Pete's Money Makers

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  • billyjoe
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2003
    • 9014

    GEOI is on my very short good list and has hit new highs 3 consecutive weeks, but as you say things could turn ugly fast tomorrow if not all will be rosy and money will be made fast.



    • Peter Hansen
      • Jul 2005
      • 3968

      7 For 4/15/08

      Ugghhh Another TAX day .....but these should put some money in your account.....mostly all oil or oil services with the exception of GENC which is commercial vehicles and trucks

      1. GENC
      2. NOG
      3. CLR
      4. SQM
      5. HAL
      6. HK
      7. XCO

      Oil seems to be trending higher.... $150 per barrel ......Who knows?


      • Peter Hansen
        • Jul 2005
        • 3968

        10 For 4/16/08

        The futures are up ...these babies will put some "KACHING" in your pocket !

        1. SOL Solar Stock
        2. CPWR Software
        3. WFSL Bank Just Breaking Out
        4. CSE REIT
        5. CLAY Mortgage finance
        6. FXEN Oil
        7. EXPO Oil
        8. GENC Commercial Vehicles and trucks
        9. VNGM A "Pumped" mineral OTCBB stock BUT ..nice Chart
        10 GBRC Tires into oil "Pumped" stock ..but the suckers are buying this OTCBB stock ....SEE MIIMO'S Post today about OIL VACUUM Some QUICK money can be made here .....


        • Peter Hansen
          • Jul 2005
          • 3968

          12 For 4/17/08

          The market soared yesterday may be payback time .but who knows?
          These 12 should be the golden dozen....and I smell money with these picks.

          1. CNOA OTCBB Chinese Agriculture stock...took a hit recently ....but One of largest producers of rice in China...Rice is in short supply....people need rice ......GET IT? .....Lock and load on this one
          2. NOG gas and oil 52 week high
          3. EXPO Business support
          4. GENC Vehicles and trucks ...........nice chart
          5. EXM Marine transport
          6. CVTX Biotech
          7. AVXL OTCBB Specualtive
          8. FEED AG stock 52 week high
          9. FTEK Waste and disposal
          10. POZN Biotech
          11. WFSL Bank
          12. DVAR OTCBB ONLY for GAMBLERS BEING PUMPED LIKE CRAZY Get in and then out after a profit

          BONUS just came across my desk ........SPPI A beaten down biotech, but still has some bullets in the chamber ......Get on board now,.....this one had good day yesterday ..and when word gets out .......LOOK OUT I see a double here .

          GOOD LUCK GOD BLESS........and have a beautiful day!


          • New-born baby
            Senior Member
            • Apr 2004
            • 6095

            Here's my pick today: AAPL will retrace at least $2 today.
            pivot calculator *current oil price*My stock picking method*Charting Lesson of the Week:BEAR FLAG PATTERN


            • Peter Hansen
              • Jul 2005
              • 3968

              New Born Bite Your tongue

              Originally posted by New-born baby View Post
              Here's my pick today: AAPL will retrace at least $2 today.

              NB market looks up today .....your wish may not be granted .....or I hope it won't!


              • Peter Hansen
                • Jul 2005
                • 3968

                8 For 4/18/08

                TGIF but today should be a good day ......let's all make some money here.
                I have some UNUSUAL ones for You today ......namely TSLLF, CHPPF and the comments that follow each These 3 are food shortage plays!

                1. TSLLF OTCBB ( LOW VOLUME) Australia based seller of Atlantic salmon . Distributes in many international markets...revenues rose 13% in 2nd half of 07 ....This company "RULES" in salmon.

                2. CHPPF OTCBB Asia Agri/Industial Corp and World's LARGEST supplier of Black tiger Shrimp.....I think I bought these shrimp at COSTCO Low volume so subject to spikes

                3. HQS Nasdaq My favorite Seafood producer Based in Seattle WA but operations mostly in China's South Sea . 4th Quarter revenues up a blistering 46% over prior year to 17.7 Million , with gross profit soared 61.4% higher to 8.7 million WATCH THIS ONE

                4. KWK 52 week high Exploration

                5. MMR 52 weekhigh Exploration

                6. MTG Mortgage finance

                7. ETFC E Trade Looks to be coming alive

                8. LTUS OTCBB 95 cents Chinese Pharma ....ONLY FOR THE GAMBLERS

                Good luck and have a profitable day !


                • Peter Hansen
                  • Jul 2005
                  • 3968

                  Portfolio results 4/7-4/17/08

                  These are the results over a 2 week period for a hypothetical portfolio I constructed 2 weeks ago

                  For best results, choose "Landscape" format, using the Print settings.

                  Mr M 10 For 4/7-4/11

                  Value: 31,742.26 Gain/Loss: +1,742.25 (+5.81%) Today: +919.63 (+2.98%)

                  Symbol Shares Last/NAV Net Change Pur. Price Gain/Loss Value
                  AAPL 19.5976 161.18 +6.69 153.08 +158.74 3,158.74
                  ANR 62.7221 51.82 +1.35 47.83 +250.26 3,250.26
                  CRZO 47.4684 68.34 +1.39 63.20 +243.99 3,243.99
                  DNDN 531.9149 5.85 +0.33 5.64 +111.70 3,111.70
                  ICO 448.4305 7.74 +0.04 6.69 +470.85 3,470.85
                  JASO 130.833 25.75 +1.69 22.93 +368.95 3,368.95
                  LDK 82.4176 32.89 -0.27 36.40 -289.29 2,710.71
                  PRGO 75.9878 40.22 +0.80 39.48 +56.23 3,056.23
                  XIDE 216.1383 15.50 +0.62 13.88 +350.14 3,350.14
                  ZEUS 62.6436 48.22 +0.81 47.89 +20.67 3,020.67

                  Last Updated: 7:15 AM on 04/20/08

                  There was ONE losing stock over the 2 week period.....LDK $3,000 ws placed into each stock any value over 3k represents a gain . Best stock was JASO


                  • Peter Hansen
                    • Jul 2005
                    • 3968

                    10 Wunderkin for 4/21 -5/2/08

                    I have set up an AOL porfolio of the following 10 stocks ......I am using the Friday 4/18 Closing prices for a start point .....and will close with Friday 5/2/08 closing day prices. If the market contiues to make gains ....these should do EXTREMELY well!

                    1. ANAD Semiconductors
                    2. EDEN Specialty Chemicals
                    3. ETFC E-Trade ....Watch this baby move
                    4. EWT Taiwan I shares ...Buy now the new president is kissing up to China
                    5. GENC Commercial vehicles and Trucks
                    6. MTG Mortgage & finance
                    7. SIRF Chart s breaking out
                    8. SPPI Biotech Beaten down ...but not knocked out ....2 heavy hitters at the helm...has drugs in the pipeline and 1 on the market used for bone cancer and one in phase 3 trials . What I like is market cap of less than 80 million but sits on 55 million in cash ...would be good takeover target,,,,,,then moonshot for SPPI If ya want more rocket fuel buy the Jan 09 2.50 CALLS OJYAZ
                    9. TITN Specialty retailers .....ALL signals go for this one Houston get ready for blast off
                    10. FEED Agriculture

                    Good luck to all .....and have a beautiful day !
                    Last edited by Peter Hansen; 04-20-2008, 10:31 AM. Reason: typo


                    • billyjoe
                      Senior Member
                      • Nov 2003
                      • 9014

                      We're doing great with V IPO now we've got Intrepid Potash coming up late this week or next week. Got any thoughts on it?



                      • Peter Hansen
                        • Jul 2005
                        • 3968

                        Billie Tough Call

                        Originally posted by billyjoe View Post
                        We're doing great with V IPO now we've got Intrepid Potash coming up late this week or next week. Got any thoughts on it?

                        Billie the stock price is already high......but I know fertilizers like POT and MOS are doing well......I am not going to do anything with it ......because the chart right now tells me should pull back?


                        • Peter Hansen
                          • Jul 2005
                          • 3968

                          GENC Is on Steroids

                          GENC closed 4/21/08 $30.28 ....and It is UNDERVALUED according to Vector Vest and should be priced at $45.11 .......Personally I think it will hit $50 sooner than you think . It has forecasted earnings growth rate of 21%, an Earnings Yield of 10.86, sales growth of 48% per year , and a PE of a low 9.20........WOW Stocks like this don't come around to often.......LOCK AND LOAD UP on GENC!


                          • New-born baby
                            Senior Member
                            • Apr 2004
                            • 6095

                            Originally posted by Peter Hansen View Post
                            NB market looks up today .....your wish may not be granted .....or I hope it won't!
                            I'm long AAPL . . . I hope AAPL jumps to $220.
                            pivot calculator *current oil price*My stock picking method*Charting Lesson of the Week:BEAR FLAG PATTERN


                            • billyjoe
                              Senior Member
                              • Nov 2003
                              • 9014

                              Originally posted by Peter Hansen View Post
                              Billie the stock price is already high......but I know fertilizers like POT and MOS are doing well......I am not going to do anything with it ......because the chart right now tells me should pull back?
                              I think you may have misunderstood me. Intrepid Potash (IPI) IPO may be offered to the public tomorrow. At a price of 34 I believe the discount compared to POT to be about 50% at current p/e of POT. It might not be able to be bought for 34 however since the initial offering was gobbled up way over estimates at 32. May have to wait for the needed pullback.



                              • IIC
                                Senior Member
                                • Nov 2003
                                • 14938

                                Originally posted by New-born baby View Post
                                I'm long AAPL . . . I hope AAPL jumps to $220.

                                Nice to see you pumping the IIC 100 Chart of the Week...Last week it was FEED...Bet you can't wait for next week's Chart of the
                                "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

                                Find Tomorrow's Winners At

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