Originally posted by stenzrob
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Portfolio of the week - 2008
Originally posted by billyjoe View PostSki,
I'm sure you'll be successful. You have the tenacity, quest for knowledge, and competitive spirit that can't be beat.
are you hitting on me Billyjoe? Ski & Mongo not that way! LOL
thank you Billyjoe. i need the license to solicit to sell stock that i think will appreciate in value amonst other ideas that I want to try to do. just another business. nothing is going to change except i'll be working harder and more hours in each day. I plan on getting that time from time spent with mrs. ski. don't tell her i said that though or i'm cut off from dinners, clean socks and clothes and everything else that us guys take for granted. I have to pass the test first.THE SKIRACER'S EDGE: MAKE THE EDGE IN YOUR FAVOR
Originally posted by skiracer View Postthanks newborn. i'm running a couple of my own businesses right now and am not really looking to go to work as a salesman or broker for anyone or some other firm. I have another ambition that i want to try and I need the series 7 license to do that so I have been studying at home online for the test and want to devote whatever spare time I can muster to doing that. thanks again.Riverbabe
Originally posted by New-born baby View PostWelcome back, River.
So, still putting together new office furniture (piece by piece) and new (MAC)computers, etc. and stringing wires and moving printers, and unpacking a myriad of boxes that took an endless amount of time to pack. It shouldn't take more than six months or so to finish it up. In the meantime, there's not much time for watching the market right now, so I'm dabbling with the POTW and waiting for the market to bottom on March 22nd.Riverbabe
(Yes, that's the exact day!)
Stenzrob who has not been setting the trading world on fire of late, by his own admission, but still above water kept looking at the scorecard and thinking, jeez I finally hit one out of the park and ski don't even get the score right. and no write up or recognition of such a strong pick to the long side when the momentum is clearly down. life just isn't fair and a body can't hardly get a decent break.
Billyjoe was thinking don't tell me about fairness. I was at 114+ , in 2nd place, and having aspirations of standing on top of the podium and everyone reaching up for me with adulation beyond imagination, crying out my name and the women wanting me to sign their bra straps. Whoa wait a minute as he caught his breathe. his head spinning in dizziness he was coming back to reality from that rush of imagination and signing those bra straps. In the meantime Stenzrob was envisioning the same exact thing but he really was in first place but wanted the security and solidification of seeing that 13.64% up there. he earned it and deserved it.
spike, cutlass in one hand and a bottle of fine cuban rum in the other took a loooong pull from the bottle. the rum cut a burning path down his throat settling in his gut. he screamed at those scallywags high in the riggins to get the sails unfolded or I cut your stinkin bellies out you worthless scroundrels. we're going to make a race out of this or me name ain't capn spike and i'll run every filthy one of ye thru and he took another pull loooooonger than the last. he was a dirty rotten scoundrel himself but he always had a plan.
in 4th behind billyjoe and leading a throng of bible totin, whoopin and a prayin, and singing out their faith was the newborn baby only a hairsbreathe behind billyjoe. you had to be very careful walking around them christians as if they ever accidentally hit you in the shin with their knee they could break it. if done on purpose and accurately you would be on crutches without a doubt. and they never get charged with carrying a concealed weapon.
Stenzrob knew that he had to remind ski about the scoring mishap.
one day left this week and stenz had to feel somewhat secure with his 5% lead over spike. spike was of a completely different mindset.
in the 12th position but never out of position riverbabe was back in the game after her abscense and a small reprimand from ski that she had exhausted her lloa and was subject to a penalty after this week. those who know her intimately know that she will be back to her old tricks before you know it. personally i can smell her natural scent and see her aurora here at the jersey shore all the way from rocky river. billyjoe who lives much closer often states when the wind is right how intoxicating the fragrance is. so nice to feel your presence and to have you back babe. and the scorecard please: by the way this is a redo of yesterdays scorecard done especially and specifically for stenzrob who i inadvertently overlooked with my miscalculation of his score. sorry stenz.
Stenzrob had gone out and bought a special new felt pen. one with the kind of tip that wouldn't smear when writing on cloth and would remain ledgible and write in clear precise lines. he was planning on autographing as many bra straps and anything else those stock groupies wanted him to endorse. and he wanted his name and scent to remain with them for as long as he could. after all he was the champion this week. top of the pile, numero uno and the big kahuna all rolled into one. it was worth the wait and he was going to make the most of it. the power and the glory was intoxicating and he possessed it all. exquisitely exhilarating.
but things were not as good in other places. especially on board capn spikes three masted dragoon. the men were very quiet as he walked from bow to stern and back again pulling from his bottle of rum and slinging his sword in reckless abandon. it was best to stay out of range lest ye be slit open and your entrails spilled across the deck. ye be chum for the sea creatures. it was best to stay away. a 3rd place finish would have been nice for anyone else but slipping from 2nd to 3rd on the final leg of the race was not in his plan at all. it was best to stay away.
who was this knight in shining armor slipping so stealthy from 6th place and a low 1.44% to steal 2nd place from capn spike. ACH sounded like he was gagging. but slip he did as stealthly as could be between spike's ship and Stenzrob to claim the 2nd spot. spike wasn't about to run his sword thru that armor today but be wary sirtuck for the game is not over and the taste for revenge will drive some men to dastardly deeds.
newborn championed the flag of the christians again with a valiant effort and showing but fell short again this week. 4th place meant back to the pews. this was going to take some heavy faith and prayer to dislodge these guys from the top spot next week. his knees were begging for mercy but there was going to be no relief for them this week.
several other notables and you know who you are, with their own hopes and aspirations deflated, hung their exhausted heads and knew it was back to the charts and info sites in search of a new pick for the coming week and possibly revived hopes and aspirations. life in the fast lane of the potw chews you up, digests your hopes, and passes you thru the bowels of losing without care or compassion.
in her first week back from lloa, lovers leave of absence, riverbabe comes in at 10th. a small but positive move up from the previous day. it won't be long before she is back deep into the swing of things. another week in the can. some with the esctasy of the win and others the agony of defeat but all still breathing and already thinking of next week. that is life in the potw. and the scorecard please:
there have been no reliable reports or sightings of Louetta this week but there is a rumor circulating in some knowing circles that she is the guest of the current Dali Lama in the Forbidden City located in the highest ranges of Nepal. there is talk of an attempt by a small select group of climbers preparing an assault on K2. she being the lead climber and one of a handful of woman to have made the summit and come back alive. we as a collective group and life force should send out our vibrations for her successful climb and return. God speed Louetta wherever you are and whatever you are up to. Please come home.
Congratulations, Stenz, and well done, SirTuck and Spike.
I am still long QMAR. QMAR closed at $23.15 for the week, and the EXM buyout offer ($13 + .4084 shares EXM for each share QMAR) currently values QMAR at just under $28. You do the math.
KarelMy Investopedia portfolio
(You need to have a (free) Investopedia or Facebook login, sorry!)
River Congratulations
Best wishes for health and happiness with your new beau . I hope that the all goes well for the families.
River when you are with a person you love ....it is never a sin , however I must admit that there had been times ...when I have "SINNED" .
But we ae all mortal and no one is perfect ......do take care !
Originally posted by Peter Hansen View PostBest wishes for health and happiness with your new beau . I hope that the all goes well for the families.
River when you are with a person you love ....it is never a sin , however I must admit that there had been times ...when I have "SINNED" .
But we ae all mortal and no one is perfect ......do take care !
Originally posted by spikefader View Postlol
Ski, your time on POT this week has surely stimulated yer creative juices. lol Another good write-up to inspire future scorekeepers.
Grats to Stenz and Sirtuck fer fine picks.THE SKIRACER'S EDGE: MAKE THE EDGE IN YOUR FAVOR
I'll stick with COIN long for another week.
ski, Thanks for your most excellent scorekeeping, and best wishes on your test.
Originally posted by Karel View PostQMAR closed at $23.15 for the week, and the EXM buyout offer ($13 + .4084 shares EXM for each share QMAR) currently values QMAR at just under $28. You do the math.
Originally posted by stenzrob View Post[...] Karel, I still have shares of this. Don't forget to adjust for the 31 cent dividend. Still, QMAR is discounted from the buyout price by about 19%, by my calculation.
KarelMy Investopedia portfolio
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