Trolling For The Whoppers

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  • riverbabe
    Senior Member
    • May 2005
    • 3373

    Sold ICE for 5.8% gain.

    Now holding only PCP and RIMM (with options against it), along with the options I bot in the "Options Account" today.

    Have CA$H! Need a good place to put it!


    • billyjoe
      Senior Member
      • Nov 2003
      • 9014

      Here is your Stock Trader's Almanac '07 Quote for today :

      Genius,that power which dazzles mortal eyes, is often perseverance in disguise.----Henry Willard Austin



      • riverbabe
        Senior Member
        • May 2005
        • 3373

        Originally posted by billyjoe View Post
        Here is your Stock Trader's Almanac '07 Quote for today :

        Genius,that power which dazzles mortal eyes, is often perseverance in disguise.----Henry Willard Austin

        Now that is a really profound thought!


        • MEA_1956
          Senior Member
          • Oct 2003
          • 655

          Que Pasa . Com

          In your spare time, log on to this web site, and send me back your thoughts. Just trolling for a whopper here, who knows might be the next GOOGLE, or at least make an earnest effort at the project. My e-mail and profile name is invested. Put some pictures in thier, to make the night pass, last night. Marlin

          PS Call letters are QPSA on the naz.
          GO BIG RED!!!!!


          • riverbabe
            Senior Member
            • May 2005
            • 3373

            Originally posted by MEA_1956 View Post
            In your spare time, log on to this web site, and send me back your thoughts. Just trolling for a whopper here, who knows might be the next GOOGLE, or at least make an earnest effort at the project. My e-mail and profile name is invested. Put some pictures in thier, to make the night pass, last night. Marlin

            PS Call letters are QPSA on the naz.
            Unbelievable! It took me about 4 minutes to figure out the site and find YOU! That is, if you live in Hastings! Love the pictures. Give me a couple of minutes (or more) and I'll give you my impressions of the company.


            • squarepusher
              • Aug 2007
              • 31

              go Riverbabe!
              Fix ps3
              Last edited by squarepusher; 04-19-2011, 04:53 AM.


              • riverbabe
                Senior Member
                • May 2005
                • 3373

                Originally posted by MEA_1956 View Post
                In your spare time, log on to this web site, and send me back your thoughts. Just trolling for a whopper here, who knows might be the next GOOGLE, or at least make an earnest effort at the project. My e-mail and profile name is invested. Put some pictures in thier, to make the night pass, last night. Marlin

                PS Call letters are QPSA on the naz.
                Quepasa Corporation operates a Spanish/English language Internet portal and online community targeting the U.S. Hispanic and Latin American markets. The company's Website, provides users with access to bilingual menu of resources that promote social interaction, information sharing, and other topics to Hispanic users, including blogs, chat rooms, culturally relevant channels, email, message boards, news, postcards, radio, user forums, and video. It also provides businesses with marketing tools and solutions designed to enable them to reach its community of users. In addition, Quepasa offers performance-based marketing capabilities that consist of Internet and categorized directory search. Its offerings enable marketers to display their advertisements in different formats and in different locations on its Web site. Quepasa sells its marketing services to businesses through online and direct channels in the United States, Mexico, and Latin America. The company was founded in 1997 and is headquartered in Scottsdale, Arizona.

                Initial thoughts: I like this site immensely. It is a social networking site similar to MySpace or Facebook but its focus is on the Latino community and seems to be popular with that community and is growing in subscribers. The only thing is, it is FREE. IMHO, eventually it needs to charge a subscriber fee at least for the matchmaker service. Its only revenue right now is ad revenue. It is operating at a $11.5M loss approx. per 2006 year.

                I think this could be a takeover candidate by Yahoo or the like. It is definitely not a Google. Is it a potential Whopper? Well, doggonit, if anyone wants to invest in a possible candidate selling at a very small price of $2.79 for a possible long term hold, I guess it's not a bad choice with future potential. For now, I will abstain because I am looking for instant gratification! River


                • MEA_1956
                  Senior Member
                  • Oct 2003
                  • 655

                  Boooo Waaaaa

                  Instant GRATIFICATION::: Now that's a topic I like to talk about, but not tonight, I've got a head ache.

                  Thanks for your input, in stead off me, you have planted the seed and now we all shall watch it grow. This little girl is on a 54% draw back sense the first time she was mentioned on this web sight. At that time, I like you, enjoyed the sensations that she generated in my blood steram. The thought of the Latino nation, having their own place to express themselves, turned the light bulb on in this poor fools head. A place with a cause, a co. with a product, a slogan with with the right gingle, is where a person has to look to get an edge on the market now days.

                  QUE PASA (what up) is as cool as it gets in this pig neck lovers brain. Who knows their lose my be your 54% gain which my make you set stright up in the saddle and say you heard it hear first and am dam proud to be a menber of the best stock picking web sight on the web. Was looking to start a blog @ Que Pasa .com last night, about the current price & a perfect time to enter, instead I took a nap & my wife woke me up and said to get my ass to bed. Maybe at a later date we will try to convert some new members to this fine sight. Good Night All;;; Marlin

                  P.S. Thanks for your time & energy
                  GO BIG RED!!!!!


                  • riverbabe
                    Senior Member
                    • May 2005
                    • 3373

                    A few port changes

                    Busy trade day yesterday 10/15!

                    Sold 2 disasters: AKAM -38% & INFY -17.6%
                    Sold sleeper (yawn) NMX +1.6% & +0.8%
                    Sold HANS for nice profit +64%

                    Replaced AKAM w/ LLNW @ av. 11.25
                    Bot EMC as a play on VMW @ 22.50
                    Bot BIDU @ 317.25 and NILE @ 83.80

                    In play money account:
                    Bot ANW @ 40.94 for a 10%+ gain EOD (holding)
                    Bot 1 ACH Nov 95 call @ 2.50
                    Bot 4 NVT Nov 80 calls @ 0.25


                    • billyjoe
                      Senior Member
                      • Nov 2003
                      • 9014

                      EMC---Right On!! Are you a member of the sisterhood of Grady's Ladies?



                      • riverbabe
                        Senior Member
                        • May 2005
                        • 3373

                        Originally posted by billyjoe View Post
                        EMC---Right On!! Are you a member of the sisterhood of Grady's Ladies?

                        I would be if I looked that good and he wasn't so doggone YOUNG! (Don't want to rob the cradle here!). jejejeje


                        • riverbabe
                          Senior Member
                          • May 2005
                          • 3373

                          Tuesday's trades

                          Bot FSLR - @ 135.4042
                          Bot more EMC @ 22.3879
                          Did a quick scalp short on PRXI for a 4.7% gain
                          Took a flyer on Pete Hansen's NLIA long term -- @ 0.30.

                          So, it's been a busy week so far. Will give a recap of holdings on the weekend because several options I'm holding are set to expire on Friday. Riverbabe


                          • riverbabe
                            Senior Member
                            • May 2005
                            • 3373

                            A Tribute to a Life

                            I don't know why, but I just want to share this with you. My mother is probably less than two weeks from leaving us. One of my daughters wrote the following, and it was edited by another daughter. What can be a more beautiful tribute to a life than this?

                            Dear Grandma,

                            You have been tired for so long. We will miss you very much. Over the many years, we have told you how much we love you, but do you realize the impact you have made on our lives and how much you influenced who we are today?

                            For you, Grandma, we would like to say, “Thank you”.

                            Thank you…

                            - For teaching us that you should always have a telephone table, board games and warm slippers in the foyer for guests that arrive
                            - For the knitted booties with the pom-poms in my closet
                            - For teaching me how to knit my first scarf
                            - For finishing my home economics sewing project for me in seventh grade
                            - For my first hot bowl of chicken noodle soup and for all the pink lemonade that I could drink
                            - For keeping the cookie jar full and never noticing when we snuck a few
                            - For teaching me about a wringer washer and how to clean pickles
                            - For showing me the freshness of drying clothes on a clothesline and how to use the clothes pins
                            - For sharing the smell of the cellar and the wonderful treasures kept there
                            - For the freezer with so many choices of ice cream and always having ice cream cones on hand
                            - For always having our favorite cheese spread in the house even if meant running to the store especially for us
                            - For warming our mittens on the heat vents after playing in the snow
                            - For teaching us how to wash walls and have blinds on the windows
                            - For showing us the special treasures in the cedar chests and letting us play dress-up with your beautiful jewelry
                            - For the fun of throwing laundry down the stairs every Thursday morning
                            - For giving me advice about my boyfriends
                            - For furnishing my apartment with a kitchen table, sofa, rocking chair and warm carpet
                            - For showing up on my doorstep at the end of the month with two sacks of groceries in hand
                            - For the Sunday dinners made special every time
                            - For ham, scalloped potatoes, pink dip, iced brownies and squares
                            - For my first lemon meringue pie, turnip casserole and checkerboard cake with money hidden inside
                            - For teaching me the art of crock pickles and what a special treat they are
                            - For showing me the beauty of petunias, roses and morning glories
                            - For saying in the morning,”Mornin’ Glory, have you seen the Reindeer?”
                            - For the morning table of cereal boxes laid out the night before
                            - For the buffet of food which appeared out of the refrigerator each lunch
                            - For the hot tea with sugar cubes milk and/or lemon
                            - For the many hours playing “store” with card tables in the living room
                            - For the hours of Days of Our Lives, General Hospital and The Price is Right
                            - For the always clean bathroom which smelled of you
                            - For the baths of bath oil beads which you always had on hand
                            - For giving up your bedroom, every time we came to visit
                            - For teaching us about electric blankets and about having our beds made before noon.
                            - For recognizing that our very small school pictures deserved a special place in your house
                            - For sharing your special treasures lined in your front window sill
                            - For the fun of washing dishes with rubber gloves in boiling hot water
                            - For appreciating that a tea cup with pedestal feet is truly special and unique
                            - For many hours of delight playing with the bobble-head squirrel
                            - For teaching us that sewing your own clothes really mattered in this world
                            - For always remembering birthdays – even with the many Grandchildren you have

                            Grandma, it is time for you to sleep now and know that you are loved each and every day – especially today.

                            (A picture from two years ago with one of her younger brothers. She made her dress.)
                            Last edited by riverbabe; 10-19-2007, 05:35 PM. Reason: add picture


                            • billyjoe
                              Senior Member
                              • Nov 2003
                              • 9014

                              That's a classy Grandma and a classy dress. I wasn't fortunate enough to have many memories of my Grandmas , but lots of those memories remind me of my mother. It's funny what you remember about people. Little acts of kindness that didn't seem like such a big deal at the time. One of the only memories of my Grandma was her double tying my shoes. Now why would I remember that? Guess it showed she cared.



                              • billyjoe
                                Senior Member
                                • Nov 2003
                                • 9014

                                2 whoppers, I hope, EMC and NYX, NYX after a long wait.


