 9M pixels so you can blow stuff up to 20x30 which is what I wanted. Built in 300mm lens which is only about f4.7 at the long end so it wasn't good enough for indoor sports but outdoors its great. 2x digital zoom is pretty much worthless for enlarging past 11x14. Might try a Sony body next year so I can use my old Minolta lenses indoors (Sony absorbed Minolta).

        Louetta is English. Its kind of faded over the years, like Linda here, perhaps, so people with the name tend to be at least 50. Sometimes people are just named Etta or they are called that. If you watched Charles and Camilla's wedding you may have noticed the spinach pies were supplied by a woman named Etta.


        • IIC
          Senior Member
          • Nov 2003
          • 14938

          Originally posted by louetta12001 View Post

          Louetta is English. Its kind of faded over the years, like Linda here, perhaps, so people with the name tend to be at least 50. Sometimes people are just named Etta or they are called that. If you watched Charles and Camilla's wedding you may have noticed the spinach pies were supplied by a woman named Etta.
          Well...I got this Super Duper Digital camera for Christmas...But nobody will show me how to use it Probably asking too much for you to fly out to LA for a few hour lesson...LOL

          Geez...My invite to Chuck & Cam's wedding musta got lost in the mail.

          BTW...When were you on the Harvard Swim Team???
          "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

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          • Louetta
            Senior Member
            • Oct 2003
            • 2331

            Originally posted by IIC View Post
            Well...I got this Super Duper Digital camera for Christmas...But nobody will show me how to use it Probably asking too much for you to fly out to LA for a few hour lesson...LOL

            Geez...My invite to Chuck & Cam's wedding musta got lost in the mail.

            BTW...When were you on the Harvard Swim Team???
            Didn't your camera come with instructions?

            I'm going to demure on the swim question. Its enough people know what I look like and the general location I can be found. Pretty soon they'd have my name and address. Speaking of Jody Foster remember what happened to her and what it led to?


            • IIC
              Senior Member
              • Nov 2003
              • 14938

              Originally posted by louetta12001 View Post
              Didn't your camera come with instructions?

              I'm going to demure on the swim question. Its enough people know what I look like and the general location I can be found. Pretty soon they'd have my name and address. Speaking of Jody Foster remember what happened to her and what it led to?

              Oh...I got a HUGE instruction book...I have no intention of reading it though....Just give me the basics...I'll figure out the rest
              "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

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              • Louetta
                Senior Member
                • Oct 2003
                • 2331

                Originally posted by IIC View Post
                Oh...I got a HUGE instruction book...I have no intention of reading it though....Just give me the basics...I'll figure out the rest
                First some basics. Did it come with software and a cable so you can download your photos to your own machine and print? Have you got those installed on your computer and tried things out with a few nebbish photos you've taken so you know you can take pics and get them onto your machine and print? Get the mechanics out of the way.

                Next, does it have a battery charger? You'll need to know how to work that. Did it come with a "special" battery or AAs? If AAs you'll want to buy some heavy duty ones (I'll look up what they are called if you need them). Regular AAs don't last long. I have two sets of batteries just in case. Nevertheless take your battery charger with you on an overnight.

                Next does it have interchangeable lenses? Both optical and digital zoom? What kind of stuff will you be taking? Any macro stuff, high speed sports stuff, low light stuff without flash?

                Lets start there.


                • IIC
                  Senior Member
                  • Nov 2003
                  • 14938

                  Originally posted by louetta12001 View Post
                  First some basics. Did it come with software and a cable so you can download your photos to your own machine and print? Have you got those installed on your computer and tried things out with a few nebbish photos you've taken so you know you can take pics and get them onto your machine and print? Get the mechanics out of the way.

                  Next, does it have a battery charger? You'll need to know how to work that. Did it come with a "special" battery or AAs? If AAs you'll want to buy some heavy duty ones (I'll look up what they are called if you need them). Regular AAs don't last long. I have two sets of batteries just in case. Nevertheless take your battery charger with you on an overnight.

                  Next does it have interchangeable lenses? Both optical and digital zoom? What kind of stuff will you be taking? Any macro stuff, high speed sports stuff, low light stuff without flash?

                  Lets start there.

                  Geez...I just want to take pics of myself to put Peanuts to shame...Don't worry...I was just kidding...I can figure it out...Thx
                  "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

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                  • How 'bout those Sox!?

                    ..exciting game yesterday, nice to see Manny wasn't too stoned to hit that 2 run shot...but he sure looked so on the base paths. What else could it be?

                    John Lester should be coming back soon. You know, this team is more talented than the 2004 team and has a decent/smart manager who isn't afraid to think outside the box. I know, its too early to get excited...


                    • Louetta
                      Senior Member
                      • Oct 2003
                      • 2331

                      Originally posted by Tatnic View Post
                      ..exciting game yesterday, nice to see Manny wasn't too stoned to hit that 2 run shot...but he sure looked so on the base paths. What else could it be?

                      John Lester should be coming back soon. You know, this team is more talented than the 2004 team and has a decent/smart manager who isn't afraid to think outside the box. I know, its too early to get excited...
                      Manny being on drugs is one that hasn't even shown up on 'EEI yet. Wonder if he'll lead the All-Star balloting again this year? (And if he does will he attend the game?)


                      • Rob
                        Senior Member
                        • Sep 2003
                        • 3194

                        Originally posted by louetta12001 View Post
                        Did it come with software and a cable so you can download your photos to your own machine and print?
                        If it did don't use it that way. That kills the batteries faster than anything. Best way to transfer files from camera to PC is by popping out the flash memory card and plugging it into the little reader port on your computer. Then your PC reads it just like another drive. If your computer doesn't have the correct reader port, go to Wal*Mart and buy a USB card reader for about twenty bucks. Just my opinion.


                        • Originally posted by louetta12001 View Post
                          Manny being on drugs is one that hasn't even shown up on 'EEI yet. Wonder if he'll lead the All-Star balloting again this year? (And if he does will he attend the game?)
                          The fact that manny acts like he's stoned doesn't mean his is, or the fact that he got the Red sox to play some pot smoking song over the PA during his batting practice is just coincidental. He's manny and we love him and he is so anti-establishment without trying to be.

                          But I think he should be in the #3 slot...he hits better in that slot I think. Not sure why Tito jr. moved him?


                          • Louetta
                            Senior Member
                            • Oct 2003
                            • 2331

                            Originally posted by Rob View Post
                            If it did don't use it that way. That kills the batteries faster than anything. Best way to transfer files from camera to PC is by popping out the flash memory card and plugging it into the little reader port on your computer. Then your PC reads it just like another drive. If your computer doesn't have the correct reader port, go to Wal*Mart and buy a USB card reader for about twenty bucks. Just my opinion.
                            Hasn't been a problem with mine but I do have the high powered AAs. The regular ones run out so fast they border on being unusable. And I'm not comfortable handling that memory card a lot.


                            • Louetta
                              Senior Member
                              • Oct 2003
                              • 2331

                              Originally posted by louetta12001 View Post
                              On 2-19 at 10:05PM I posted "I've also got buy orders in for USB, USG, UNH and MTB" and didn't get any replies. That's not a surprise because in many forums noone cares about stuff like that so there was nothing else I could say about them. Since then I've bot ROST, COP, JNJ, ORCL, LRW on pullbacks. Wish I had bought more of ORCL since they announced an acquisition the very next day. Still want more back toward 16. As I've mentioned I missed the August rally and haven't been able to find my way in until the recent pullback days so I haven't said much because I've had little to say. Put a little money in bonds about a week ago and that has worked out for a small gain but again noone's interested in stuff like that. Wanted to take a crack at PKX yesterday but figured the softness would continue after yesterday's close. Today its up 5%.
                              Sold ORCL. Plan on buying it back at some point but think we might get whacked here.


                              • Louetta
                                Senior Member
                                • Oct 2003
                                • 2331

                                Today was the last day of my IBD subscription. Course there was no issue today (well, it came Saturday).

