Originally posted by IIC
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A Humble Request
Originally posted by peanuts View PostHi Mary,
I have not received your membership dues, yet. Did you read the thread, "Do you want to become a member? Read This!"
Let me know if you need the info...
Originally posted by skiracer View PostJeez, I wish you'd quit this one.
What are you tryin' to say Ski???"Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"
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Originally posted by IIC View PostWhat are you tryin' to say Ski???
I kind of got you on that one didn't I Doug. Finally. I was just kidding and that post couldn't be farther from my feelings towards you. Just kidding bud. But I did get you. Next to me you're so easy.THE SKIRACER'S EDGE: MAKE THE EDGE IN YOUR FAVOR
Originally posted by StkyTreat View PostHi Mary
Don’t listen to either Peanuts or Ski, the dues goes into mine and Gwhiz college funds.
Mary, I still don't have the funds....
Hide not your talents.
They for use were made.
What's a sundial in the shade?
- Benjamin Franklin
Originally posted by Tatnic View Postwell, I can't speak for everyone and neither can you or rob, but what bothered me about his request was that it smelled of being too pushy and authoritative. If this was his site, then he can ask whatever he wants, but it wasn't even his own thread, and he was asking that the entire universe of users to conform to his beliefs..what's next, will he ask that we all start the day with prayer, or to vote a certain way? If you or rob are offended by certain language from certain posters then there is an ignore feature. Don't try to impose your will on everyone who comes to the site. And to be perfectly honest, you should be listening and reading, not posting. NOw how's that for being offensive without using profanity?
Originally posted by Rob View PostI'm wondering if it would be possible to clean up the language around here. One of the things I have enjoyed about this site (the whole forum) is its relative lack of profanity. I'd really hate to see that change ... well, unless it was to an absolute lack of it.I've noticed a marked increase lately. When I cease to enjoy coming to this site, I will cease to visit it. Maybe that means nothing to anyone, but I just thought I'd mention it anyway.
I've know Rob for many years and I never heard a curse word or off color joke proceed from his lips. He was simply stating how he feels about profanity on the forum and in my honest opinion he has taken his leave (pretty much) because of you and your lack of respect for his "humble request".
Rob's the kind of fella that would walk out in the midst of a movie or comedy performance it turned too off color. He'd walk away from a conversation at work if it turned too profane or off color. He'd leave a party if one person made him feel uncomfortable due to their in-your-face profanity. Rather than stress over it.... he'd simply remove himself from the situation.... Rob has "left the party" here for that very reason and I personally think it's a huge loss to the group as a whole.
Hey, I can cuss with the best of em Tatnic, yet I watch my mouth when I'm in Rob's company because I respect him and know he's an honorable person and loyal friend.
You owe Rob an apology for the disrespect you showed, not for your initial cursing, but for your disrespect of him in this thread AND your disrespecting his flesh and blood sister. A Virginia Gentleman would not behave the way you have.... nor spoken to her like you have. If she were my sister? I stomp your d--n A$$ into the sidewalk.BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!
You will be sorely missed on this board. Your POTW posts were the stuff of which legends are made.
Your comments were always welcomed, your demeanor delightful and your humor refreshing.
In the "real world" I could imagine calling you friend.