I've started this thread by request for the comfort of those who want to converse with me without invoking a certain running shark. I have been fairly hesitant to post my portfolio and my picks up to now, because I am still on the proverbial learning curve. I tend to be a short term trader of stocks, and very occasionally a day scalper. Have just taken the plunge into shorting and have been doing okay with it. No big losses so far. Some nice profits.
I'm basically a TA person but try to do at least some DD or follow the DD done by other excellent folks on this forum. I also tend to trade a lot on news that can act as a catalyst to price and volume movement. I realize this can be dangerous, and I have been stung once or twice, so I now wade carefully into waters such as these.
Have also taken a plunge into options, so far selling calls (and buying back and selling again and buying back again) on underlying stock. Have another account where I simply trade options. Have a subscription service that I follow for advice here until I get enough experience to do it on my own. This second account is not large, so at this time I am buying/selling 1 call/put at a time so I can stay in the game a longer time before I lose it all (well, it's always a possibility with options, right?) I don't expect to get rich really quick here, but it's good experience and I'm looking to at least double the value of this options account in the next six months or less.
So welcome to anybody interested in reading this, as I go rollin' and trollin' down the river! Riverbabe
I'm basically a TA person but try to do at least some DD or follow the DD done by other excellent folks on this forum. I also tend to trade a lot on news that can act as a catalyst to price and volume movement. I realize this can be dangerous, and I have been stung once or twice, so I now wade carefully into waters such as these.
Have also taken a plunge into options, so far selling calls (and buying back and selling again and buying back again) on underlying stock. Have another account where I simply trade options. Have a subscription service that I follow for advice here until I get enough experience to do it on my own. This second account is not large, so at this time I am buying/selling 1 call/put at a time so I can stay in the game a longer time before I lose it all (well, it's always a possibility with options, right?) I don't expect to get rich really quick here, but it's good experience and I'm looking to at least double the value of this options account in the next six months or less.
So welcome to anybody interested in reading this, as I go rollin' and trollin' down the river! Riverbabe